
shuì hòu lì rùn
  • after-tax profits
税后利润[shuì hòu lì rùn]
  1. ASC税后利润占收入的6%至10%。

    ASC 's after-tax profits range between 6 per cent and 10 per cent of revenues .

  2. 公司应从税后利润中提取储备金和职工奖励及福利基金。

    The Company shall set aside from its after-tax profits the reserve fund and staff bonus and welfare fund .

  3. 经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,以下简称EVA)是资本成本从税后利润中扣除后的剩余收入,能够比较客观、真实地评价企业的经营业绩。

    Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is the surplus income after the capital cost have been deducted , which can appraise the management achievement quite objectively and actually .

  4. EVA作为一种测量体系,与传统的会计净利润相比能反映一个特定时期内一项业务的税后利润,因为它扣除了重新投资的投资成本。

    It cau reflects after-tax profit of a business during a particular period because the capital cost for reinvest is deducted by using EVA .

  5. EVA或附加经济价值,是指从企业息前税后利润中扣除资金总成本后的余额,它是全面衡量企业生产经营真正盈利或创造价值的一个指标或一种规则。

    EVA or added economic value-deducting capital cost from profit before interest after tax . It can be used to value true profit of entity .

  6. 汽车集团mahindra则承诺将其税后利润的1%捐给公益项目。

    Mahindra pledges 1 per cent of its profit after tax to social initiatives .

  7. 近几年VW在国际市场的运作出现了较大地波动,尽管其整体的销售量和销售额一直保持不变,但总税后利润在20022003年下降幅度较大。说明其单车成本有较大幅度的增加。

    Although its whole vehicle sales and sales proceeds remain unchanged , but its net earnings after tax in Year 2002 and Year 2003 dropped heftily , which showed its cost per vehicle increased greatly .

  8. 我们的税后利润高达880万元

    Our profits after tax reached as much as 8.8 million yuan

  9. 股利政策主要讨论企业税后利润如何分配的问题,是企业的一项重要决策。

    Corporate dividend policy mainly focus on how to distribute profit after tax .

  10. 委托代理理论在企业集团税后利润优化中的应用

    Application of Principal-Agent Theory to Optimizing Group 's Profit - After - Tax

  11. 税后利润率指净收入与净销售之比。

    After - tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sale .

  12. 几十年前,人们用股价与税后利润的比(即市盈率)来对企业估值。

    Decades ago , shares were valued on a multiple of post-tax earnings a P / E ratio .

  13. 确保最近季度税后利润率在提高,并且接近该股票税后利润率的峰值。

    Make sure the recent quarterly after-tax profit margins are improving and near the stock 's peak after-tax margins .

  14. 因此,更好的衡量方法是评判经维护、资本支出和营运资本调整后的可持续税后利润。

    A better method is to judge sustainable post-tax profits after maintenance , capital expenditure and working capital adjustments .

  15. 本文将借鉴李艳的研究方法,提出税后利润法对我国保险公司特许权价值进行计量。

    This paper will draw on research methods after-tax profit of franchise value of our insurance companies to measure .

  16. 跨国经营者的最大目的就是提高经济效益,谋求税负最小化和税后利润最大化。

    It is greatest final objective that transnational corporation tries to achieve the least tax and the most profit .

  17. 损失准备提取不足的,不得进行税后利润分配。

    Where provisions for losses haven 't been set aside adequately , after-tax profit distribution may not be carried out .

  18. 决定合营公司从税后利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金和职工奖励及福利基金的比例;

    Deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds , pension funds and bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company ;

  19. 股利政策是指公司税后利润在向股东支付股利与企业内部留存收益之间的分配选择。

    Dividend policy is that the after-tax profits as a dividend distributed to shareholders or as retained earnings retained in the enterprise .

  20. 公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金。

    When a company distributes the annual after-tax profits , it shall allocate ten percent of its profits to its statutory common reserve fund .

  21. 引进项目并以开展经营的,按该企业年税后利润一次性付给5%的中介费。

    These who introduce item and the item begin to operate can get5 % intermediary fee in lump-sum way according to its pure profit .

  22. 他的公司口号是:“只要好的。”从一开始,乌鲁卡亚就将公司10%的税后利润投入到慈善事业当中。

    His corporate motto : " Nothing but good . " From the start , Ulukaya has allocated 10 % of Chobani 's after-tax profits to philanthropy .

  23. 寿险公司股东价值收益的形式具体包括:税后利润、现存保单价值、公司盈利能力。

    Shareholder value return of life insurers is composed of after - tax profit , value of in-force business and profit - generating capacity of the company .

  24. 因此,尽管从税后利润的指标看,农业上市公司每年的平均净利润总额一直是正数,似乎这些公司每年都在创造财富,但如果要计算资本成本,其实农业上市公司每年都在毁灭财富。

    Though the average net profit of agricultural listed companies has been above zero and seems to improve welfare , they actually diminished welfare , if capital cost were taken into consideration .

  25. 就这一点而言,浑水自己的数据也并非毫无瑕疵:它给出的很多数据都是占税后利润(而非税前利润)的比例,这样得出的数据看上去数值更大。

    To that end , its own numbers are not above reproach : it presents many findings as a percentage of post-tax , not pre-tax profits , which makes them look larger .

  26. 原《公司法》第一百七十七条规定:公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金,并提取利润的百分之五至百分之十列入公司法定公益金。

    Meanwhile , the original Company Ordinance states that when the company distributes the after-tax profits , it should draw from the profits by 5 % to 10 % to the statutory public welfare fund .

  27. 美国最大的石油集团埃克森和欧洲老大壳牌昨日宣布,第二季度的税后利润约为去年同期的三分之一。

    Exxon , the largest US oil group , and Shell , the biggest in Europe , yesterday unveiled post-tax profits for the second quarter that were roughly a third of those a year ago .

  28. 企业集团税后利润的优化问题论税利分流、税后承包净利+利息+折旧抑或净利+税后利息+折旧?&对会计资格考试辅导教材中经营现金净流量计量方法的商榷

    " Net Profit + Interest + Depreciation " or " Net Profit + Interest after Texes + Depreciation "? & Discussion on the Measurement Method of Cash Flow in guidance books for Accounting Qualification Test

  29. 纳税人在决定经营前或在经营过程中,除了对自己面临的各种方案进行比较,以获取税后利润最大化外,往往要委托税务代理机构的专家们进行税收筹划。

    In and before the management process , the taxpayers will not only compare the after-tax profits of various projects facing them , but also entrust the experts of tax agencies to conduct tax planning .

  30. 据预测,全球航空产业税后利润额从2011年的79亿美元降至今年的30亿美元,净利润率仅为0.5%。

    The global industry 's after-tax profits are forecast to fall from $ 7.9 billion in 2011 to $ 3 billion this year ; that is just 0.5 % of revenue ( see chart ) .