
shuì zhì ɡǎi ɡé
  • tax reform;reform of taxation system
  1. 简述税制改革及对石化企业的影响

    Impact of Reform of Taxation System on Petrochemical Enterprises

  2. 政府优先致力于税制改革。

    The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system .

  3. 她把自己的政治前程押在税制改革上,结果赌输了。

    She staked her political career on tax reform , and lost .

  4. 咱们继续讨论下一项税制改革这个棘手的问题吧。

    Let 's move on to the prickly subject of taxation reform .

  5. 加入WTO后我国税制改革的初步探讨

    An Initial Study of China 's Taxation Reform after WTO

  6. WTO规则与中国税制改革及保护

    The WTO Regulations and the Reform and Protection of Taxation System in China

  7. 从WTO的原则谈我国入世后的税制改革

    Reform of China 's Tax System with WTO Principles as the Background after China 's Entry into WTO

  8. 提出了我国加入WTO后,根据税制改革的总体布局,进一步完善涉外税收优惠制度的具体政策建议。

    Then it proposes some policy suggestions on how to improve the exiting preferential tax system in terms of the whole tax system reform after China 's entry into WTO .

  9. 随着我国经济飞速发展,尤其在我国加入WTO后,现行的个人所得税制度已经不能适应经济发展形势,需要个人所得税制改革来加以解决。

    Along with the rapid economical development , particularly after our country 's entry to the WTO , the present individual income tax system could not meet the demands of the economic development , and need be reformed .

  10. 1994年税制改革以来,我国各地区税收收入连年高速增长,导致全国税收收入占GDP的比重迅速上升。研究发现这种税收收入的快速增长给经济增长带来严重不利影响。

    This paper finds that rapid growth of tax revenues since tax system reform in 1994 , which results in increasing rate of total tax revenues to GDP , has negative effects on our economic growth .

  11. 由于国际经济一体化的深入、资本自由流动导致税收竞争加剧,OECD国家正在进行公司所得税制改革,具体方式是降低税率、拓宽税基;

    With the deeper of global economic integration , and the more capital liquidity , the more tax competition , OECD nations had to perform corporate income tax reforms .

  12. 本文通过对变量的单整和协整检验,采用EG两步法建立协整模型和ECM模型,实证分析了税制改革,主要讨论增值税和企业所得税改革,对我国财政收入的影响。

    This paper mainly analyses the influences that tax-system reforms ( including reforms of value-added tax and enterprise income tax ) will exert on the government revenue by building Error Correction Model with E-G two step method through unit root test and co-integration test .

  13. 我国税收环境对税制改革的制约及优化

    Restriction and optimization of tax system reform in Chinese taxation environment

  14. 东盟国家税制改革及其借鉴

    Tax Reforms in the ASEAN Countries and Its Implications to China

  15. 房产税税制改革探讨

    A Probe into the Reform of the Taxation on House Property

  16. 税收正义是当前税制改革的前提规范。

    Tax Justice is the precondition rule of current tax reform .

  17. 关于进一步深化地方税制改革的思考

    Thinking on How to Deepen the Reform of Local Taxation System

  18. 南非财产税制改革对我国物业税改革的借鉴

    Property Tax Reform in South Africa and Its Implications for China

  19. 加快我国房地产税制改革的几点见解

    Several Opinions of Speeding up our Country Real Estate Tax Reform

  20. 在各国的环境税制改革发展中有许多成功的经验值得我国参考和借鉴。

    There are many successful experience is worth our reference and .

  21. 国际税收竞争及我国税制改革研究

    International Taxation Competition and Research on China 's Taxation System Reform

  22. 新一轮税制改革面临的挑战与现实选择

    The Challenge and Actuality Choice of a New Tax System Reform

  23. 我国电子商务环境下税制改革的基本思路

    Discussion on Reforming the Tax System of Our Country in E-Commerce

  24. 新一轮税制改革展望及评析

    Prospect and Analysis on the New Round of Taxation System Reform

  25. 关于市场经济下企业所得税制改革的构想

    Study on the Reformation of Corporation Income Tax System in Market Economy

  26. 深化我国现行税制改革的探讨

    A Discussion on the Further Reform of China 's Present Tax System

  27. 1994年中国税制改革深析

    Discussion on the Reform of China 's Taxation in 1994

  28. 新一轮中国税制改革特点探析

    Probe in the Characteristic of the New Tax System Reform

  29. 拉美国家税制改革对收入分配的影响

    Tax System Reform in Latin America : The Impacts on Income Distribution

  30. 新一轮税制改革中我国涉外税收政策的调整

    Adjustment of Foreign Taxation Policy Under the New Tax Reform