
  • 网络tax haven;tax heaven
  1. 英国子公司从处于避税天堂的实体高价采购产品或服务,再以同样的高价出售(比如卖给英国零售商),结果利润为零。

    The UK subsidiary buys it dear from the tax haven entity but then sells it on ( to a UK retailer , say ) at the same high price , realising no profits .

  2. 总部位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)目前将列支敦士登列为了不合作的避税天堂。

    The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development currently lists Liechtenstein as an uncooperative tax haven .

  3. 对一个经济体来说,真正的考验不是王子们能在避税天堂积累多少财富,而是普通公民的富裕程度。

    The true test of an economy is not how much wealth its princes can accumulate in tax havens , but how well off the typical citizen is .

  4. 美国新任总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)便发誓要打击避税天堂。

    Barack Obama , the new US president , is an avowed enemy of tax havens .

  5. OECD在2000年拟定了一个名单,其中包括35个“避税天堂”。

    The OECD in2000 compiled a narrower list of35 tax havens .

  6. 中国对巴西的FDI都与大宗商品和能源有关,主要输送渠道是卢森堡之类的避税天堂。

    This FDI , much of which was channelled through tax havens such as Luxembourg , was related to commodities and energy .

  7. 请从列表关闭VI设计避税天堂的VI设计司法管辖区将更好地满足您的需求。

    Please choose from the list off offshore tax havens which offshore jurisdiction will better suit your needs .

  8. 这些被称为“税基侵蚀和利润转移”(baseerosionandprofitshifting,简称Beps)的规则,旨在堵住漏洞和遏制利用避税天堂的行为。

    The rules , called " base erosion and profit shifting " or Beps , are designed to close loopholes and restrict the use of tax havens .

  9. 在最近的G20峰会上,法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)得意地宣称:避税天堂、银行保密制度这一切都结束了。

    At the recent G20 summit , Nicolas Sarkozy , French president , crowed : Tax havens , banking secrecy all that is finished .

  10. 他在此事上的立场令人想起今年4月之时,他曾威胁退出伦敦峰会,除非g20成员国同意打击避税天堂。

    The position is reminiscent of his threat to walk away from the London summit in April unless the G20 agreed to a clampdown on tax havens .

  11. 一些投资者所在的避税天堂没有和中国签署避免双重征税协议(DTA),对这些投资者来说,中国的新税法可能也让他们的生活更加复杂了。

    China 's new law could also make life more complicated for investors based in tax havens that do not have double tax agreements with China .

  12. 中国资金进行着往返旅行,通过香港或英属维京群岛(BritishVirginIslands)等避税天堂流出再流回中国,以获得税收优惠。

    The Chinese money round trips out of and then back into China , through Hong Kong or tax havens , such as the British Virgin Islands , to secure the tax break .

  13. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)本周早些时候激起了愤怒,当时,他建议把瑞士加入到不合作避税天堂的黑名单中。

    President Nicolas Sarkozy of France triggered a furore earlier this week when he suggested Switzerland be blacklisted as a non-co - operative tax haven .

  14. 但国际货币基金组织(imf)认为,避税天堂通常是由大量金融机构构成的中心,这些金融机构主要对非居民开展业务,交易金额与当地的经济需求不符。

    But the international monetary fund considers that they normally comprise centres with large numbers of financial institutions doing business primarily with non-residents and dealing in sums disproportionate to the needs of the domestic economy .

  15. 德国发出的打击欧洲避税天堂的呼吁周二得到了欧盟(EU)27个成员国中大多数国家的支持,它们决定收紧其视为鼓励逃税行为的银行保密规定。

    Germany 's call for a clampdown on European tax havens won support on Tuesday from a majority of the European Union 's 27 member states , determined to tighten rules on bank secrecy , which they see as encouraging tax evasion .

  16. 以前,私人股本企业在中国的投资,几乎都是通过离岸特别目的工具(SPV)进行的。这些特别目的工具由私人股本企业与目标中国企业的管理层共同设立,通常在避税天堂注册。

    Almost all investments by private equity firms in China have been done via an offshore special purpose vehicle set up together with management of the targeted Chinese company , often in tax havens .

  17. 当然不是20国集团(g20)领导人讨好奥巴马的方式,同时宣布了一大堆与全球衰退这一最紧迫问题几乎毫不相干的措施,包括打击避税天堂、奖金和大型对冲基金。

    Certainly not the way G20 leaders fawned over Barack Obama while announcing a welter of measures largely irrelevant to the immediate problem of the global recession , including a clampdown on tax havens , bonuses and big hedge funds .

  18. 而是说,只要其他欧洲人能接受,英国可以成为一种“大开曼群岛”(greatercaymanislands)式的离岸避税天堂,对欧洲大陆和世界其他地区只有很小的影响力。

    It would mean becoming a sort of greater Cayman Islands , a tax haven and offshore shelter , as far as the other Europeans would tolerate it , with very little influence inside the continent or in the rest of the world .

  19. 这处房产于1982年由yunakcorporation买下,该公司注册地是荷属安的列斯群岛(这是当时颇受欢迎的一个避税天堂)的库拉索,由哈里里经营。

    The property was acquired in 1982 by the yunak Corporation - a company registered in curaao in the Dutch Antilles - a popular tax haven at the time - and run by Mr Hariri .

  20. 经合组织(OECD)表示,根据新规,星巴克(Starbucks)、亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)等企业将发现更难把利润集中于低税国家和避税天堂,全球每年将额外增加多达2500亿美元的税收。

    Under the new rules , companies such as Starbucks , Amazon and Google will find it harder to concentrate their profits in low-tax countries and tax havens , raising up to $ 250bn a year in additional tax revenues , according to the OECD .

  21. 法德要求今天在伦敦会晤的20国集团(g20)领导人支持在金融监管、避税天堂以及银行业透明度问题上采取强硬的全球行动,表示他们将拒绝签署达不到他们的“红线”的协议。

    France and Germany have demanded that the G20 leaders meeting in London today back tough global action on financial regulation , tax havens , and banking transparency , saying they would refuse to sign a deal that did not meet their " red lines " .

  22. 在4月份20国集团(G20)伦敦峰会前召开的柏林会议上,欧洲领导人呼吁采取制裁措施,惩罚不合作的避税天堂地区。与会各国计划在未来几周列出这些地区的名字。

    At a meeting in Berlin ahead of the Group of 20 summit of advanced and emerging economies in London in April , Europe 's leaders called for sanctions to punish unco-operative tax havens , which member states plan to name in the next few weeks .

  23. 为见不得光之人准备的阳光天堂,这是作家W•萨默塞特•毛姆(W.SomersetMaugham)对摩纳哥的精炼总结。他就在这个法国南部避税天堂和富人度假胜地附近度过了大半生的时光。

    ' Asunny place for shady people , was W. Somerset Maugham 's pithy summation of Monaco , the tax haven and wealthy resort in the south of France close to where the writer lived for much of his life .

  24. 伦敦保持了世界最昂贵居住地的地位,紧随其后的是避税天堂摩纳哥以及百万富翁们的休养胜地圣-让-费拉角(St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat)。

    London retains its spot as the world 's most expensive place to live , followed by the tax exile haven Monaco and millionaires ' playground St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat .

  25. 国际足联的总部就设在避税天堂瑞士。

    FIFA has its headquarters in the tax haven of Switzerland .

  26. 这样的避税天堂很受富人欢迎。

    These tax havens are very popular with the rich .

  27. 其它避税天堂也将无法高枕无忧。

    Other tax havens will sleep a little less soundly .

  28. 许多国家还对企业在避税天堂的收入征税。

    And many still collect taxes on corporate income earned in tax havens .

  29. 避税天堂,好日子还有多久?

    How Many Good Days Lasting in Tax Haven ?

  30. 某种意义上说,英国也是世界最大的个人避税天堂。

    Britain is arguably one of the biggest personal-tax havens in the world .