
  • 网络Enlightened despotism;Enlightened absolutism
  1. 在唐代开明专制之下,有一个特殊的文人群体,即在参与朝政中受到贬谪的官员。

    Under this political background , there was a special group of literati , the relegated officers .

  2. 其次为适应开明专制的制度需要,新建立的民族国家在性质上是集权的。

    Then for the need of enlightened dictators system , the new national state must be centralized in nature .

  3. 所以,有鉴于当时中国的国情,实行开明专制乃20世纪初的最佳抉择。

    It was a best option for China to have an enlightened democratic dictatorship at the beginning of the 20th century .

  4. 到西周,神本主义思想发生动摇,一切以“人事”为重,主要表现在奉行敬德保民思想,实行分封制、宗法制、开明专制。

    It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people , the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy .