
  • 网络Meromyza saltatrix Linnaeus;Meromgza saltatrix linnaeus;Oscinella Pusilla Meigen;Elachiptera insignis Thoms;Meromyza saltatrix
  1. 抗麦秆蝇春小麦品种的选育及其抗性的研究

    Studies on the breeding for spring wheat varieties resistant to the wheat stem maggot , meromyza saltatrix Linnaeus and the mechanism of resistance

  2. 春小麦品种对麦秆蝇抗性机制的研究

    Studies on the mechanism of resistance of spring wheat varieties to the wheat stem maggot meromyza saltatrix Linnaeus

  3. 因此,选育新品种的目标除高产及抗麦秆蝇外,还要求能耐盐碱和抗锈。

    Therefore , besides the resistance to the wheat stem maggot , the aims of wheat breeding include also the requirements of resistance or tolerance to alkaline soils and rust diseases .