
  • 网络parcel area;land area
  1. 容积率越高,土地的价格越高;政府对于出让地块面积的控制也会影响出让土地的单位价格。

    If the floor-area rate is higher , the land prices will be higher . The parcel area of land which government can control may also affect land sales prices .

  2. 通过秩亏自由网平差原理对手持式GPS接收机测量的坐标值进行平差,旨在提高手持式GPS测量地块面积的精度。

    Through adjusting the coordinate data surveyed by hand hold GPS receiver with the principle of rank defect free network adjustment , the aim of author 's study is to increase the precision of hand hold GPS when surveying the block area .

  3. 这个新指标&绿色容积率(GPR)是以一个通常被称作叶面积指数(LAI)的生物参数作为基础,该参数被定义为每单位地块面积上的单面叶面积总和。

    This new metric , the green plot ratio ( GPR ), is based on a common biological parameter called the leaf area index ( LAI ), which is defined as the single-side leaf area per unit ground area .

  4. 结果表明,容积率增加1%,会导致单位出让价格增加0.611%;出让地块面积增加1%,会引起单位出让价格下降0.138%。

    The empirical results indicate that 1 % increases in floor-area ratio will lead to 0.611 % increase in sales price . And 1 % increase in area will lead to 0.138 % decrease in land prices .

  5. 勃艮第的面积和经营规模都比波尔多小,当地农户经营的地块面积都只有几公顷,往往是代代相传。

    Burgundy is smaller in area and operates on a smaller scale , with farmers tending plots whose size in hectares measures in the single digits , and typically passing them down from one generation to the next .

  6. 根据分形理论和各板块的面积以及现代大陆各地块面积资料,分别进行了全球岩石圈板块和全球大陆地块自相似性特征尺度与频度关系的研究讨论。

    Based on the fractal theory and the area data of the global continental massifs , both of the characteristic yardstick of the modern global continental massifs and their frequency have been analyzed and discussed in this paper .

  7. 争议地块面积45472平方米,位于外滩南部黄浦江沿岸地区。黄浦江是一条横贯中国内地金融中心上海的河流。

    The site in dispute , which covers 45472 square meters ( about 489000 square feet ) , is located south of the Bund area along the Huangpu River , which cuts through the heart of mainland China 's financial capital .

  8. 中国农田地块的面积中值不到1英亩,因此无法形成规模效益。

    The median Chinese farm plot is less than one acre , preventing economies of scale .

  9. 研究结果表明:(1)三个不同尺度的水塘湿地系统对氮、磷的截留效果不仅与自身的容积、净化能力有关,而且与其所处的地块特征及其汇水面积紧密相关;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) the different dimensions pond wetland system 's retention effect of N and P relates to not only itself cubage and the ability of purification of itself , but also its characteristic of the place and its catchments area ;

  10. 介绍了低空遥感技术在精准农业中的应用情况,如地块边界数字化、地块面积量算、作物种类识别、作物长势分析等。

    It was introduced that the application of low altitude remote sensing in precision agriculture , such as digital of plot boundary , estimate of plot area , identify of the crop category , analyses of crop growth .