
  • 网络port cities
  1. 论近代中国条约口岸城市发展特征&与非条约口岸城市之比较

    On Developmental Feature of Port Cities in Modern China E City

  2. 口岸城市与周边地区近代交通邮电业的架构&以上海和长江三角洲为中心

    The Relation between the Port Cities and the Construction of Traffic and Telecommunication Industries in Their Neighboring Areas in Modern China

  3. 不求规模但求风格&建设中俄文化交融的边境口岸城市

    Construct Border Port City of Culture Communication between China and Russia

  4. 它还是一个与越南接壤的口岸城市。

    It is also a coastal city bordering on vietnam .

  5. 在新的历史条件和国内外背景下,中国边境口岸城市的发展将面临更多挑战与机遇。

    The new condition brings opportunities and challenges to frontier port city .

  6. 中国大陆口岸城市外向型腹地研究

    The Foreign-oriented Hinterland of Chinese Port-cities

  7. 国际金融危机以来,贸易保护主义日益抬头,直接影响了中国边境口岸城市的发展。

    Since the international financial crisis , trade protectionism influences the continue-ability development of frontier port city .

  8. 加强口岸城市入境旅游者、商务游客、外籍常住人口的促销,特别是对上海的促销;

    Strengthening sales promotion to inbound tourists , foreign businessmen and foreigners living in harbor cities , especially in Shanghai ;

  9. 中石化表示,它在内陆口岸城市重庆市涪陵区的项目是中国前景最好的页岩气开发项目。

    Sinopec says its project in Fuling , near the inland port city of Chongqing , is China 's most promising shale development .

  10. 中国口岸城市入境旅游流西向演化研究&以北京市为例

    Research on Evolution Law of China Inbound Tourist Flow to the West Based on Port City & Take Beijing City as an Example

  11. 第五章主要概括了中蒙边贸中主要口岸城市的贸易情况,摒弃了传统的按照具体交易货物类型来分析。

    Chapter ⅴ summarizes the border trade situation of the main ports , abandoning the traditional analytical way in terms of types of goods .

  12. 满洲里作为一个拥有较长历史的边境口岸城市,在对外贸易迅速发展的同时,也存在着一些问题,如加工产品附加值较低,相关配套设施不完备等。

    During the development of foreign trade , there are still some problems , such as the processing of low value-added products , the related facilities is incomplete .

  13. 黑龙江省以省会城市哈尔滨为中心沿边境线呈扇形分布着15个口岸城市。

    There are fifteen trading ports of Heilongjiang province , which are distributed along the Sino-Russian borderline and assume a fan shape starting from the axis city Harbin .

  14. 开埠之后,汉口的经济结构发生重大转型,从一个处于内陆的封建传统市镇转变为近代意义上的国际性开放口岸城市;

    After opening the port , HanKow 's economic structure had experienced dramatic transformation , from an inland town with feudal tradition to an international port city in modern sense .

  15. 十九世纪下半叶,各口岸城市乃至内地城镇,都有教会学校设立,校舍设施也渐具规模。

    In the half of the nineteenth century , trading ports as well as inland towns cities have set up religious schools , school facilities are also becoming a larger scale .

  16. 珠海作为大桥的西落脚点之一,将成为唯一与港澳均有陆路联系的口岸城市,具备了优先承载桥头经济、实现受益最大化的先天条件。

    As the west stance of the bridge , becoming the only port city connecting Hong Kong and Macau , ZhuHai will get the strategic priority in economic and social development .

  17. 华人上层聚居租界和社会下层的边缘化,形成了中心-边缘型通商口岸城市社会空间的一种模式。

    Upper class of Chinese people residing in foreign concessions and lower class living on the edge of city , there form a mode of social space as center-edge in treaty port city .

  18. 厦门是东南沿海重要的商贸、交通口岸城市,市政府也已经把物流产业列为支柱性产业来发展。

    Xiamen is an important hub city of commerce and transportation in southeast China , and now the municipal government is focusing on developing of logistics which is regarded as a foundational business .

  19. 我国内陆边境线漫长,边境口岸城市众多,多位于西部及少数民族地区,边境口岸城市的发展对带动其所在省份经济的发展有积极作用。

    China has a long inland border and many border cities , which locate in the western and ethnic minority areas . The developments of border cities have the positive affection to the provinces ' economy .

  20. 改革开放以来,我国陆路沿边口岸城市通过扩大对外开放,充分利用自身的区位优势和资源优势,大力发展口岸经济。

    Since reform and opening up , China is expanding ports to the outside world , by making full use of ports advantages and natural resources , port and the port economic has been rapidly developed .

  21. 凭祥市位于中国广西西南端的边境线上,是一个口岸城市,地处祖国南部,素有“祖国南大门”的美誉,是中国距离东盟国家最近的国际化城市。

    Pingxiang , a port city on the border of the southwest Guangxi Autonomous Region , is well-known as South Gate of China for lying in south China , and it is the nearest international city to ASEAN for China .

  22. 地处东南沿海又是近代中国首批通商口岸城市的宁波在近代中国社会变迁中颇具典型意义,但至今相关研究极为薄弱。

    Located in Southeast coast of China , Ningbo is one of the first commercial ports in modern times . Its social development features typically in the advancement of modern Chinese society . Up to now the related research on it is quite limited .

  23. 布卢姆菲尔德康涅狄格州中北部的一个城镇,是哈特福德的郊区城镇。人口19483黑龙江省以省会城市哈尔滨为中心沿边境线呈扇形分布着15个口岸城市。

    A town of north-central Connecticut , a suburb of Hartford . Population , 19 , 483 . There are fifteen trading ports of Heilongjiang province , which are distributed along the Sino-Russian borderline and assume a fan shape starting from the axis city Harbin .

  24. 对外贸易是一个国家现代化发展过程中的重要构成部分,本文从现代化的角度对1930&1936年间的中国对外贸易对中国的工业化、通商口岸城市化等的影响进行了详细研究。

    Foreign trade plays a very important part in the development of a country 's modernization . From the perspective of modernization , this article makes a detailed research on the impact of China 's foreign trade during 1930-1936 upon China 's industrialization , treaty port urbanization , etc.

  25. 并提出了口岸城市西安与经济腹地协调发展的建议:合理分布及优化区域空间功能区;注重空间整合;分清不同区域的发展阶段,合理进行区域经济规划,促进经济的可持续发展。

    And made recommendations for the coordinated development between Xi ' an and the economic hinterland : rational distribution and optimization of regional space functional areas ; focus on spatial integration ; distinguish different regions stage of development and do reasonable regional economic planning to promote the sustainable economic development .

  26. 为此,应在对外经济规划尤其是对外贸易格局、产业结构、边境口岸的城市化建设三个方面做出重大调整。

    Therefore , China should adjust the foreign economic program and reengineer the industrial structure , and enhance the urbanization of boarder cities .

  27. 长江口岸贸易与城市近代化研究综述

    Review of the researches into Yangtze River port cities of trade and modernization

  28. 试论口岸贸易与城市近代化

    On Border Trade , City Modernization

  29. 允许沿边重点口岸、边境城市、经济合作区在人员往来、加工物流、旅游等方面实行特殊方式和政策。

    Special methods and policies will be implemented at key borders , and in bordering cities and economic cooperation zones to promote personnel exchanges , logistics and tourism .

  30. 当时石家庄只是一个纯粹小乡村,既不是传统行政中心,也不是传统工商城镇,更不是开埠通商口岸。石家庄城市化是从零点起步,是因路而兴的新兴城市。

    At that time , Shijiazhuang was an emerging city " brought by railways ", being neither a traditional administrative center nor a traditional industrial and commercial town and particularly not a trading port .