
  • 网络Earth history
  1. 这方面的进展将导致对许多方面理解的进展,对板块、地球史、材料及其复杂性,这仅是几例。

    Progress will lead to advancements in understanding tectonics , earth history , materials and complexity , to name just a few .

  2. 地球史中的构造活动论和发展阶段论

    Mobilism in tectonics and development by stages in Earth 's history

  3. 我们欢迎你们再一次回归我们的区界,在地球史上长时间中断交流后。

    We welcome you into our boundaries again after a long respite of non-communication in Earth 's history .

  4. 在地球史上的另一个时期,蚂蚁王国曾有一只大毛毛虫的大小。

    The Ant Kingdom was once the size of a large caterpillar at another time in earth 's history .

  5. 大陆漂移(地球史上各大陆之间产生相对位移的缓慢运动)。

    Continental drift ( the slow movement of the continents towards and away from each other during the history of the Earth )

  6. 这在我千万年来所见过的地球史上,也不是多么特别的一件事&地球也有偶尔闹脾气的时候。

    It 's not a quite special case in my memory of the earth in the dozens of million years & sometimes the earth loses its temper too .

  7. 近来对全球气候变化的关注,特别是人类活动对于这些变化的影响,促使科学家们急于发现当前气候变化的趋势是如何与整个地球史上经历的气候变化的大背景相吻合的。

    Recent concerns about global climate change , especially the impact of human activity on these changes , have sent scientists scrambling to discover how current climate trends fit into the larger picture of climate change throughout earth 's history .

  8. 在地球演变史上,有五次大规模的物种灭绝。

    There have been five mass extinctions in Earth 's history .

  9. 科学家认为,钻石形成过程贯穿整个地球发展史。

    Scientists think diamonds may have been forming throughout earth 's history .

  10. 同氙-129一样,它提出了许多有关地球温度史的新问题。

    Like the xenon-129 , it raises a number of new questions about the temperature history of the earth .

  11. 这个结论也与地球生物史上大部份时期都只有微生物的事实吻合。

    This conclusion is also consistent with the fact that life on earth consisted solely of microorganisms for most of its history .

  12. 这是地球有史以来5次大灭绝中最大的一次—当然,6600万年后还是发生了恐龙灭绝。

    It was the largest of the five major mass extinctions in Earth 's history - well before the dinosaur-killer 66 million years ago .

  13. 这些发现让我们对地球生命史上重要章节的了解,几乎有了巨幅的成长,也因而改写了我们过去对于早期四足动物演化、样性、物地理学及古生物学的观念。

    These discoveries have expanded almost exponentially our understanding of this critical chapter in the history of life on earth-and turned old notions about early tetrapod evolution , diversity , biogeography and paleoecology on their heads .

  14. 丰富多彩的沉积构造,独特典型的滨海岩溶地貌景观,典型的构造形迹,记录了古地理、古气候、古环境及其演化史,是研究地球发展史的宝贵资料。

    Paleogeography , paleoclimate and palaeoenvironment as well as evolutional history is recorded by colourful sedimentary structures , the particular littoral Karst landform landscapes and typical structure features , it provided valuable data for research earth history .

  15. 其中,岩体型斜长岩仅赋存于前寒武纪变质地体中,形成时代主要为元古宙(2.1~0.9Ga),代表地球演化史上很重要的构造-热事件。

    Massif-type anorthosite is the most common type of anorthosite and with distinct characteristics . Most massif-type anorthosite bodies are Proterozoic ranging from 2.1 Gato 0.9 Ga in formation ages , representing an important tectono-thermal event in the earth evolution .

  16. 地球演化史中的地外撞击事件,是太阳系形成机制&碰撞吸积作用的继续,是地质历史生物、沉积、岩浆、构造等演化的重要营力之一。

    Extraterrestrial impact events in the Earth ′ s evolution history are thought to be the continuance of collisional accreation & the formation mechanism of solar system , and may play an important role in the organism evolution , sedimentation , magmatism , tectonic etc.

  17. 一些研究人员表示这可能是地球上有史以来的最低温度。

    And some researchers say it could be the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth .

  18. 在地球的气候史中,经历了许多次气候突变事件。

    In the history of earth 's climate , there were many abrupt climate change events .

  19. 地质学对地球起源、史和结构的科学研究。

    Geology : The scientific study of the origin , history , and structure of the earth .

  20. 在地球的上古史中,有复制能力的蛋白质,搞不好就是在方解石晶面上形成的。

    In the earth 's early history , perhaps a self-replicating protein formed on the face of a calcite crystal .

  21. 是什么让它矗立于天地之间?2716英尺的哈利法塔是地球上有史以来最高的建筑。

    What keeps it standing ? At 2716 feet , the Burj Khalifa is the tallest structure ever built on earth .

  22. 海洋鱼类在陆上出现是地球生物进化史上的重要时刻之一。

    The emergence of fish from the sea was one of the key moments that transformed the evolution of life on Earth .

  23. 从世界文明演进的角度看,地球上的有史以来的数十种文明,能够绵延至今而未曾中断的文明,唯有我中华文明而已。

    From the perspective of the evolution of world civilization , earth history , dozens of civilization , can stretch so far and has not been interrupted civilization , Chinese civilization it only me .

  24. 这个人就首先会因此受到全地球人民的特别尊敬而永载地球人类社会发展史的光辉一章的。

    The man then first will therefore have received the entire earth people 's special respect and forever carrying earth history of human society the brightness of chapter .

  25. 让我们假想某些外星生物一直在观察着我们的暗蓝小点(地球),它们在遥远的某处,不只观察了四十年,而是历经地球发展史的整个45亿年。

    But let 's suppose some aliens had been watching our pale blue dot in the cosmos from afar , not just for 40 years , but for the entire 4.5 billion-year history of our Earth .