
  • 网络liver transplantation
  1. 三种不同麻醉药对SD大鼠肝移植手术麻醉效果的比较和应用

    Effect of Three Anesthetic Drugs in SD Rat Liver Transplantation Surgery

  2. 方法对1例AIH肝硬化患者行肝移植手术。

    Methods One case of AIH with hepatocirrhosis was treated by orthotopic liver transplantation .

  3. 肝移植手术组ChildC级患者死亡率(20.9%)显著低于常规手术组ChildC级患者死亡率(57.5%)。

    The mortality rate of Child C cases in transplantation group was 20.9 % , significantly lower than 57.5 % in conventional group .

  4. 结论利用MRI和图像分割以及图像三维重建技术指导劈离式肝移植手术,具有重要的临床意义。

    Conclusion It is very useful to use MRI , image segmentation and 3-dimensional reconstruction techniques to guide the split-liver transplantation surgery .

  5. 目的回顾分析多层面螺旋CT发现与手术证实的门静脉栓子或异常与原位肝移植手术操作的相关性。

    Objective To review the multislice CT findings in patients with surgically proved portal venous ( PV ) thrombosis or calcification and to correlate these findings with the surgical procedure used at orthotopic liver transplantation ( OLT ) .

  6. 结论在肝移植手术新肝期,小剂量应用PGE1可有效地降低肺动脉压,减少肺内分流,改善氧合,而对体循环无影响。

    Conclusion It can be decreased PAP and improved oxygenation with low dose of PGE1 during the reperfusion phase of liver transplantation .

  7. 在8例早期肝癌患者肝移植手术前采血样本CTC检测为阳性,可能提示这8例患者术后复发的几率增大。

    CTC detection showed positive in eight cases of HCC patients before taken liver transplantation surgery , which indicated that the possibility of recurrence after surgery might be increased .

  8. 据Bloomberg网站的介绍,负责苹果CEO史蒂夫乔布斯今年早些时候肝移植手术的医生,与5年前乔布斯胰腺癌的主刀医生是同一个人,此人是治疗癌症复发症的专家。

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs'liver transplant earlier this year was the work of a surgeon who treats recurrences of the rare cancer Jobs had five years ago , according to a Bloomberg profile of the doctor .

  9. 目的:探讨MELD评分(终末期肝病模型)在评价行肝移植手术患者围手术期营养状况中的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical value of MELD ( model for end-stage liver disease ) score for evaluation of perioperative nutrition status liver transplantation candidates .

  10. 方法:21例终末肝病病人接受肝移植手术,无肝期采用体外静脉静脉转流,观察无肝早期和新肝早期不同时间点的BP、HR、CO、CI和CVP值。

    Methods : 21 end-stage liver disease patients received liver transplantation . Veno-venous bypass was performed during anhepatic phase . BP , HR , CO , CI and CVP were measured at different time points of early anhepatic phase and early reperfusion phase .

  11. 在肝移植手术后的修养期,史蒂夫邀请我去位于加利福尼亚PaloAlto市的家里闲聊之前因病错过的新闻。

    After his liver transplant , while he was recuperating at home in Palo Alto , California , Steve invited me over to catch up on industry events that had transpired during his illness .

  12. 91例肝移植手术方式分析

    Analysis of Different Operative Procedures in 91 Cases of Liver Transplantation

  13. 预防肝移植手术患者压疮的护理进展

    Nursing progress of preventing pressure ulcer in patients undergoing liver transplantation

  14. 犬辅助肝移植手术的麻醉处理体会

    Experience of Anesthesia Management on Auxiliary Liver Transplantation in Dogs

  15. 肝移植手术在卫理公会大学医院

    This is what a liver surgery looks like at Methodist University Hospital

  16. 肝移植手术三、六式护理2例

    Three and six forms of perioperative nursing care of patients receiving liver transplantation

  17. 介入放射技术在肝移植手术前后的应用现状

    Application Status of Intervention Radiological Technology in Liver Transplantation

  18. 尚无肝移植手术的病例。

    To date , no liver transplantation was performed .

  19. 有的肝硬化病人被施行肝移植手术,成功率高低不一。

    Patients with cirrhosis are sometimes given liver transplants , with varying success .

  20. 注射用环磷酸腺苷在肝移植手术中对心肌酶的影响

    Effects of adenosine cyclophosphate on myocardiac enzymes in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation

  21. 30例原位肝移植手术临床分析

    Clinical Analyze of Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in 30 Cases

  22. 肝移植手术后并发毛霉菌属医院感染的临床分析

    Complicated Hospital Infection by Mucor in Liver Transplant Recipients : A Clinical Analysis

  23. 提高大鼠原位肝移植手术质量的技巧和注意事项

    Techniques for improving the quality of the model of orthotopic liver transplantation in rats

  24. 背驮式肝移植手术方法的改进

    Innovation of operative methods in piggyback liver transplantation

  25. 体外静脉-静脉转流在肝移植手术中的应用

    Application of Extracorporeal Veno-Venous Bypass in Liver Transplantation

  26. 目的探讨原位肝移植手术中胆道重建的手术技巧。

    Objective To investigate the operative skills of the biliary reconstruction in orthotopic liver transplantation .

  27. 肝移植手术死亡率为22.22%(2/9)。

    The operative mortality of liver transplantation was 22.22 % ( 2 / 9 ) .

  28. 320例大鼠原位肝移植手术体会

    320 Orthotopic Liver Transplantations in the Rats

  29. 231例240次肝移植手术方式回顾分析

    Retrospectively analyzed the experience of techniques for 231 cases and 240 times of liver transplantations

  30. 肝移植手术中心血管活性物质对血流动力学和肾功能的影响

    Effects of cardiovascular active substances on hemodynamics and renal function in patients undergoing liver transplantation