
kǒu jué
  • tables which should be committed to memory for ready use, as the multiplication table, etc;a pithy formula;mnemonic rhyme;a pithy formula(often in rhymes)
口诀 [kǒu jué]
  • [mnemonic rhyme;a pithy formula(often in rhymes)] 原指道家传授道术时的秘语,后多指根据事物内容要点编成的便于记诵的语句

  • 珠算口诀

口诀[kǒu jué]
  1. 根据教学语言表达方式的不同,可将声乐教学中的有声语言分为形象性语言、指令性语言、叙述性语言、解释性语言和口诀式语言。

    According to the express mode of voice teaching language , the voice teaching language of vocal music can be divided into visual language 、 instructing language 、 depicting language 、 explicative language and a pithy formula language .

  2. 提出了一种利用简单口诀,对直列、V型及奇数多缸发动机,两次调校即可完成其所有气门调校的方法。

    Adjustment of valves clearance for the in-line , V-type and number multi-cylinder engines is able to be completed only by rotating an engine twice and summed up in a pithy formula .

  3. 他不知道11的乘法口诀。

    He didn 't know his eleven-times table

  4. 一天,来了一个国都东郊的乡下人,声称自己有念九九算术口诀的才能,要求拜见齐桓公。

    One day , a villager from the eastern suburb of the capital wished to have an audience with Huan Gong , claiming that he had the ability to recite the multiplication4 table .

  5. 齐桓公听完报告,觉得很可笑,派传令官告诉乡下人:“难道你凭会念九九算术口诀,就想来见国王吗?”乡下人回答说:

    When Huan Gong heard of this , he thought it was very funny and sent an officer to tell the villager : " How could you hope to see the King just because you can recite the multiplication table ? "

  6. 篮球教学中的口诀运用

    Using Mnemonic Rhymes In Chemical Instruction In Basketball Teaching Mnemonics Utilization

  7. 表解法、口诀法在人体组织解剖学教学中的应用

    The Application of Diagram Method and Formulas in Rhyme in Teaching Anthropotomy

  8. 更大的优点是免背口诀、不用公式,易学易懂。

    It is a method that is easy to learn and understand .

  9. 很多人都不会拼写字母或者背乘法口诀表,

    Many do not know the alphabet or multiplication table ,

  10. 尝试了启发式教学、列表法教学和口诀法教学;

    Heuristic teaching , list teaching and a pithy formula teaching are attempted .

  11. 当他经过我身边,我听到他正在背诵乘法口诀表。

    When he passed me , I heard him reciting the multiplication tables .

  12. 口诀法在形意五行拳教学中的运用研究

    Applied Research on Xingyi Boxing Teaching by Formula Method

  13. 学生能精熟26对字母的听说读写,及其发音口诀。

    Students should be familiar with the sounds and letters of the26 alphabets .

  14. 但老狼已经从小猴口中骗取了马兰花的口诀。

    Unfortunately the wolf demon had cheated little monkey of the pithy formula .

  15. 充电系故障诊断口诀

    Pithy Formula for Fault Diagnosis of Charging System

  16. 让学生们练习乘法口诀表;

    Drill pupils in the multiplication taBles ;

  17. 他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教,包含了所有的口诀心要。

    He received many teachings of mahamudra , including all the oral pith instructions from the16th karmapa .

  18. 第二部分,分析云锦的艺术特色、历史文化内涵以及云锦技艺口诀。

    The second part analyses the original of Brocade , the characteristic of Brocade art and the pithy formula .

  19. 一句口头禅没啥用--你即使将口诀不停的念也不会有任何效果。

    A mere verbal statement will not do - you may repeat a formula endlessly without any result whatsoever .

  20. 分析了估算口诀、估算公式的来源和物理意义。

    It also analyses the origin of the pithy formula and experience coefficient , and presents the physical prospect accordingly .

  21. 首相支持让每一位孩子在小学毕业之前都要测试乘法表口诀的计划。

    The Prime Minister backed plans for every child to be tested on their times table when they leave primary school .

  22. 三七二十一的直接来源,是佛教经典中的期限数三七,同时,中国文化数和一般乘法口诀,亦起到了加强的作用。

    What is more , Chinese cultural numbers and the rhyme of multiplication also function in the wide use of the expression .

  23. 该文介绍一种五笔字型背口诀记字根及徒手练习速成教学方法。

    This article is to introduce a speeded-up teaching method of reciting the pithy formula and Memorizing the etymon and practicing bare-handed .

  24. 老兵们告诉我们,在苏芬战争之前,他们更多的受训怎样行军,背诵怎么射击的口诀。

    The older soldiers said that before the war against Finland , they were taught more about how to march and recite slogans than how to shoot .

  25. 有些内容短时间内无法用英语取代汉语,比如乘法口诀,数字的具体运算过程,不能强迫学生学习。

    Math teachers can 't force the students to express in English while dealing with some relatively difficult contents such as multiplication table and the processes of the concrete operations .

  26. 老师给你一张乘法口诀表,希望看到你带回家把它们背熟,而不是问一些诸如乘法是什么这类的问题。

    The teacher Pithy Formula give you a multiplication table , hope to see you back home to their meaning , not the multiplication such as what this kind of question .

  27. 介绍了用经验公式估算无功并联电容器的放电能量和放电电阻的口诀。

    This thesis gives a detailed introduction of a pithy formula , which applied to estimate discharge energy and discharge resistance of shunt capacitor , with the help of experience coefficient .

  28. 小狐默念脑海中的口诀,周身的红色光圈映着金色的闪电燃烧了整个天空。

    The small fox recites the formula because incantation in the brain , the bring an end to * the body red diaphragm reflected aureate lightning flash to burn the whole sky .

  29. 然而贪婪的老猫利用了大兰的嫉妒心害死了小兰,并企图骗取马兰花的口诀。

    However , greedy Old Cat made use of the jealousy of elder sister Da Lan to kill Xiao Lan , in an attempt to keep the magic Malan flower under her possession .

  30. 遇害的小鸟变成桃树,将真相告诉了马郎。但老狼已经从小猴口中骗取了马兰花的口诀。

    The slain Little Bird morphed into a peach tree and told Ma Lang everything , but by then Old Wolf had already acquired the magic words for the Malan flower from Little Monkey .