
  1. 介绍了一种新兴的地基处理技术&水泥粉煤灰钢渣桩(CFS)。

    A new ground improvement technology , cement fly-ash steel-slag pile , is presented .

  2. 地基处理技术中应用广泛、有所创新的有粉喷桩、水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(CFG桩)、强夯等。

    Widely used and innovative ground treatment technology includes cement spraying piling , CFG piling and heavily rammed piling , etc.

  3. 上海F-1赛车场人造山体地基处理技术方案浅谈

    On Technical Scheme of Ground Treatment for Man-Made Hill of Shanghai F-1 Autodrome

  4. 近年来引入的CFG桩复合地基处理技术,以其桩身强度高、可全桩长传递荷载而得到广泛应用。

    Recently , CFG-pile composite foundation is introduced in deal with deep and soft clay worked as expressway foundation . Because CFG-pile has high strength and can transfer loads along full pile shaft , it has been used widely .

  5. CFG桩复合地基处理技术在提高地基承载力及降低工程造价等方面有很好的经济效益和社会效益,因此在处理不良地基问题时得到广泛的应用。

    CFG Pile composite foundation treatment technology in improving foundation bearing capacity and reduce the engineering cost has good economic benefit and social benefit , so in the weak , the poor foundation reinforcement in a wide range of applications .

  6. 采用强夯置换法处理淤泥或淤泥质土在《建筑地基处理技术规范》JGJ79-2002及一些行业规程中均己涉及。

    The heavy tamping replacement method on the silt and the silt clay has been involved in the technical code for ground treatment of building ( JGJ79-2002 ) and some professional technical specifications .

  7. 劣质土层地基处理技术浅议

    Discussion on Foundation Treatment Technologies under Conditions of Poor Soil Layers

  8. 杭金衢高速公路溶洞发育区地基处理技术研究

    Research of Foundation Treatment Technology in Karst Area of Hang-jin-gu Highway

  9. 大面积深厚杂填土地基处理技术

    Heavy Miscellaneous Fill Layer with Sizable Area Foundation Treatment Technology

  10. 水泥土搅拌桩复合地基处理技术的工程应用

    Application of Soil Cement Stired Pile in Compound Subsoil Improvement

  11. 石灰砂桩综合地基处理技术的应用研究

    The application research of lime and sandy column synthesizes foundation soil technology

  12. 遂渝线无碴轨道桩网结构地基处理技术

    Discuss on the Column-Net Structure of Ballastless Track in Sui-Yu Railway Line

  13. 基于计算机三维仿真的油罐地基处理技术的研究

    Research on the tank foundation treatment technology based on three-dimensional computer simulation

  14. 粉喷桩复合地基处理技术与工程应用

    Composite Foundation Technique of Powder Spurt Pile and its Application to Engineering

  15. 青海高速公路湿陷性黄土地基处理技术研究

    Study of the Treating Technology of Collapsibility Loess Subgrade in Qinghai Highway

  16. 某工程不均匀山区地基处理技术

    Treat ment Technology of Asymmetrical Foundation of Mountain Ground in a Project

  17. 浅谈深层水泥搅拌桩地基处理技术

    The study on the foundation reinforcement technology of cement deep mixing pile

  18. 火力发电厂地基处理技术规定

    Technical regulation for ground treatment of fuel power plant

  19. 水平排水板振动碾压地基处理技术和工程措施

    Foundation Treatment Technique of Method of Vibration and Roller Compaction of Horizontal Drain Board

  20. 复合地基处理技术研究现状及展望

    Research status and future of composite foundation technology

  21. 天津滨海新区软土地基处理技术历史与发展

    History & Development of Soft Soil Foundation Improvement Technology in Tianjin Binhai New Area

  22. 特殊地基处理技术在沿海地区高速公路中的应用

    Special Foundation Treatment Technology in the Coastal Expressway

  23. 某运动场的地基处理技术

    The Treatment Technique of A Playground Foundation

  24. 《建筑地基处理技术规范》中强制性条文的实施技术探讨

    Technical Study on Execution of Compulsory Provisions in Technical Code for Ground Treatment of Buildings

  25. 钻孔夯扩挤密桩复合地基处理技术

    Ground treatment technology of boring hole-ramming-squeezing pile

  26. 人工回填地基处理技术的应用性研究

    Application Research on Artificial Backfilling Ground Treatment

  27. 临海滩涂堆载预压联合排水固结地基处理技术的应用与效果检测

    Application of Coastal Preloading Combined with Drainage Consolidation Technique to Ground Treatment and Result Test

  28. 地基处理技术及其发展

    Ground treatment technology and its development

  29. 深圳后海湾填海区软土地基处理技术研究

    Study on Foundation Treatment Technique for Soft Soil of Houhai Gulf Sea Filling Area in Shenzhen

  30. 粉喷桩是搅拌桩采用干法施工的一种地基处理技术。

    Piles Dry Jet Mixing Method is a kind of dry construction of ground treatment technology .