
kǒu shù
  • dictate;oral account;nuncupate;make an oral account
口述 [kǒu shù]
  • [dictate;make an oral account] 口头讲述

口述[kǒu shù]
  1. 口述这封信花了他很长时间。

    It took him a long time to dictate this letter .

  2. 在IOS7系统中,用户必须先口述一整段语音,点击“完成”键,一两秒后语音被转化成文字,准确率一般都很高。

    In iOS7 , the user had to dictate an entire passage , hit " done , " and wait for the ( usually quite accurate ) text to appear after a second or two .

  3. 答案可以写下来或口述录在磁带上。

    Answers can be written or presented orally on tape .

  4. 她正根据他的口述记录西蒙·福曼的日记。

    She is transcribing , from his dictation , the diaries of Simon Forman

  5. 谢尔登一周7天都要写作,每天早上口述小说让别人记录。

    Sheldon writes every day of the week , dictating his novels in the morning

  6. 我照他的口述写信。

    I wrote the letter at his dictation .

  7. 据说,在数字化的世界里,社交媒体已转变成口述信息的新平台。

    It is said that in a digital world , social media has become the new word of mouth .

  8. 我甚至还通过iPad向远程WindowsPC上的一个程序口述输入了文本。

    I even dictated text using the iPad into a program on the remote Windows PC.

  9. 人人都可以给StoryCoach讲故事,无论是口述还是写出来都可以。

    The service lets people tell a short story to the company , either verbally or written out .

  10. n.口试adj.口头的,口述的她向我们口头报告代替书面报告。……

    oral She gives us an oral report instead of a written report .......

  11. 我在哈查兹书店给她买了一本《闪电战》(Blitz),该书的风格类似《亲爱的美国》(DearAmerica),是英国版的虚构口述故事集。

    At Hatchards , I bought her a copy of " Blitz , " part of a British " Dear America " - like series of fictionalized narratives .

  12. 狱中口述的誊写纸条标志着韩飞龙首次公开表达他对GSK的不满。

    The note from jail marks the first time Mr Humphrey has gone public with his grievance against GSK .

  13. 在1996年进入ABA的一致判决同意改革其做法,并停止口述可疑,昂贵的和非法的若干规定各学校。

    In1996 the ABA entered into a consent judgment agreeing to reform its practices and to stop dictating a number of dubious , costly and illegal regulations to schools .

  14. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。

    At some institutions , such as BNP Paribas , HSBC and Barclays , archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives ' reflections on events .

  15. 行动不便的用户&对于这类个体,必须提供其他的输入设备,例如眼球追踪技术(eye-tracking)和通过口述方式输入。

    Mobility-impaired individuals for whom alternative input devices , such as eye-tracking or verbal , are necessary .

  16. 再后来,他喜欢上了离他很遥远的NBA,即使是在那个互联网很不发达的20世纪90年代,那个时候人们只能通过口述和报纸来得到信息。

    Further along , he fell in love with the distant NBA galaxy way off in the cosmos , even in those dark pre-Internet days of the1990s when people communicated with strings and paper cups .

  17. UCLA的口述史研究中心收集口述历史主要涉及到南加州洛杉矶大都会地区的历史访谈。

    UCLA 's Center for Oral History Research collects oral history interviews related primarily to the history of Southern California and the Los Angeles metropolitan region .

  18. 由此形成的专辑中不仅有《走运》这首华美的迪斯科,还有73岁的意大利制作人乔吉奥?莫罗德尔(GiorgioMoroder)概括其从艺生涯的一段口述史,一段有保罗?

    The resulting album features not only the lushly produced disco of ' Get Lucky , ' but also a career-recapping spoken-word history lesson from 73-year-old Italian producer Giorgio Moroder ;

  19. 小说的灵感来源于OskarPastior的口述回忆录,还有就是她母亲的亲身经历。

    It was inspired by the experience of Oskar Pastior , whose oral memories she had made notes of , but also by what happened to her own mother .

  20. 结果表明:用LWP技术支持写作困难学生口述作文,明显优于传统的口述和笔述方式;而用语音识别技术来辅助学习困难学生口述作文,由于受技术的限制,其有效性并不十分确定。

    The results show that LWP-supported writing is much better than traditional dictation and writing with hand for the students with writing disabilities , while the effectiveness of voice recognition using for the students with learning disabilities is uncertain due to the limitation of technology .

  21. 文学口述史的理论、方法与实践初探

    Briefly on Theory , Method and Practice of Literary Dictation History

  22. 制备好的圆柱唱片,未录音,用于口述记录机或类似机器

    Cylinder , prepared , unrecorded , for dictating and similar machines

  23. 图书馆口述历史工作的伦理问题初探

    Study on the Ethical Problems of Oral History Work in Library

  24. 口述历史在地方文献工作中的意义及实践

    The Practice and Significance of Oral History in Local Document Work

  25. 口述史及其在流行音乐研究中的应用

    Oral History and Its Application in the Research of Pop Music

  26. 我国图书馆建设口述历史数据库之探讨

    A probe into the database-construction of oral history in the library

  27. 口述历史及其在现代图书馆资源建设中的作用

    〗 The Oral History and the Collection of Document Resources of Library

  28. 口述历史:国家图书馆关注的新领域

    Oral History : the new field concerned by National Library of China

  29. 当代中国的口述史研究

    The Research on the Oral History in the Contemporary China

  30. 办公室的一些女孩接受口述记录训练。

    Some girls in the office are trained to take down dictation .