
  • 网络Family resemblance
  1. 范畴化理论的误区:家族相似性

    The Mis - reach of the Categorization Theory : Family Resemblance

  2. 多义范畴的内部结构是以原型和家族相似性为纽带的。

    The internal structure of polysemy is linked by prototype and family resemblance .

  3. 序列分析表明,PeptidasesS8家族相似性很高,已报道的体壁降解蛋白酶主要是PCSK9ProteinaseKlike亚家族与Subtilisinsubset亚家族中成员,是真菌重要的毒力因子。

    Sequence analysis showed that members of Peptidases_S8family were highly similarity . The reported cuticle-degrading proteases are mainly belong to the PCSK9_ProteinaseK_like subfamily and Subtilisin_subset subfamily , are important fungal virulence factors .

  4. 提出词类的家族相似性和元语言释词是核心词提取的理论基础。第三部分为核心词的提取与验证方法。

    Chapter 2 is the basic theory about core words drawing .

  5. 现代范畴理论认为任何范畴中都有原型成员,范畴是由该原型向外扩展形成的,范畴周边的成员与内部的成员具有家族相似性。

    Modern category theory holds that any category is developed from its archetype .

  6. 动词的词汇语义与论元表达之关系&兼谈动词意义的原型效应和家族相似性

    On the Relationship Between the Lexical Meaning of Verbs and Their Argument Realization

  7. 同义聚合就是由认知引发的,以典型为原型的一组具有家族相似性的词的聚合。

    So , synonym is a group of words which have the family resemblance .

  8. 论语义范畴的家族相似性

    On the family resemblance of semantic categories

  9. 儿化词的家族相似性及其认知基础&以河北方言为例

    The Family Similarity of R-pronounced Words and Its Basis of Cognition & Cases from Hebei Dialect

  10. 家族相似性理论对解释网络用语的意义扩展现象具有较强的解释力。

    The family resemblance principle is a powerful tool for explicating the meaning extension of Internet-related expressions .

  11. 它们是完全根据家族相似性选出母猩猩孩子的那幅像的,因为它们并不认识画像中的那几只猩猩。

    They preferred the latter based purely on family resemblance since they did not know any of the depicted apes .

  12. 其中的家族相似性,原型理论和基本层次范畴理论被较多地用于词汇的意义研究。

    Among them , family resemblance , prototype theory and basic level category have been used to study the words meaning .

  13. 多义词的各项词义围绕一项典型词义构成了一个范畴,各项词义之间遵循家族相似性原则。

    The meanings of a polysemic word compose a category in which the meanings distribute around a prototype and share family resemblance .

  14. 然后,众多具有家族相似性的模因通过隐喻和转喻的认知方式进行变异。

    In addition to this , the memes which have family similarities will be altered through the cognitive ways : metaphor and metonymy .

  15. 范畴的原型与其他成员享有最大的相似性,是整个范畴的家族相似性的源泉。

    In such a category , the prototype has the most similarity to others and functions as the start point of such family resemblances .

  16. 这其中,汉语普通话规范化的影响力、语言经济原则、原型范畴理论和家族相似性起到直接的作用。

    The influence of the standard Chinese , language economic principle , the prototype category theory and family resemblance play a direct role in it .

  17. 词类是一种原型范畴,是人们根据词与词之间在分布上的家族相似性而聚集成类的。

    Parts of speech are a kind of prototype categories , which are gathered according to the family resemblance between words and words ' distribution .

  18. 原型语义学源于维特根斯坦对“游戏”语义范畴的家族相似性的描述。

    Prototype semantics ( PS ) originated from Wittgenstein 's description of the family resemblance of the semantic category of " Spiel " ( game ) .

  19. 根据这一理论,一个词的多个义项是由原型意义演变而来的,并显示出不同程度的家族相似性。

    According to prototype theory , the extended meanings of a word evolve from prototypical meaning , and different meanings show different degrees of family resemblance .

  20. 本文以认知语言学中的家族相似性理论和语义框架理论为理论基础,集中探讨了中国英语学习者对语句中所给多义动词的理解。

    It focuses on Chinese English learners ' comprehension of English polysemous common verbs in sentence processing by using the theory of family resemblance and frame semantics .

  21. 它是以家族相似性为基础,借助想象和联想,在源域和目标域之间的一种映射过程。

    It is a reflecting process between the original field and the target field , which is based on the family resemblance and aided by imagination and association .

  22. 分类前首先分析了各个类型被动句的特征,非典型被动句是怎样偏离典型被动句的以及它们是怎样通过家族相似性与典型被动句联系起来的。

    The features of each type and how non-prototypical passives deviate from the prototypes and share the features with the prototypes through family resemblance were first examined before classification .

  23. 在本文中,动词-ing结构的语义句法具有与基本语法范畴的家族相似性,是范畴的边缘成员。

    Following such a guideline , the thesis proposes that the v-ing construction is the peripheral member of grammatical categories because of the family resemblance between their semantic-syntactic characteristics .

  24. 动态识解理论是继经典范畴理论、家族相似性和原型理论之后,关于人类认知过程中范畴构建的新观点。

    Dynamic construal theory is a new view on the construction of category in the process of human cognition after Classical Categorization Theory , family resemblance and prototype theory .

  25. 采用类别建构的实验范式,选取具有家族相似性结构的人工类别材料,考察了已有知识对初中学生类别建构的影响。

    Using category-construction paradigm , this experiment was designed to examine the knowledge effects of the junior high school students ' unsupervised category learning with artificial categories in family resemblance .

  26. 同时,在该类典型范畴中,不同虚词在句法和语义上的典型性及家族相似性也将被分别挖掘。

    Meanwhile , in certain prototypical categories , prototypical features and family resemblances reflected in different function words from the perspective of syntax and semantics will be explored respectively as well .

  27. 本文用典型理论分析了一般现在时的五种普遍用法,从而找出其家族相似性,也即一般现在多种用法之间的本质内涵。

    The writer analyzes the general five uses of the simple present tense within the prototype theory to find out its family resemblance , i.e. its essence among its different uses .

  28. 按照这一理论,我们依据所感知到的事物与某范畴的成员间的家族相似性对其分类进而形成概念。

    According to this theory , we classify the perceived experience into different categories according to its family resemblance to members of a category and consequently form a concept of it .

  29. 认知语言学对文学翻译选词择义的影响主要在于认知体验性和语义范畴家族相似性。

    Cognitive linguistics has an impact on the choice of words in literary translation , as is focused on the bodily experiential nature of cognition and the family resemblance of semantic prototypes .

  30. 认知语言学认为,多义词被看着是一种范畴现象,其多种意义以原形为中心形成一个范畴,其成员之间具有家族相似性。

    In cognitive linguistics , polysemy is regarded as a categorizing phenomenon , i.e. , related meanings of words form categories centering around a prototype and bearing family resemblance relations to one another .