
  • 网络Mediterranean Fruit Fly;Ceratitis capitata;Ceratitis capiata WiedGman
  1. 地中海实蝇(Mediterraneanfruitfly)通常简称为Medfly,是世界上最具破坏性的农业害虫之一。

    The Mediterranean fruit fly commonly called Medfly , is one of the world 's most destructive agricultural pests .

  2. 实蝇科Tephritidae昆虫是双翅目Diptera的大科之一,全世界已描述的种类超过450属4300余种,其中包括地中海实蝇Ceratitiscapitata在内的70余种是农业上有重要经济意义的害虫。

    Tephritidae fruit fly is one of the largest families of Diptera . There are about 4300 species in more than 450 genera through out the world . About 70 species of this family , including the Mediterranean fruit fly , Ceratitis capitata , are of the quarantine importance .

  3. 地中海实蝇与植物检疫

    Mediterranean fruit fly and plant quarantine

  4. 为此,我国采取了一系列严格的检疫措施,有效地防止地中海实蝇传入。

    China has taken a series of strict quarantine measures and prevented the entry of Mediterranean fruit fly effectively .

  5. 另外,地中海实蝇的危害也会导致庭院种植园和商业种植场均需要比正常时更大的杀虫剂使用量。

    In addition , backyard gardens , as well as commercial production areas , would require increased use of pesticides on a routine basis .