
kǒu tóu xié yì
  • oral agreement;oral contract
  1. 只有口头协议是不够的,我们必须有一个书面承诺。

    An oral agreement is not enough , we must have a written promise .

  2. 我与一家公司达成了一个口头协议。

    I made an oral agreement with a company .

  3. 自由球员帕蒂-米尔斯已经与母队圣安东尼奥马刺队达成口头协议,签署为期4年,总价值5000万美元的合同,联盟的线人告诉ESPN。

    Free-agent guard Patty Mills has agreed to a four-year , $ 50 million contract to return to the San Antonio Spurs , league sources told ESPN .

  4. 互相信任的双方当事人之间的口头协议。

    Verbal agreement between two parties who trust each other .

  5. 口头协议比不上书面合同那张纸。

    Verbal agreemtns aren 't worth the paper they 're written on .

  6. 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。

    I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement .

  7. 口头协议连一张纸都不如。

    A verbal contract isn 't worth the paper it 's written on .

  8. 他们对口头协议感到不适。

    They never feel comfortable with verbal agreements .

  9. 只有口头协议是不够的;我们必须有一个书面承诺。

    An oral agreement is not enough ; we must have a written promise .

  10. 协议方式也多为口头协议,等等。

    Agreement ways are mostly oral contracts , etc.

  11. 这些就会取代口头协议吗?

    And this will replace my verbal agreements ?

  12. 过去,合同常常仅仅是口头协议。

    In the past , the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements .

  13. 他们达成了一个口头协议,但是还没有签合同。

    They made an oral agreement , but they haven 't signed a contract yet .

  14. 口头协议也有约束力。

    Verbal agreement can be binding .

  15. 根据口头协议,我们向您发送合同,请签字确认。

    In accordance with our verbal agreements , we are sending you the contract for your signature .

  16. 尽管存在少数特例,但一般情况下,口头协议虽然具备法律效力但往往难以证实。

    With a few exceptions , an oral agreement is enforceable but will often be hard to prove .

  17. 虽然地产市场价格暴跌,我还是会按照最初的口头协议买他的房子。

    Though the property market has slumped , I will buy the house according to our initial verbal agreement .

  18. 因为我们是老朋友,所以只有五五分账的口头协议。

    Since we were old friends , we relied on a verbal agreement that we would own the business 50-50 .

  19. 但我想最好和你核对一下,只怕你和他达成过口头协议。

    But I think I 'd better check with you , just in case you reach a verbal agreement with him .

  20. 然后我一条一条地读了他们的书面合同,确信没有从口头协议中漏掉什么。

    I read their written contracts , clause by clause ; to be sure nothing had been omitted from the oral agreement .

  21. 对于国际学生来说互相借钱并不罕见,或者在有的国家的文化里借钱给别人只需口头协议。

    It is not uncommon for international students to help each other by loaning , or giving away money as their own culture may dictate .

  22. 他们,为客商提供运输保障,早在公元前3000年在一般情况下,合同通常不超过口头协议。

    They provided shipping protection for merchants as far back as 3000 B.C. In general , the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements .

  23. 当你收到一张新的订单、一张支票、一个口头协议、或者一份书面协议时,不要兴奋过度。

    When you receive a new purchase order , a check , a verbal agreement , or even a written agreement , dont get too happy and excited .

  24. 这声明代表客户完全明白及同意跟随必胜网互联网服务条款及细则以及代替任何书面和口头协议。

    This agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between Businet and the account holder ( hereinafter called Customer ) and supersedes any other written or oral agreement .

  25. 在这种情况下,被抛弃的一方认为双方已经达成口头协议,自己有权使用相关技术或者接受股票或报酬,但只是苦于不能提供书面文件。

    At that point , the dismissed party finds itself with oral understandings about rights to use technology or to receive equity or payment , but no documentation .

  26. 这也是为什么我们不能过多的去指责温格对亨利和巴萨之间的口头协议持保留态度的原因。

    That 's why you can hardly blame the Arsenal manager for taking this week 's reports of a verbal agreement between Barcelona and Henry with a hefty pinch of salt .

  27. 如果你方认为这里的条款与你方对我们口头协议的理解一致,请在所附协议合同的相应位置签字,表示认同。

    If the terms set forth herein conform with your understanding of our verbal agreement , please indicate your acceptance by signing in the space provided for your signature in the enclosed agreement contract .

  28. 口头协议的约束力远不及书面协议。因此在正式接受职位之前,将薪水和福利的所有最终细节以书面形式确定下来,仔细审阅之后再签名。

    Verbal agreements are much less binding than written ones so before you formally accept a position , get all of the final details of your salary and benefits on paper and review them carefully before signing the dotted line .

  29. 注:调解纠纷数不含口头达成协议。

    Note : Disputes Mediated do mot exclude those mediated by oral agreements .

  30. 意,构成全部的协议,并取代任何及所有事先书面和口头的协议。

    Disclosure Statement and all applicable written Addenda thereto , embodies the entire agreement of the parties , superseding .