
kǒu tóu biàn lùn
  • oral argument
  1. 我从不担心这个,因为美国科学家比如Rush,Glen,以及Sean已经口头辩论证明了没有人工污染及温度升高这回事。

    I wouldn 't even worry about it , because American scientists like Rush , Glen , and Sean have proven by oral argument that there is no such thing as man-made pollution or temperature change .

  2. 书状、口头辩论、文件、构成案文、地图和图表

    Pleadings , Oral Arguments , Documents , Comprising Texts , Maps and Charts

  3. 口头辩论审理样式分析&以程序效率为视角

    The Analysis of Trial Mode Concerning Oral Argument : From the Perspective of Procedural Efficiency

  4. 要求准许他们提出法庭之友案情摘要,大概还参与口头辩论;

    Requesting permission to file an amicus curiae brief and perhaps to present oral argument ;

  5. 书状、口头辩论和文件

    Pleadings , Oral Arguments , Documents

  6. 这两位联邦税收、创造就业机会和退休者的医疗保健基金进行了口头辩论。

    The two men traded verbal jabs on federal taxes , job creation , and retiree health-care funding .

  7. 此外,通过对书面和口头辩论中的比较,本文对三类模糊限制语和三种礼貌策略的使用频率作了初探。

    And the thesis makes an exploration on the frequency of hedges and politeness strategies in different legal texts .

  8. 周二法官们听取了已经沸沸扬扬闹腾2年这一事件的口头辩论。

    On Tuesday , the justices heard oral arguments in this case , which has been bubbling up for two years .

  9. 美国第七巡回上诉法庭宣布重新安排了口头辩论时间以审理两个州的上诉请求,时间定为8月26日。

    The seventh US Circuit Court of Appeals announced it has rescheduled oral arguments for both states ' appeals for August 26 .

  10. 最高法院早在3月就能够听到关于这件案子的口头辩论并且能够在6月进行裁决。

    The high court could hear oral arguments in both cases as early as March and rule on both cases in June .

  11. 而且,自由心证制度是与公开审判、口头辩论、交叉提问等极为生动的诉讼原则和方式结合在一起的。

    Furthermore , the free mind testimony is combined closely with those vivid principles and techniques such as an open judgement , oral discussion and cross questioning .

  12. 在一些裁判中,律师必须明确要求口头辩论;如果他们忘记要求,法庭将根据摘要做出判决。

    In some jurisdictions the lawyers must specifically request oral argument ; if they forget to request oral argument the court will decide the case on the briefs .

  13. 最高法院受理的案件经口头辩论由接受一种理论或者案件要素的法官的多数来决定。

    The Supreme Court cases that are heard for oral argument are decided by a majority of the justices accepting one theory or opinion of the elements of the case .

  14. 波士顿爆炸案的嫌犯焦哈尔·沙尼耶夫并未被判处死刑,其律师周二出席法庭庭辩,对监狱各种限制例如邮件、媒体、访客的权限进行口头辩论。

    Lawyers for surviving Boston bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev are due in court Tuesday for oral arguments about prison restrictions , like access to mail , the media and visitors .

  15. 依据具体法庭的规则,法庭可以根据提交的摘要做出判决也可以安排口头辩论。

    Depending on the rules of the particular court , the court may decide the case based on the briefs submitted to the court or the court may schedule oral argument .

  16. 在口头辩论时,其中一个对人们质疑伊利诺州窃听法案进行听证的法官担心,允许民众记录警察的言行可能会妨碍警察工作。

    During oral arguments , one of the judges hearing the challenges to the Illinois Eavesdropping Act worried that allowing recording might hinder the ability of the police to do their jobs .

  17. 在程序构造上,口头辩论审理样式表现为一系列以当事人之间口头诉答和法官听取为内容的口头辩论期日。

    While in the construction of procedure , the trial mode of oral argument appears as a series of oral complaints and defenses and designated date of oral argument heard by the judges .

  18. 法官收到诉状后,乃应将其送达被告,同时应指定两造进行第一次口头辩论的期日①。

    After receiving the petition from the plaintiff , the court should service it to the defendant promptly along with informing him or her of the accurate date of oral debate for the first time .

  19. 为了锻炼他们的语言表达能力,我选择了设置口头作文、小组辩论赛等课堂练习;

    To improve their speaking skills , I helped them develop oral compositions and organize in-class debates .

  20. 提高口语能力的方法很多,其中口头访谈,复述课文,看图说话或讲故事,角色扮演或即兴表演,口头报告和辩论是常见的口语训练形式。

    The methods that rise ability of spoken English are many , some of them such as oral interview , story-telling , role-plays etc , are common training of spoken English .