
kǒu chòu
  • halitosis;ozostomia;bromopnea;saburra;kakostomia;fetid breath
口臭 [kǒu chòu]
  • [halitosis;ozostomia;saburra] 一种口腔疾病,症状为口里发出难闻的气味。主要由龋齿、齿槽化脓,慢性口炎引起

口臭[kǒu chòu]
  1. 他的口臭实在使我恶心。

    His bad breath really grossed me out .

  2. 她闻得到他的口臭。

    She could smell his foul breath .

  3. 我有口臭吗?

    Have I got bad breath ?

  4. 离我远点——你有口臭。

    Get away from me — your breath stinks

  5. 吸烟会导致口臭。

    Smoking causes bad breath .

  6. 1.吃柑橘或其他富含维生素C的水果,预防口臭。

    Step 1 Eat citrus fruit and other foods high in vitamin C to prevent bad breath .

  7. 慢性浅表性胃炎两证型口臭症候与Hp相关性临床研究

    Clinical Study on the Correlation between Halitosis Symptom and Hp of Chronic Superficial Gastritis with Two Pattern of Syndrome

  8. 中西医结合治疗Hp相关性口臭的临床观察

    The Clinical Study on Curative Effects of Halitosis with H.pylori Infection by Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with West Medicine

  9. 可能的副作用包括口干舌燥、恶心、呕吐、积水、澄海3c无限技能蓝阵痛、幻觉、痴呆、精神病、昏迷、死亡和口臭。

    Side affects may include dry mouth , nausea , vomiting , water retention , painful rectal itch , hallucination , dementia , ychosis , coma , death and halitosis .

  10. 目的观察0.4%硫酸锌溶液漱口前后口气中挥发性硫化物(volatilesulfurcompounds,VSCs)浓度的变化,研究硫酸锌用于口臭的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the effects of 0.4 % zinc sulphate solution on levels of volatile sulfur compounds ( VSCs ) of mouth air , and the effectiveness of 0.4 % zinc sulphate solution relieving the oral malodor .

  11. 口臭就是这个味道吧。

    Grace : This must be what bad breath tastes like .

  12. 口臭;挥发性硫化物;细菌素。

    Streptococcus salivarius ; halitosis ; volatile sulphur compound ; bacteriocins .

  13. 战胜细菌导致牙龈肿胀和口臭。

    Beat the bacteria that cause swollen gums and bad breath .

  14. 龋齿或喉部感染可引起口臭。

    Halitosis can be caused by tooth decay or throat infections .

  15. 你也可以有口臭时,你有牙龈炎。

    You can also have bad breath when you have gingivitis .

  16. 当太阳升起的时候,你是否有口臭?

    When the sun rises , will you have morning breath ?

  17. 别站这么近,你的口臭扑鼻。

    Don 't stand that close . I can smell your breath .

  18. 牙周治疗改善口臭的作用

    The effect of periodontal therapy on the elimination of halitosis

  19. 他因为口臭交不到朋友。

    He had few friends because of his bad breath .

  20. 抽菸是造成口臭的著名元凶。

    Tobacco smoking is a notable enemy of fresh breath .

  21. 那么如何判断你是否有口臭呢?

    How can you tell if you have bad breath ?

  22. 口臭往往暗示存在潜在的鼻窦感染。

    Bad breath is often a clue to an underlying sinus infection .

  23. 舌刮器能降低挥发性硫化物的浓度,从而治疗口腔性口臭。

    Tongue scraping can lower VSC concentration , subsequently reducing oral malodor .

  24. 独居单身汉毫不掩饰的口臭

    the undisguised halitosis of a single man living on his own .

  25. 如果口臭始终无法去除,你应该去看牙医。

    If bad breath persists , talk to your dentist .

  26. 目的:研究口臭症患者口腔菌群分布。

    Objective : To study the distribution of bacteria in halitosis patients .

  27. 目的:分析造成口源性口臭的因素。

    Objective : To analyse the main causes of halitosis .

  28. 她口臭太厉害,老让我觉得恶心。

    She has a heavy stink breath which always turn me off .

  29. 梅奥门诊的专家们提出以下几种防止口臭的方法。

    Mayo experts offer these tips to help prevent it :

  30. 吃大蒜虽然会口臭却能带给人们好心情。

    Garlic gives people bad breath but a good mood .