
kǒu chún
  • lips;labia
口唇[kǒu chún]
  1. 方法在Frankfort平面上,观察19~21岁200例(男女各100例)汉族青年口唇和口裂的形态,用游标尺对唇红厚度和口裂进行测量。

    Methods Observing the patterns of the oral lips of 200 ( male , 100 ; famale , 100 ) young people aged 19 to 21 years , and measuring the breadth of oral lips and the width of oral fissure by digital sliding caliper .

  2. 汉族青年口唇形态及口裂的测量

    The measurements of oral lips from the youth of Chinese nationality

  3. 结果不同容器、不同饮料对口唇黏膜脱落细胞DNA检验的影响不同。

    Result Different container and different beverage have vary effect on DNA test of epithelia of lip cell .

  4. [结论]调Q紫翠玉治疗口唇色素斑,安全而有效。

    [ Conclusion ] Q-switched Alexandrite laser therapy is both safe and effective for mucocutaneous melanosis in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome .

  5. 新生儿Apgar评分,新生儿出生后12、24、48、72h母乳喂养率、皮肤和口唇颜色、睡眠和体动、喷奶等。

    Neonatal characteristics including breast feeding , Apgar scores , color of skin and lip , sleeping , movement response and regurgitation were recorded at 12,24,48 and 72 hours after delivery .

  6. 复发性口腔溃疡与口唇微循环

    The Relation Between Recurrent Oral Cavity Ulcerations and Lip Microvascular Circulation

  7. 盘状红斑狼疮继发口唇鳞状细胞癌1例

    A Case of Discoid Lupus Erythematosus Secondary Lips Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  8. 除发热外,主要临床表现中以口唇皲裂最常见。

    Fissured lips is the most common clinical symptom except for fever .

  9. 咳血,皮肤坏死,口唇痛。

    We 'll be coughing up blood , skin lesions , mouth sores .

  10. 首先要张口呼吸,引起口唇粘膜干燥和咽部不适。

    Dehisce first breath , caused by dry lips and throat discomfort mucosa .

  11. 口唇部活体测量及生长发育研究

    Anthropometry and development of mouth , and lips

  12. 临床典型症状为眼睑闭合或口唇运动时,出现他觉性耳鸣。

    The clinical typical symptom was objective tinnitus as closing eyelid or moving lips .

  13. 口唇部形态及相关研究

    A study on the shape of oral lips

  14. 单纯口唇部位扁平苔藓不多见。

    Simple oral lip lichen planus is parum .

  15. 请注意我的口唇!

    " pay attention to my lips !" the cherry-red lipstick is calling eagerly .

  16. 口唇部疣状癌1例

    A Case of Verrucous Carcinoma on Oral Cavity

  17. 我的珠丽亚口唇微笑的地方;

    Where my Julia 's lips do smile ;

  18. 口唇单纯疱疹和胸部带状疱疹的发生率也较正常人群明显增加。

    Lips and chest with herpes simplex herpes zoster incidence increased significantly compared with normal population .

  19. 内蒙古中、东部地区先秦时期古代居民性别、年龄比较研究适龄青年正常口唇部四项内容的观测

    Four-aspect observation of the normal oral lip region of the young people of the right age

  20. 应用鼻唇沟颊部皮瓣修复上口唇部皮肤软组织缺损

    Repair of the soft tissue defect of upper lip with the buccal region of nasolabial groove flap

  21. 食管、胃肿瘤术后口唇溃疡与营养支持的相关因素

    Correlative Factors of Oral Lip ′ s Ulcer and Nutrition Support after Operation of Esophageal and Stomach Tumor

  22. 单纯皮瓣推移法适用于面颊下部而不影响口唇及颏部的瘢痕修复;

    The advanced flap is used for lower area of cheek without influence on lip and chin scar repair ;

  23. 结果70例患者术后面部对称性均明显改善。70例患者中仅3例出现并发症,包括术后出血、口唇拉伤增生性瘢痕及术后感染等。

    Results All the patients had satisfactory results with complications of bleeding , infection and labial scar in three patients .

  24. 通常用作支抗的部位是牙齿、牙弓、口唇肌肉或颅面骨骼等。

    Tooth , dental arch , muscles of oral or cranial bones et al is generally used as the anchorage .

  25. 粗唇弓前方位于唇系带附着点(牙合)方的口腔前庭,既不压迫牙龈、强撑口唇,也不影响患者外观和口腔功能,口腔不适感小。

    Located in vestibule of mouth , the heavy labial wire did not oppress gum , influence facial appearance , make mouth unwell .

  26. 结论口唇形态侧面观以尖突上唇型最多,平齐型次之,瘪上唇型最少;

    Conclusion The most common pattern of the oral lip is convex , and then plain type and concave type on the lateral view .

  27. 常见体征有口唇紫绀、心律失常、颈静脉充盈、肺部湿罗音、心界左下扩大;

    Cyanosis of lips , arrhythmia , engorged cervical vein moist rales of lung , the left side enlarged cardiac dullness are common physical signs ;

  28. 文件评论:史蒂夫,因为你可以看到我用了一些玻璃纤维布,使过渡到进水口唇向管道。

    File comment : Steve as you can see I used some fiberglass sheeting to make the transition from the intake lip to the ducting .

  29. 你们的口唇说了谎言,你们的舌头吐出了恶语。

    For your hands are defiled with blood , and your fingers with iniquity : your lips have spoken lies , and your tongue uttereth iniquity .

  30. 针对口唇微特征点难以跟踪问题,本文给出了一种使用粒子滤波器跟踪口唇特征点的方法。

    Based on the question that it is hard to track lip micro-feature points , the project presents a method which uses particle filter to track lip feature points .