
  • 网络late qing dynasty
  1. 清末新政时期外交中对外报的重视与应用

    Foreign Newspapers in Diplomacy during the Reforms in Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 论清末新政时期的监狱制度改革&以新式模范监狱为中心的考察

    The Prison System Reform During the New Deal Period of the Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 清末新政倡行图书馆的立场与贡献

    Standpoint and Contribution of Late Qing Dynasty 's Advocating for Library

  4. 清末新政与社会风俗变迁

    New Deal and Transformation of Social Customs in Late Qing Dynasty

  5. 清末新政时期的西北工矿业探析相山铀矿田火山岩浆期后成矿热液系统

    Metallogenic hydrothermal solution system of post volcanic magma in Xiangshan ore field

  6. 清末新政与中国警政近代化

    New policies of the late Qing Dynasty and modernization of China police affairs

  7. 新疆三区革命后期的经济建设从督办政务处看清末新政

    The Economic Construction in the Later Period of the Three-district Revolution in Xinjiang

  8. 论清末新政时期监狱管理制度的改良

    Discussion on the Reform of Prison 's Managing System in the Late Qing Dynasty

  9. 这种历史现象的出现,与清末新政时期普通民众的社会心理有着相当大的联系。

    This historical phenomenon was closely linked with the social psychology in this period of time .

  10. 清末新政时期教育经费筹措与支出模式解析

    Financing and expenditure of education funding during the new deal period at the end of Qing

  11. 说明清末新政时期教育法规建设的创新情况。

    The paper shows the innovation of the construction of education law during the New Deal .

  12. 清末新政的思想基础

    On the Ideological Basis of the New Policies Practised in the Last Years of the Qing Dynasty

  13. 清末新政时期的中英鸦片交涉

    The Negotiation Between China and Britain on Opium in the New-policy Period of the Late Qing Dynasty

  14. 清末新政与日本明治维新之比较

    Comparison between the New Policies of the Late Period of Qing Dynasty and Japan 's Meiji Reform

  15. 论清末新政时期的禁烟运动和财政

    The Study on the Opium Abolition Campaign and Finance in the New Policy of Late Qing Dynasty

  16. 清末新政是中国现代化的全面起步,中国城市化开始了自主前行,其根源在于民族危机下中国人思想的转变。

    The independence of urbanization lies in the transformation of Chinese thought in the crisis of nationality .

  17. 中国早期现代化的终结&清末新政失败原因探析

    The end of China 's early modernization & Analysis of the failure of Reform in Late Qing Dynasty

  18. 清末新政教育变革对中国近代科学技术发展的影响

    The Late Qing Dynasty 's New Educational Reform Policies Impact On Modern Scientific and Technological Development in China

  19. 论清末新政经济政策对近代中国工商业的影响

    The Influence of New Polices of Economic Reform at the End of Qing Dynasty on Chinese Industries and Commerce

  20. 这场思潮以清末新政为界分为前后两个阶段。

    The trend of thought was divided into two stages by the New Policies of the Late Qing Period .

  21. 清末新政是中国早期现代化的全面启动,也是中国早期城市化的全面启动。

    New Deal at the end of Qing dynasty is a full start of early modernization and urbanization of China .

  22. 晚清的数十年尤其是清末新政时期,中国社会经历了前所未有的巨大变迁。

    In late decades especially in the late Qing Dynasty , Chinese society has undergone tremendous changes of hitherto unknown .

  23. 在直隶农业发展史上,清末新政时期是一个非常重要的历史阶段。

    In the agriculture history of ZhiLi Province , the New Deal in the late Qing Dynasty was very important .

  24. 试析清末新政对中国文化与经济近代化的影响

    Analysis on the impact of New Policies in the late Qing Dynasty on Chinese Culture and economic evolution to modern model

  25. 清末新政使儒家“经学时代”沦入山穷水尽的窘境。

    The New Reforms at the end of Qing Dynasty nearly ended the times of the Scriptures of the Confucian school .

  26. 督办政务处作为清末新政的核心机构在清末新政研究中有很高的研究价值;

    Under the supervise government Office as a core institution in The new deal , it has a high study value ;

  27. 自清末新政起,一个更深刻、更宏阔的新兴法律教育人才观才真正勃兴。

    From the new politics of the Late-Qing Dynasty , a deeper and grander talent view of legal education appeared really .

  28. 第二次大变迁的背景是以清末新政的实施为起点。

    The background of the 2nd great change began with implementation of the new deal by the end of the Qing Dynasty .

  29. 我建议我们在上午把问题谈清楚。浅议清末新政时期禁毒的举措与成效

    I suggested that we sort things out in the morning . On the Anti-drug Movement during the New Deal Period of Late Qing Dynasty

  30. 清末新政作为中国政治制度近代化过程中不可缺失的一环在中国的政治制度史研究中有一席之地;

    The new deal as modern China 's political system can not process the missing link in China 's political system has a history research ;