
  1. 直到约六年前,才有学者写出一套复杂到足以模拟地核运动和地磁作用的程式。

    But until about six years ago , no one had written computer code sufficiently complex to simulate core motion and its magnetic effects .

  2. 余洛的研究小组认为,假如此区块是一种与主要地核运动相抗衡的「漩涡」区,那麽此区块的增长便可以解释现今磁偶极场的衰减现象了。

    Hulot 's team argues that the growth of these reversed patches , presumably eddies that are working against the primary motion of the core , can explain the current decline in the dipole field .

  3. 通过启动电机或转动手摇,可反映到地壳和地核的运动关系。

    The motion relationships of the crust and the core of the earth are shown by starting the motor or rotating the hand crank .

  4. 就像起动器一样,地核的运动有助于解释南北磁极周期性变换或历史上地球磁极的翻转原因。

    For starters , the core 's motion could help explain why magnetic north and south periodically wander or reverse over earth 's history .