
bì hui
  • a word or phrase to be avoided as taboo;taboo;practice of placing a taboo on certain words;dodge;evade;taboo on using the personal names of emperors,ones elders,etc.


bì huì
  • taboo on using the personal names of emperors, one's elder, etc
避讳 [bì huì]
  • (1) [taboo;practice of placing a taboo on certain words]∶忌讳; 由于道德或审美的原因或可能遭到危险而不愿说出或听到某些会引起不愉快的字眼

  • 由于人们避讳这个讨论主题,因此讨论会激起了民愤

  • (2) [dodge;evade]∶回避[某事物]

  • 避讳这个问题

  • [taboo on using the personal names of emperors,ones elders,etc.] 封建君王或尊亲为了显示威严,规定人们说话中避免直呼其名或在行文中直写其名,而以别的字相代替

避讳[bì huì]
避讳[bì hui]
  1. 其三,避讳方法众多,是一个集大成者。

    Third , taboo have many methods , is a synthesizer .

  2. 作为男人应该避讳不良嗜好,培养良好的社交能力。

    Ases man should taboo bad hobby , Cultivates good sociality ability .

  3. 战争曾经是人们避讳的话题。

    The war was a forbidden subject

  4. 有一位商界领袖从不避讳详细诉说自己的过错,他就是沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)。

    One business leader who has no problem detailing his mistakes is Warren Buffett .

  5. 自从海顿·潘妮蒂尔2015年9月在Live!与凯莉和迈克尔首次提到她的挣扎后,她就不避讳谈及自己的产后抑郁症。

    Hayden Panettiere has been open about her postpartum depression ever since she first spoke out about her struggle on Live ! With Kelly and Michael in September 2015 .

  6. 当然了,“Avoid(回避)”正是作者在写避讳某字之文时所做的事情,也就是像避讳脏口一样,回避所有带有E的单词。

    " Avoid ", of course , is what the writer does when he writes a lipogram – avoiding all those nasty words with E in them .

  7. 还有另一个因素是:Uber的高管从不避讳他们对自动驾驶汽车的热爱。

    There 's another factor at play here , too . Uber executives haven 't been shy about their fondness for driverless cars ;

  8. 其四是因避讳违碍改字而误。

    Fourth , is a mistake to change the word taboo taboo .

  9. 迷信行为也不是免费的&种种仪式和避讳都有成本。

    Superstitions are not free-there are rituals and avoidances cost .

  10. 运动员们倒是对他们顺毛巾的事毫不避讳。

    The players make no secret of their appetite for the towels .

  11. 她甚至没有避讳她是个双性恋这一事实。

    She also did not hide the fact that she was bisexual .

  12. 避讳方法因类型的不同而表现出差异。

    The methods of Taboo for different types have performance out differences .

  13. 在避讳的特点上,避讳种类更全。

    The characteristics of the taboo , the taboo is more wide types .

  14. 其四,避讳范围广泛。

    Fourth , the range of taboo is wide .

  15. 麦当娜表示她可以毫不避讳地说她非常喜欢时装设计。

    Madonna says it 's no secret that she loves world of fashion .

  16. 他也不那么避讳谈及劳动力市场的改革。

    And labour-market reforms are not all that he is shying away from .

  17. 语音与避讳一二基于音素识别的语音评价方法

    A Pronunciation Assessment Method Based on Speech Phoneme Recognition

  18. 中国古代的避讳制度

    Discussion on the System of Taboo in Ancient China

  19. 巴德并不避讳其雄心勃勃的目标,效仿在它旗下的其它学校。

    Bard 's goals are unapologetically ambitious , mimicking those at its other schools .

  20. 禁忌与避讳的文化阐释

    From Taboo to Bihui : A Cultural Interpretation

  21. 因为他与坏蛋和奸诈者有交往,村民们都避讳他。

    The villagers avoided him because of his association with the villain and viper .

  22. 因为神的旨意、我并没有一样避讳不传给你们的。

    For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of god .

  23. 他对死并无避讳之态。

    He is not afraid of death .

  24. 有什么避讳吗?

    Is there anything to avoid asking ?

  25. 一对夫妇在大庭广众之下公然调情,毫不避讳路人的目光。

    One couple was getting frisky out in the open for any passerby to see .

  26. 秦汉时期避讳的发展与特点

    Development of to Avoid Certain Word as Taboo in Qin and Han Dynasty and its Characteristics

  27. 就是对因避讳而产生的特色字词进行研究。

    Sub-characteristics because of taboo words .

  28. 避讳制度也成为统治内部倾轧的一种政治手段。

    Avoid the system of internal strife has also become a rule of a political tool .

  29. 如果我们赞同其反馈,就会对分析进行调整,对此我们并不避讳。

    If we agree , we have no qualms about saying that we will adjust our analysis .

  30. 方言避讳语浅析

    The Analysis of Dialect Taboo