
  • 网络loop transfer function;open-loop transfer function;OLTF
  1. 把Prony方法用于不含控制器的系统开环传递函数辨识,以及留数的求取。

    Prony 's method is used in open-loop transfer function identification and computation of residues .

  2. 多变量频域设计方法中预期开环传递函数矩阵的选择

    The Choice of the Required Open-Loop Transfer Function Matrix of Multivariable Frequency Domain Design Method

  3. 通过试验推导出系统的开环传递函数,并且利用MATLAB/Simulink建立了系统的数学模型,同时引入PID控制算法。

    The open loop transfer function has been deduced through experiment . After that the mathematical model of system is constructed by MATLAB / Simulink and the PID control algorithm is added to the mathematical model .

  4. Boost变换器的开环传递函数有一个位于右半平面的零点,使得使用单一的反馈电压环难以同时保证系统在受到某种扰动作用时,既有很好的动态品质又不致造成系统失稳。

    It is difficult Boost converter has good dynamic adjustment performance and stability if the system using a single voltage feedback loop get some interference . The reason is Boost converter has a zero point in right half plane .

  5. 给出了协调控制器的两种设计方法,一种基于开环传递函数矩阵的正规化;

    Two design methods of the coordinated controller are given .

  6. 根据希望的开环传递函数或闭环传递函数,用简单的代数运算即可求得校正纲络的参数。

    According to either the required open-loop or closed-loop transfer function the parameters of the compensating networks can he calculated easily .

  7. 典型四阶Ⅰ型系统的开环传递函数可做为工程上常用的一类反馈系统的数学模型。

    The open-loop transfer function of the typical 4th-order type system is a mathematical model of the unity-feedback system commonly used in engineering field .

  8. 对其开环传递函数进行仿真和比较后可以发现考虑电感纹波的模型与实际更加接近,精度更高。

    After simulation and comparison of transfer functions , the model of considering current ripple of inductor is more accurate and close to the actual .

  9. 根据加入补偿网络后的开环传递函数,分析了系统在小信号扰动时的稳定情况及系统对阶跃信号的跟踪能力。

    Based on the compensated open-loop transfer function , the system stability at the small-signal perturbation and the system response to step signal are analyzed .

  10. 然后,运用测试信号法求得从直流系统整流侧定电流调节器电流参考环节到并联交流联络线有功功率的开环传递函数;

    Then the frequency of the test signal is scanned at the HVDC rectifier current set point , and the oscillated active power flow in the parallel AC tie line is obtained .

  11. 在分析脉冲电源放电电流闭环控制子电路的基础上,利用状态空间平均法建立了脉冲电源系统的开环传递函数。

    Base on analyzing the sub circuit of close loop control for discharging current of pulse generator , the transfer function of open loop is built by using the state-space averaging method .

  12. 提出了针对一类开环传递函数矩阵对象为本质稳定及解耦后仍是本质稳定时系统的冗余设计方法。

    This method is essential for the stability of a class of objects outside the loop transfer function matrix , in the decoupling both before and after decoupling is an essentially stable object .

  13. 首先基于系统开环传递函数和通用的悬浮控制器模型,通过将其单实极点配置为闭环非主导极点,将爬坡能力与控制系统的频带和阻尼等参数对应起来;

    Firstly , based on the transform functions of the system and controller models , the relation between the grade climbing ability and frequency band and damp are corresponded by regulating the single-real pole to non-dominant pole .

  14. 通过绘制闭环传递函数的根轨迹和计算开环传递函数的稳定裕度,分析了所提功率控制系统的稳定性,设计了控制系统的外环和内环控制增益。

    With drawing the root locus of the closed-loop transfer function and calculating stability margin of the open-loop transfer function , the stability of the proposed power control system is discussed and the control gains of outer and inner loops are designed .

  15. 然后在直流系统整流侧定电流调节器电流参考环节对测试信号进行频率扫描,激发并联交流联络线有功功率振荡,通过时域仿真和频域分析,辨识开环传递函数;

    After time domain simulations using electromechanical transient analysis programs , the open-loop transfer function between the current reference signal of the HVDC constant current regulator and the active power flow in the parallel AC tie line is identified by Fourier resolution and curve fitting .

  16. 推导开环检测时传递函数、静态灵敏度、带宽的表达式,并分析其影响因素.实验结果表明:驱动频率在1h内相对变化量为0.00022%;

    The expression of transfer function , band width and static sensitivity is deduced in open-loop detection .

  17. 通过试验得出APC方式下的开环和闭环传递函数;

    The transfer functions of both closed loop and opened loop are got from experiments .

  18. 第三,分析了MEMS传感器系统的静电场与静电力表达式、动力学方程,以及开环和闭环传递函数。

    Thirdly , The electrostatic field and its force expressions , dynamic equations , and open loop & close loop transfer functions of MEMS sensors are analyzed .

  19. 设计了小抖动稳频控制系统,分析了各部分的组成与传递函数,给出了系统的开环和闭环传递函数。

    A closed-loop control system for frequency stabilization is designed .

  20. 利用频域卷积的频移特性,推导了功率环的传递函数,并得出了整个系统开环和闭环传递函数。

    According to the frequency-shift characteristics of frequency-domain convolution , the transfer function of the power outer loop is derived . The open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions of the whole system are also obtained .

  21. 最后用K~进行压根,一次成功地求出姿态系统开环或闭环传递函数及其零、极点。

    And finally , it presses the roots by K and successfully solves in no time the open-loop or closed-loop transfer function for the attitude system , and the zeroes and poles of the transfer function .

  22. 采用电流反馈型并网控制方案,对单相光伏并网逆变输出级建立小信号模型,推导开环逆变系统的传递函数,分析开环系统的性能,并用PI控制器进行了系统校正。

    Adopt current feedback type grid-connected control method , and establish a small-signal model of the single-phase PV grid-connected inverter output stage , and conclude transfer function of open-loop invert system , and analyze the performance of open-loop system , and correct system with PI controller .

  23. 开环人-机传递函数

    Open-loop man-machine transfer function