
  • 网络Tsinghua Journal of Education
  1. 其国际意义等。开幕礼今早举行,由校长吴清辉教授和清华大学教育研究所樊富民教授主礼。

    Officiating at the opening ceremony were Professor Ng Ching-fai , President and Vice-Chancellor , and Professor Fan Fumin of TU.

  2. 据《中国青年报》报道,清华大学教育研究院发布报告称,同美国研究型大学相比,我国高校在学业挑战度、主动合作学习水平和师生互动等方面,均存在较大差距。

    According to a report released by Institute of Education Tsinghua University , Chinese colleges and universities lag far behind in the fields of academic challenge , cooperative learning initiative , student-teacher interaction , and so on , when compared to U.S. research universities , China Youth Daily reported .