
  • 网络the Panama Canal Treaty
  1. 关于执行巴拿马运河条约第四条的协定

    Agreement in Implementation of Article IV of the Panama Canal Treaty

  2. 交换关于巴拿马运河的永久中立和经营的条约及巴拿马运河条约批准书的议定书巴拿马签发证书计划

    Protocol of Exchange of Instruments of Ratification Regarding the Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Treaty

  3. 同年11月6日,美国宣布承认巴拿马共和国;12天后,同其签署了开凿巴拿马运河的条约。

    On November 6th of that year , America announced its recognition of the Republic of Panama , and 12 days later signed with it a treaty allowing America to build the Panama Canal .