
  • 网络Eastern Han Dynasty
  1. 再者,将汉代良吏现象介入参考,说明东汉末年石刻文字在民间范围应用的广泛性,文字风格、内容的民俗化。

    Moreover , the han dynasty " good collectors " phenomenon in reference , explain the eastern han dynasty last years stone carvings text in folk scope extensive application of , writing style , the content of folk customs .

  2. 本文主要从东汉末年代表文人五言诗最高成就的《古诗十九首》中所表现的生命意识研究汉魏之际文人生命意识的觉醒。

    This paper studies about the sense of life according to the Nineteen Ancient Poems of Eastern Han Dynasty to observe the occasion of literati and consciousness of life during Han and Wei . The poem was the representatives of the highest achievement of literati Five-character poem .

  3. 在分析皇帝、国别、年号等相关概念的基础上,利用OWL本体描述语言,建立了三国时期(含东汉末年到西晋初年这一历史跨度)的历史年代本体。

    After analyzing the relationship among the concepts of the emperors , the states and the titles of the regimes , a historical ontology about the period of three kingdoms has been made in OWL .

  4. 《太平经》成书于东汉末年,是道教经典作品。

    Taiping Jing finished in late Eastern Han is the classical work of Taoist .

  5. 东汉末年统治者对儒学的提倡,学校教育和建安七子受儒学的影响等历史事实,决定了儒学在汉末和建安七子思想中仍据主导地位。

    Confucianism had played a leading role in the Late Han Dynasty and influenced most of the famous Jian'an Seven Scholars .

  6. 蔡邕生活于东汉末年,是一个时代新旧交替时期重要的过渡人物。

    Cai Yong , living in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty , was a transitional character between dynasties .

  7. 公元前6世纪至公元18世纪末的中国教育分为三个发展周期。第一个周期从春秋末年至东汉末年。

    Education in China from the 6th century BC to the end of 18th century falls into three cycles of development .

  8. 东汉末年,随着佛教的传入和发展,佛教寺院经济也随之兴起。

    At the end of East-Han dynasty , the Buddhism monastery economy was coming about along with the coming of the Buddhism .

  9. 东汉末年的分裂割据,亦与封建庄园私人武装的迅速发展有着直接的联系。

    The disruption in the last period of Eastern-Han dynasty also rekted directly with rapid development of the armed forces of feudal lord-manor .

  10. 他对东汉末年中国北方的统一,生产的恢复有着重大贡献。

    He to the Eastern Han Dynasty last years north part of China 's unification , the production restoration has the significant contribution .

  11. 自东汉末年佛教传入中国,佛教艺术逐渐成为中国历史上的一个大系。

    Since Buddhism spread to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty , Buddhist art has developed into a grand school of art in Chinese history .

  12. 从东汉末年到三国,北方处于战乱之中,这一带却比较平静安定。

    From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms , the north being at war , this area has been relatively calm and stability .

  13. 东汉末年,宦官政治空前腐败,社会动荡不安,人民生活在水深火热之中。

    At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty , eunuch politics came to the zenith , politics was very corrupt and society became turbulent and unsafe .

  14. 东汉末年,黄门职官被罢,黄门鼓吹之名渐渐淡化,鼓吹曲也多有失传。

    Eastern Han Dynasty , yellow door Officials were dismissed , yellow door preaching in the name of gradually diluted , advocating song also made many lost .

  15. 他博学多才,既是东汉末年有名的儒家学者,又是多才多艺的文士,于辞章、数术、天文、音乐、史学、文学无一不通。

    He was not only a famous Confucian scholar , but also a versatile classic in Cizhang , Shushu , astronomy , music , history and literature .

  16. 始于东汉末年的佛经翻译不仅声势浩大,而且生发了理论的光芒,并对后世的翻译产生了重大影响。

    Translation of Budhist classics started from the end of East Han Dynasty , having profound influence on translation thereafter due to its remarkable practice and theories .

  17. 张仲景,今河南南阳人,是东汉末年的名医。

    Zhang Zhongjing was from the modern Nanyang , Henan province , one of the most eminent Chinese physicians during the last years of the Eastern Han .

  18. 麻沸散是世界上最早被发明和使用的麻醉剂,由东汉末年名医华佗发明。

    Ma Fei San is the first anesthetic in the world and was invented by Hua Tuo , an outstanding doctor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty .

  19. 五禽戏是我国古代体育锻炼的一种方法,创始人是东汉末年名医华佗。

    The Five-animal Exercise , as a means of physical training in ancient China , was created by Hua Tuo , an eminent doctor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty .

  20. 东汉末年的大姓名士是魏晋士族的前身,但并不是所有的大姓名士都能成为士族。

    The celebrities in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were the predecessors of the nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties . However , not all the celebrities could become nobles .

  21. 张仲景(150~219),又叫张机,东汉末年最著名的医生之一。

    Zhang Zhongjing ( 150 ~ 219 ) , also known as Zhang Ji , was one of the most eminent Chinese physicians during the later years of the Eastern Han era .

  22. 到东汉末年,宦官专权,吏治腐败,政局动荡,传统的经学已经不适应社会发展的需要,弊端百出。

    In the late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty , eunuchs autocratic , corrupt officials , political instability , the traditional Confucian classics had no community development to meet more social needs .

  23. 东汉末年,分金城郡新置西平郡,从此,金城郡治由允吾迁至榆中(今榆中县城西)。

    The late Eastern Han Dynasty , the new home county Jincheng West inhabitants , Since then , I come from Jincheng Junzhi moved to Yuzhong ( now the Yuzhong County West ) .

  24. 特别是从西汉中期至东汉末年,节日资源通过大规模的整合,在质量和数量上都获得空前的进展,初步形成一个秩序井然的节日体系。

    Especially from the mid-period of Xi-Han Dynasty to the end of Dong-Han Dynasty , the festival obtained unprecedented development both in the quality and the quantity which primarily came into an orderly system .

  25. 许下屯田是东汉末年曹操在统一北方过程中采取的一项重要措施。

    Stationing soldiers at Xuxia and making them raise their own food was an important step , which was taken by Caocao , to unify the north at the last years of Donghan dynasty .

  26. 自和帝起,汉政府废除了盐铁的专卖政策而实行民营征税制度,但政府专卖也仍然存在,一直到东汉末年。

    From the time of Emperor He , the government abolished the salt and iron monopoly and practiced the policy of salt and iron and taxes , but the governmental monopoly was still on .

  27. 道教是中国的本土宗教,产生于东汉末年,与儒、释教一起构筑了中国传统文化的三大支柱。

    Taoism is an native religion of China , was produced in the last years of the East Han dynasty , and has constructed the three big pillars of Chinese traditional culture with Confucianism and Buddhism together .

  28. 杀人凶器是一把大型的外科手术器械东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。

    The murder weapon is a larger version of the surgical implement Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty ( 25-220 ), state power fell into Dong Zhuo 's hand , a very cruel and manipulating person .

  29. 摘要生当东汉末年的曹操,在当时极其险恶的社会环境中,以其卓越的军事和政治才干,扫灭群雄,统一北方,为中国由乱而治、从分到合奠定了坚实的基础。

    Cao Cao who lived in the perilous late Eastern Han Dynasty had unified the north of China by his remarkable ability of military and administration to conquer separatist warlords , so as to lay a solid foundation for unifyingl the whole country .

  30. 另一个例子,三国时期(公元220-公元280)魏、蜀、吴在纷乱的东汉末年崛起,并陷入了长达60年的战争中,而这场战争造成了3400万人死亡,多么惊人的一个数字。

    Another example was the Three Kingdoms era ( 220-280 CE ) when the states of Wei , Shu , and Wu arose from the ashes of the Han Dynasty and waged sixty years of war that left an astonishing 34 million people dead .