
  • 网络Tax Department;revenue department;taxman
  1. 根据一份提交给美国证交会(SEC)的申报文件,Facebook自身将支付这笔税款,预扣相当于限制性股票价值的45%缴纳给税务部门。

    According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission , Facebook itself will cover that bill , withholding the equivalent of 45 per cent of the value of the restricted stock to be paid to tax authorities .

  2. 基层税务部门绩效评估研究

    A Study on the Performance Evaluation for the Grass-roots Tax Department

  3. 他过去一直在欺骗税务部门,只是多年以后才被查出来。

    He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out .

  4. 终端管理系统设计:成功实现了嵌入式系统的网络接入,建立起基于Internet的网络管理系统,满足税务部门税务征收和稽查的功能,率先实现网络报税,实现真正的税收电子化。

    Design of terminal management system : Internet access of embedded system has been achieved . Network management based on Internet is realized . All the taxation steps such as tax collection , tax check and invoice preparation can completely meet the needs of administration of Taxation .

  5. 本文讨论的POS税控盒连接在POS机上,通过公用电话交换网(PSTN)和税务部门的主机进行数据通信,完成税务部门对POS机数据的查询工作。

    In order to finish the data checking , the POS tax box system communicates with PC of tax department through PSTN , it is connected with POS in the other hand .

  6. 最后使用ARMA模型实现了税收收入预测,预测的税收与实际税收数据较为相近,为税务部门管理决策提供了良好的支持。

    Finally , we achieve the tax revenue forecast in use of ARMA time series forecasting methods and the data is close to real data . It provides good basis for managerial decision .

  7. 本文在借鉴其他地区和税务部门实行能级管理经验的基础上,从XX市国税部门的实际情况出发,提出建立市级国税部门能力管理制度的尝试。

    Finally , in the experience of other regions and the implementation level management experience in the tax department on the basis of XX city from the actual conditions of national tax department , proposed establishing a capacity management system in this sector attempts .

  8. 第三,建立健全税收权力监督制约机制,提高税务部门执法水平;

    Third , regulate tax authority by establishing sound guarantee system .

  9. 第一部分:税务部门质量管理概述。

    Part ⅰ: General introduction of quality management in Revenue Department .

  10. 税收征管系统是税务部门进行税款征收管理的一套工作流程,税收征管工作的自动化、网络化是其发展方向之一。

    Revenue Management System is a workflow of tax bureau affairs .

  11. 税务部门在征收税款的过程中主要依赖国家的强制力即公法上的行政强制制度来保障税款的实现。

    Tax department impose on the power of the country .

  12. 实施电子签名法税务部门准备好了吗?

    Implementing the electronic signature , has the revenue department got ready ?

  13. 五是税务部门之间的权力划分过于原则。

    Finally , the power division between tax departments is too conservative .

  14. 因此对税务部门的要求越来越高。

    So , people ask more and more of the tax bureau .

  15. 税务部门质量管理新探

    The New Exploration of Quality Management in Revenue Department

  16. 通报的范围为外经贸部门、海关、银行和税务部门。

    The coverage of circulation is MOFTEC departments , banks and taxation departments .

  17. 甲方将协助乙方提交税务部门要求的个人纳税材料。

    Party A will help Party B with any required income tax filing .

  18. 再次,论述了基层税务部门组织文化的构成。

    Then , discussed the constitutes of organizational culture of grassroots tax bureau .

  19. 第三部分:进一步完善税务部门质量管理的思考。

    Part ⅲ: Reflection of further improvement of quality management in Revenue Department .

  20. 征税成本的高低可以直接反映税务部门的行政效率。

    Taxation cost can tell the administration efficiency of the taxation department directly .

  21. 公民参与地方政府税务部门绩效评估有着广阔的发展前景。

    Citizens to participate in local tax department has broad prospects for development .

  22. 他多年来一直欺骗税务部门。

    He had been cheating the taxman for years .

  23. 控制基层税务部门税收征收成本的研究

    Research of How to Control the Tax Collection Cost in Grassroots Tax Authorities

  24. 国内税退税,税务部门。

    And for tax refund , taxation authorities .

  25. 协助主管联系政府税务部门。

    Assist tax supervisor to contact tax authorities .

  26. 这些问题包括来自税务部门、反贪部门和大众不断的审查。

    These include added scrutiny from tax collectors , anti-corruption regulators and the public .

  27. 纳税申报是税务部门和税户的一项十分繁琐的工作。

    Taxation declare is an complicated procedure to both tax raiser and tax payers .

  28. 它也给税务部门制定了刚性的税收目标,并使外国公司成了诱人的靶子。

    It also gave tax authorities stiff revenue targets , and made foreign companies fair game .

  29. 几年来,围绕着做好纳税服务工作,理论界和各级税务部门进行了积极探索。

    Theorists and law departments of all levels have been researching on tax service for years .

  30. 如何利用税收政策大力促进循环经济的发展,是当前税务部门研究的重要课题。

    And foundation our country practical , set forth taxation countermeasure of promote circulation economy develop .