
  • 网络Southern Brazil
  1. 例如,在巴西南部海域,海豚使用了一种很聪明的计划来获取食物。

    In the seas of southern Brazil , for example , dolphins use an intelligent plan to get food .

  2. 巴西南部一城市,为波尔多·艾莱格雷城的一个郊区。人口213999。

    A city of southern Brazil , a suburb of P ? rto Alegre . Population , 213,999 .

  3. 这家公司还是MRS物流公司的股东,后者的铁路网位于巴西南部。巴西国家黑色冶金公司(CSN)和另一家钢铁公司Usiminas同样也是MRS物流公司的股东。

    The company is also a shareholder in MRS Log í stica 's railway network in the south of Brazil , along with CSN and Usiminas , another steel company .

  4. 1984年成立于巴西南部阿雷格里港的GAD是名副其实的巴西公司,在首都和其它地区都有办事处,在圣保罗及全国各地均有分部。

    Its activities were initiated in1984 , in Porto Alegre , South of Brazil , where , Luciano Deos , nowadays Chapter Chairman of GAD , formed an atelier in his house basement .

  5. 佩洛塔斯是巴西南部一个以贫富差距而知名的城市。

    Pelotas is a South Brazilian city of marked economic contrasts .

  6. 甜心,我是巴西南部人。

    Darling , I 'm southern Brazilian .

  7. 玉米田不能移动:我们无法从将它们从巴西南部挖出,再置于阿拉伯沙漠之中。

    Cornfields are not very mobile : they cannot be extracted from the south of Brazil and replanted in the Arabian desert .

  8. 坦率的说,巴西南部的皮革与乌拉圭皮革很相似,但在价格上却比乌拉圭的报价高一些。

    To be frank , the leather in southern Brazil is very similar to Uruguay ' s.But the price is a little higher than Uruguay 's quotation .

  9. 另有数百人在火灾中受伤,火灾发生在位于巴西南部的圣玛丽亚市,在阿根廷和乌拉圭边境附近。

    Hundreds of others have been injured in the disaster in Santa Maria , at the southern tip of Brazil near the borders with Argentina and Uruguay .

  10. 继8月25日的审判之后,本周一,巴西南部巴拉那的第6民事法院分庭下达了一项前所未有的裁决。

    Following a trial on August25th , on Monday this week the6th Civil Chamber of the Court of Paran á in southern Brazil handed down an unprecedented ruling .

  11. 近年来,南非经济已经被中国、印度、巴西这些南部大国远远地抛在了后面。

    In recent years , South Africa 's economy has been utterly outstripped by the southern giants of China , India and Brazil .

  12. 在巴西和其他南部拉美国家,纺织服装业的生产商一般对美国市场的依存度相对较低,但面对水涨船高的效率要求,它们也同样表示担心。

    In Brazil and other countries to the south producers are generally less dependent on the US market but are equally concerned about increasing efficiency .

  13. 这次事件发生在巴西圣卡塔琳娜州南部的大瓦尔任附近的一个联合警察的军事行动中。

    The incident happened during a joint police and military operation in the neighbourhood of Vargem Grande , in the south Brazilian state of Santa Catarina .

  14. 巴西警方确认,巴西南部一家爆满的夜总会发生火灾,致使230多人死亡。

    Brazilian police have confirmed that more than 230 people have been killed in a fire at a crowded nightclub in southern Brazil .

  15. 巴西国家亚马逊研究所的安东尼奥诺布雷称:破坏性的气候循环已经初露端倪。以我们已经看到的巴西南部为例,由亚马逊的水汽形成的河流将要干涸了。

    What we are seeing already for example in southern Brazil , which is in the wake of the river of water vapor coming from the Amazon , is already a drying up .

  16. 巴西足协将所有比赛推迟一周,而该国长期不和的政客也在一天内搁置纷争,向沙佩科恩斯(Chapecoense)球队的球员家属和官员致以哀悼。这支球队的总部位于巴西南部圣卡塔琳娜州的小城沙佩科。

    Brazil 's soccer federation delayed all matches for a week and the nation 's feuding politicians put their infighting aside for a day to send their condolences to the families of players and officials from Chapecoense , a club based in the small city of Chapec ó in the southern state of Santa Catarina .