
  • 网络hepatic bile
  1. 采集肝胆汁(T管肝胆汁)5l例223份,胆囊胆汁39例标本,包括急性、慢性、梗阻和非梗阻性的胆囊炎和胆石症胆汁。

    223 specimens of hepatic bile and 39 specimens of gallbladder bile , including the acute , chronic , cholestatic , non-cholestatic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis , are collected .

  2. 结论:短期输注脂肪乳剂可引起肝胆汁中脂质成分的改变,但并不增加肝胆汁的成石性。

    Conclusions : Shot term intravenous fat emulsion may affect hepatic bile lipid composition , but didnt increase lithogenicity of hepatic bile in human .

  3. D组与F组对照肝胆汁分泌量无明显变化,肝胆汁pH无明显变化。

    Compared with group D , the capacity of bile secretion and pH of bile in group F had no significant changes .

  4. 大量研究表明HO作用下产生的内源性的CO能调节肝胆汁分泌。

    Many researches indicate that CO generated by heme oxygenase controls the biliary excretion and increase in excretion of bile salts and phospholipids .

  5. LXP增加小鼠肝胆汁酸的合成与DBP表达加强有关

    Expression of DBP is Involved in the Increase the Bile Acids Synthesis by LXR in the Mice

  6. 引流的肝胆汁中胆红素含量低于胆囊胆汁。

    The bilirubin content from the draining liver bile was lower than that of cyst bile .

  7. 实验分析了人体肝胆汁的流动特性和胆总管的力学性质。

    We have analysed experimental flow behavior of human liver-bile and mechanical properties of human common bile ducts .

  8. 以家兔在体记录胃电、十二指肠电、总胆管括约肌电和肝胆汁计滴为指标,观察吗啡、八肽胆囊收缩素对胃肠道平滑肌电活动的影响。

    The action of morphine and cholecystokinin octapeptide ( CCK & 8 ) on the electrical activity of gastrointestinal smooth muscle was observed by recording the electrical activity of stomach , duodenum , Oddi 's sphincter and bile flow in the rabbit in vivo .