
bì yùn tào
  • condom;use a condom;French letter
  1. 胡德塞克的代表律师说,他的当事人要求该餐厅的员工要验DNA,以查出那一个避孕套究竟是谁用过的。

    Hodousek 's attorney Eric Traut said his client wants to have restaurant employees'DNA tested to find a match to the condom .

  2. FrenchLetter:不像在世界其他国家,在法国不要说FrenchLetter(法国的信)这个词,在法语中这个词就是避孕套的意思。

    French Letter : Dont say french letter unlike in other nations of the world , it simply means a condom in France .

  3. 如果使用得当,避孕套是很有效的避孕手段。

    Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care

  4. 虽然多数避孕套含有杀精剂,但也有一些是不含的。

    Although most condoms contain spermicide , there are some manufactured without .

  5. 想到老师将分发避孕套给学生使一些家长愤慨不已。

    The prospect of teachers passing out prophylactics to their pupils has infuriated some parents .

  6. 所有妇女都获得了关于怎样预防HIV病毒的忠告,并且也给了她们避孕套。

    All the women got counseling on how to prevent HIV and were also given condoms .

  7. 两组均接受安全性行为教育,提供免费避孕套,常规的HIV检测及其他相关的医学服务。

    Both groups received safe-sex counseling , free condoms , frequent HIV testing , and other pertinent medical services .

  8. 印度橡胶,最大的避孕套经销商和生产商,性感避孕套的包装商,和副总检察长G。

    Hindustan Latex , the largest marketer and manufacturer of condoms and maker of the sexy condom wrappers , spoke with solicitor general G.

  9. 它包括了分发避孕套的建议,咨询指导和实用的HIV诊断检测项目清单。

    It includes advice on distributing condoms , guidance on counseling and lists of the available tests for diagnosing HIV .

  10. 除了免费的避孕用品套装,剑桥校方还派送避孕卡,也称为C卡,新生可以用这张卡片得到更多避孕套。

    Officials are handing out free contraception packs as well as ' condom cards , ' called C-Cards , which pupils can use to get hold of more .

  11. 他说:“由于使用避孕套的人不多,所以我们正在考虑采取如强制性HIV检测这样的强硬措施。”

    Since condom use is not very popular , we are considering tough measures like compulsory HIV testing ," he said . "

  12. FC女用避孕套的生产厂家于2005年推出了新产品&FC2。该产品拥有跟以前产品同样的设计。

    In2005 the makers of the FC female condom announced a new product called FC2 .

  13. 作为防止HIV传播和计划生育策略的一部分,很多政府和非政府组织向人们提供免费的或者是低价的女用避孕套。

    Many governments and non-governmental organisations provide female condoms for free or at subsidised prices as part of their HIV prevention and family planning programmes .

  14. 南非人确实不太爱用避孕套,但还是有一部分人在用,对防止HIV感染也起到了一定作用。

    South Africa , people did not like to use condoms , but some people have used to prevent HIV infection must also played a role .

  15. IUD的累积续用率明显高于避孕套及口服避孕药。

    Its cumulate continuous use rate is the highest comparing with condom and oral contraceptives .

  16. 威尔斯曼称,在美国,女用避孕套的使用对于家庭计划生育和减少HIV和性传播疾病的蔓延时同等重要的。

    Weissman says that in the U.S. , female condom use is important both for family-planning purposes and for protection against HIV / AIDS and other STDs .

  17. 目的:掌握娱乐业雇员对女用避孕套(FC)的了解及使用情况。

    Objective : To find out the knowledge mastered and usage of female condom ( FC ) among employees of entertainment .

  18. 结论使用避孕套可在较长时间内预防HIV经性接触感染,但不正确使用仍可造成HIV感染。

    It postulated that she infected with HIV during March to April 1997 . Conclusion The case report indicated that incorrect use of condom could not prevent from HIV transmission between spouses .

  19. CVS的用心昭然若揭,似乎也很能理解&在这些区域,小偷小摸实在猖狂,开架避孕套等于免费避孕套。

    CVS 's intentions crystal clear , it seems very able to understand-in these areas , petty theft is rampant , open-shelf equivalent to free condoms , condoms .

  20. 据路透社报道,大约200万人正在参与ART项目治疗,但慈善团体也提醒地方诊所正在面临药物短缺问题。最新调查显示,避孕套在南非的使用率正在降低,尤其在15到24岁的人群中间更是如此。

    Some two million people are now on the ART programme , however charities have warned that local clinics are running short of the drugs , Reuters news agency reports.The latest study shows that condom use had declined , especially in the 15 to 24 age group .

  21. 实际上,近来2012年第一季度的报告显示,南非政府领导已经意识到避孕套对减少阳性HIV病例,特别是对防止病毒感染所起的帮助。

    In fact , in the recent report made in the first quarter of 2012 , the government leaders of the country recognized and acknowledge the help of condom in decreasing the ratio of HIV positive cases especially the infections .

  22. FC和FC2型女用避孕套是由聚氨基甲酸酯和腈这两种材料做成的。与普通的橡胶相比,这些材料引起过敏反应的机会更小。

    The FC and FC2 female condoms are made of polyurethane and nitrile , which are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than latex .

  23. 该公司的FC2女用避孕套是用一种柔和的材料制造的,因此没有任何噪音。

    The company 's FC2 Female Condom is made with a softer material for quieter use .

  24. 2005年与2002年相比,RTI自诉症状的发生率明显降低,就医率增加,妇女RTI相关知识得分提高,避孕套的使用率大幅度上升。

    Comparing the year of 2005 to 2002 , the rate of RTI symptom occurring was lower , the scores of knowledge about RTI and the usage of condom were higher .

  25. 结论新型PU避孕套的破裂率和滑脱率分别相近于和高于报道的乳胶避孕套使用情况,感官指标反映PU避孕套具有良好的可接受性。

    Conclusion The rates of breakage and slippage of PU condom were similar to and higher than those of reported latex condoms , respectively . The sense indicators showed that the PU condom was feasible and well accepted .

  26. 据英国广播公司(BBC)4月3日报道,南非卫生部长亚伦·莫特索亚雷迪(AaronMotsoaledi)日前表示政府将给学生发放具有颜色和香味的避孕套,以解决“避孕套疲劳”的问题。

    South Africa 's government will distribute coloured and flavoured condoms among students to end " condom fatigue , " the health minister has said .

  27. 孕期和半年内主诉RTI症状出现率分别为17.6%与53.8%,避孕套使用率18.1%。

    17.6 % of these rural women had the RTI symptom in pregnant period , and 53.8 % of them in recent half year , 18.1 % of them had used condoms .

  28. Gillison说:坚持使用避孕套将降低危险性。

    Consistent condom use may reduce risk .

  29. 目的通过调查了解克拉玛依市娱乐场所女性服务人员性病(STD)感染状况、艾滋病的有关知识、态度和行为,避孕套使用情况等,探索在该人群中开展行为干预的方法与措施。

    Objective To understand the STD infection situation , HIV / AIDS knowledge , attitude and risk behaviors and condoms use among women working in public places for entertainment in Karamay , explore methods and measures of the behavior intervention .

  30. 2007年曾发起了一系列电视广告活动,使用的口号是“携带避孕套光荣”(Yuedokpokthung)。

    A series of television advertising campaigns that used the slogan " Proud to carry condoms "( Yued ok pok thung ) was launched in2007 .