
kǒu hóng
  • lipstick;rouge;lip rouge;lippy
口红 [kǒu hóng]
  • [lipstick] 涂抹嘴唇使之红艳的化妆品

口红[kǒu hóng]
  1. 她固定她的口红,面对门。

    She fixes her rouge , facing the door .

  2. 她的嘴唇不需要口红。

    Her lips don 't need a rouge .

  3. 她往脸上搽了粉,又涂上了口红。

    She powdered her face and put on her lipstick .

  4. 她的嘴就是口红抹出的一道缝。

    Her mouth was a slash of red lipstick .

  5. 她搽着鲜红色的口红。

    She was wearing bright red lipstick .

  6. 我的口红需要补一下。

    My lipstick needed a touch-up .

  7. 她的口红糊了。

    Her lipstick had smudged .

  8. 她往脸上搽了粉,抹了口红和胭脂。

    She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge .

  9. 她没有化妆,甚至连一点儿口红都没涂。

    She wore no make-up , not even a dab of lipstick .

  10. 她把镜子靠在手包上支好,开始涂口红。

    She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips

  11. 我甚至还没抹口红。

    I haven 't even put any lipstick on .

  12. 她小心翼翼地吻了我,以免把刚刚抹上的口红弄到我脸上。

    She kissed me , careful not to smudge me with her fresh lipstick

  13. 她抹了一点口红,又擦掉了,但却留下了一丝粉红色。

    She applied a little lipstick , wiped it off , but it left a pink tinge .

  14. 她拿出口红,开始往嘴唇上抹。

    Taking out her lipstick , she began to paint her lips .

  15. 她仔细地梳理着头发,描眉,涂口红。

    She worked carefully on her penciled her eyebrows and rouged her lips .

  16. 就在我打电话的时候,他们用口红在脸上画画。

    Whilst1 I was just on the phone they painted their faces with lipstick2 .

  17. 口红和护发素都是化妆品。

    Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics .

  18. 口红是由各种油脂、蜡质、颜料和香料等成分组成

    The lipstick is by each kind of ingredients andon fat , waxiness , pigment and spice is composed .

  19. 的确,一款清透醒目的红色LipstickQueen红色口红成为了SpaceNK的热卖商品。

    Indeed , a sheer , blood red lipstick stain by Lipstick Queen is Space NK 's bestseller .

  20. 口红TLC分析条件的优化

    Optimization of TLC Analysis Condition for the Lipsticks

  21. 从月季品种金玛丽、曼海姆、杏花村、梅郎口红的根部肿瘤组织中纯化了9株分离物,根据其在MW选择性培养基上的单菌落形态初步判断其为根癌土壤杆菌。

    Nine isolates were purified from the crown galls on rose plants and were characterized as Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains according to the colony morphology on the selective MW medium .

  22. 1984年,在他的婚礼上,他和新娘一样,涂着伊夫·圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)粉色口红。

    He wore the same pink Yves Saint Laurent lipstick as his bride on his wedding day in 1984 .

  23. 的确,在圣保罗最畅销的MAC化妆品是一款名为Snob的浅樱红色口红(售价13.50英镑),供不应求。

    Indeed , the bestselling MAC cosmetic in Sao Paulo is a pale fuchsia lipstick called Snob ( £ 13.50 ) , which has a waiting list .

  24. 最近LadyGaga告诉《时人杂志》,从她4岁开始,她妈妈就给她涂口红并跟她谈她关于美丽的事情。

    Recently Lady Gaga told People that starting when she was as young as four years old , her mother would put lipstick on her and talk to her about beauty .

  25. YSL目前最为畅销的口红是RougeLaque:丰盈亮泽的红色(售价22.50英镑)。

    YSL 's current bestselling lipstick is Rouge Laque : a rich , glossy red stain ( £ 22.50 ) .

  26. 你还可以参与到一些循环利用化妆品的活动中,例如MAC开展的一项活动,这项活动让你可以用六个空化妆品容器换一个新的眼影、润唇膏、口红。

    There are programs out there that let you recycle your makeup , such as MAC , which has a program that lets you exchange six empty containers for a new eyeshadow , lip gloss , or lipstick .

  27. SOA并没有失败,失败的是“涂在猪嘴上的下一代口红”的噱头,技术本身是可以解决问题的,但是做一个大项目来解决所有问题的IT风格往往会失败。

    SOA hasn 't failed , what has failed is the next generation lipstick on the pig , buy my technology it will save your problems , do a big project it will fix everything style of IT that has always failed .

  28. 某些品牌的口红含铅一度被认为只是“坊间传说”,但在FDA检测了数百种口红后,这一传闻得到了证实。此前,“安全化妆品运动”组织曾对此发布警告。

    Once considered an " urban legend , " the rumor that some lipsticks contain lead turned out to be deadly true when the FDA tested hundreds of lipsticks following an alert issued by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics .

  29. 据该品牌的新闻发布会所述,Zara正在推出“在洛杉矶设计并在法国制造的口红系列”。

    Specifically , Zara is dropping " a comprehensive collection of lipsticks designed in L.A. and made in France , " according to a press release from the brand .

  30. 丝芙兰表示,自从2016年推出“虚拟艺术家”后,眼影和口红已经被试用2亿多次。包括卡尼尔和德国DM在内的多个品牌也已经推出了试妆应用。

    Sephora says more than 200 million shades have been tried on through Virtual Artist since it was launched in 2016 , and a host of other brands , from Garnier to Germany 's DM , have launched " try on " apps , too .