
  • 网络bourgeois revolutionaries
  1. 民国初年,资产阶级革命派形成了以振兴实业为主题的近代经济观。

    Bourgeois Revolutionaries formed their modern economic outlook in early Republican China .

  2. 论早期资产阶级革命派报刊及其历史作用

    On the Press Published by Early Bourgeois Revolutionary School and Its Historical Influence

  3. 资产阶级革命派是早期社会主义思潮传播的重要力量。

    Capitalist revolutionary is an important force in spreading the primary socialism trend of thought .

  4. 资产阶级革命派报刊

    Press published by bourgeois revolutionary school

  5. 资产阶级革命派,将学校教育和革命事业联系在一起,培养出大量女革命者。

    The bourgeois reformists combined school education with the career of revolution , and groomed lots of female revolutionists .

  6. 也不同于资产阶级革命派借兴女学来培养妇女革命人才,以达到实现政治变革目的的妇女教育观。

    They also differed from the capitalism outlook that took advantage of women education and cultivated revolutionary women talents to achieve political reform .

  7. 中国近代资产阶级革命派在诗学上的抗争意识&简记章炳麟、柳亚子诗论

    The Antagonistic Awareness in Poetics of the Bourgeoisie Revolutionaries in Modern Times of China & A Short Comment on Poetics of Zhang Bing Lin and Liu Ya-Zi

  8. 本文在列举资产阶级革命派筹款方法的基础上,具体分析了筹款活动对武装起义的影响,并探求了武装起义失败的原因。

    Discussed in this article are the effect of the fundraising and the reason for the failure of the insurrection . Methods . Method : 261 strains of Y.

  9. 孙中山领导的资产阶级革命派建立了中华民国,但它又远不是完全意义上的新中国,它在很大程度上仍然是旧中国。

    Under the leadership of Sun Yatsen , the bourgeois revolutionists could build the republic of China , but It is far from complete sense of the new China , It is still largely an old China .

  10. 为了实现这一目标,他提出了一系列政治经济主张。这些主张不能说全都正确,有些同资产阶级革命派处于对立的地位,有些在当时根本没有实现的条件。

    To realize the goal of enriching country and strengthening people , he put forward a series of political and economic proposals , not all these thoughts right , some even straight contrary to those of bourgeois revolutionist , others then lacked the foundation to be realized .

  11. 本文试采用分析归纳法、比较研究法以及史学考证与法学分析相结合的研究方法,对民族资产阶级革命派的宪政思想进行深入研究。

    For these problems , academic circles have not conducted more thorough research . This article adopts the inductive analysis method , comparative study of law and historical textual research and legal analysis of a combination of research methods , to the national bourgeoisie revolutionary constitutional thought research .

  12. 黄宗羲的治法思想还对后来的清末资产阶级维新派和革命派均产生了重要影响,是中国近代变革的本土原动力。

    His thoughts were also late Qing reformers and revolutionaries had an important impact , is the driving force behind the local change in modern China .

  13. 梁启超、孙中山等资产阶级维新派和革命派以一种新的文化心态反思传统,发掘与西方相似的价值观念,努力寻求墨学与西学的相通之处。

    Liang Chi-chao , Sun Yat-sen and other bourgeois reformers and revolutionaries to a new culture to reflect the traditional attitude to explore similarities with Western values , to seek and Western Mohism of things in common .