
  • 网络Foundation bearing capacity;foundation capability
  1. 如何评价深水基础岩石地基承载能力的我见

    Suggestion How to Assess the Bearing Capacity of Rock Ground in the Deep Water Foundation

  2. 土工网垫由于其易变形特点,不能提高甚至降低了风积沙地基承载能力;

    However , the geonet reduces the bearing capacity of the aeolian sand to some extent because it changes its form easily .

  3. 实践证明,该方法不仅大幅度提高了软土地基承载能力和变形模量,而且大大减少了地基的沉降量。

    Practice proves that this method not only greatly enhances the bearing capacity and deformation modulus of soft-soil ground , but also greatly decreases the settlement amount of the ground .

  4. 本文论述在建筑施工中,应注意红粘土的胀缩性和裂隙性对地基承载能力和基础稳定性的影响,建议尽量利用土层较硬质的土作基础持力层。

    In construction , attention must be paid to the effect of expansion shrinkage and cracking of the red clay on the bearing capacity of ground-base and on the stability of the foundation .

  5. 我国露天开采矿山众多,排土场地基承载能力和边坡稳定性研究意义重大,特别是在我国南部雨水较多地区。

    There is a huge number of open-pit mining in China , study of large dump site base load capacity and slope stability has great significance , especially in the higher rainfall areas in southern China .

  6. 五年多的运行观测资料表明,采用该法加固对于提高地基承载能力,减少地基过量沉陷,增强抗滑稳定性,效果显著。

    Based on more than 5 years ' data of operation and observation , it has shown that the load capacity of the foundation has been increased , excessive settlement of the foundation reduced , stability against sliding increased and the effects are remarkable by using the method .

  7. 自升式平台在层状地基上承载能力及穿透可能性分析

    The Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of the Layered Soil that the Platform is Located on

  8. 采用废钢渣对松软砂土搅拌压实后,可有效地提高地基的承载能力、降低基础的沉降量。

    The soil mixed with steel slag and sand can effectively enhance the ground bearing capacity and reduce the foundation settlement .

  9. 由于沿海地区地质条件软弱,需要选取合适的方法,对软基进行处理,提高地基的承载能力。

    As the coastal geological weakness , it is necessary to adopt the appropriate method to improve the bearing capacity of foundations .

  10. 试验结果表明,化学灌浆不仅提高了黄土地基的承载能力,而且增强了抗液化能力及抗变形能力。

    The test shows that the chemical grouting not only increases the bearing capacity of the loess ground , but also strengthens capacity of anti-liquefaction and anti-deformation .

  11. 软土地基具有承载能力低、沉降量大和固结时间长等工程特性,使得建(构)筑物各部位在使用期间产生沉降和不均匀沉降。

    Soft ground has engineering properties such as low bearing capacity , big settlement and long time consolidation , which makes structures excessive settlement and differential settlement during operation .

  12. 由于煤炭资源的开采,在中西部地区的一些老能源基地出现了大规模、大范围的采空塌陷区,造成老采空区上方建筑地基的承载能力下降。

    Because of the exploitation of coal recourses , the bases of energy in middle and western have occurred lots of goaf , and the bearing capacity of foundation on the goaf have been dropped significantly .

  13. 从而为进一步深入研究落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)在各种路基、路面(刚性路面,柔性路面和复合式路面)以及建筑物地基的结构承载能力评价提供基础。

    Therefore practical and versatile analysis access is established for the Falling Weight Deflectometer ( FWD ) on evaluation of capacity of pavement ( subgrade , rigid pavement , flexible pavement and composed pavement ) and foundation of structures .

  14. 可以进行地基持力层承载能力计算、软弱下卧层验算、地基沉降、倾斜计算。

    This software can perform the calculation of bearing capacity of the basement ;

  15. 利用基坑内压板抗滑动试验成果,确定地基土抗滑动承载能力。

    Based on the anti-sliding test result of clip plates in foundation pits , the anti-sliding stability of foundation soil was determined .

  16. 这样能充分发挥岩石地基的较高的承载能力,节省人力资源和自然资源,降低工程费用。

    In this way it can full exert the higher loading ability of the rock ground , save human resource and natural resources , and reduce the project expenses .

  17. 采用粉喷桩处理地基,对提高软土地基承载能力、减少地基的沉降量及保证桥头高填土路基的稳定性具有明显的效果,对今后类似的施工具有一定的参考价值。

    It has obvious effect on improving the carrying capacity of soft foundation , reducing the sedimentation and ensuring the stability of high roadbed at head of bridge using power-jet pile , and will provide reference for similar construction in future .

  18. 本文详细论述了木桩在处理房屋软土地基中的应用,对经处理的地基的承载能力和沉降的分析方法进行了详细的论证。

    With engineering practice in the reinforcement of a dyke-through structure , the essay introduces soft ground treatment by wood pile .

  19. 通过对检测成果的综合分析得知,将砂砾石作为建筑物地基,采用高压喷射灌浆对松散地基进行加固处理,进而提高地基承载能力,其方法是可行的,能满足工程设计要求。

    The overall analysis of test results shows that application of high pressure jet grouting in loose sand and gravel foundation can improve foundation bearing capacity and this method is feasible and meets the design requirements of the project .

  20. 当地基处于极限状态时,基础作用于地基的全部荷载应该等于该地基土体的承载能力,根据这一关系式可以推导出海底管道沉降量的计算公式。

    In the ultimate state , the ultimate bearing capacity should be equal to the loads acted on the foundation . Thus the solutions to pipeline settlement can be deduced .

  21. 本文参考模型试验中地基破坏的情况,假定滑动面由三段组成,应用库仑破坏准则,导出地基极限承载能力的近似计算公式。

    Now the author , having referred to the failure in the model test according to Coulomb 's criterion , offers an approximate formula of the ultimate bearing capacity of a foundation on the assumption that the sliding surface consists of three segments .