
bì shǔ
  • avoid summer heat;prevent sunstroke;be away for the summer holidays;go to summer resort;pass the summer holidays;spend a holiday at a summer resort
避暑 [bì shǔ]
  • (1) [pass the summer holidays;be away for the summer holidays;spend a holiday at a summer resort]∶到凉爽的地方度过炎热的暑期

  • (2) [prevent sunstroke]∶避免中暑

避暑[bì shǔ]
  1. 那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。

    The summer house was a simple wooden construction .

  2. 他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。

    He visited relatives at their summer house on the river .

  3. 紧靠我们右面,古老的德国避暑胜地正在苏醒。

    Immediately to our right the old German summer resort was awakening .

  4. 今年初夏我逃离了伦敦的炎热,飞往科克去避暑。

    I escaped the heatwave in London earlier this summer and flew to Cork

  5. 他动身到他的避暑别墅去想清楚他下一步应该做什么。

    He left for his summer cottage to puzzle out what he might try next

  6. 他们在乡间有幢避暑居所。

    They have a summer residence in the countryside .

  7. 他和家人在山间避暑。

    He and his family are spending the summer among the mountains .

  8. 大连以避暑胜地著称。

    Dalian is known as a summer resort .

  9. 北戴河是个避暑的好去处。

    Beidaihe is a nice summer resort .

  10. 该市居民准备逃到天气较为凉爽的江河流域避暑。

    The city 's population prepared to flee heat for the relative cool of the rivers .

  11. 山区避暑旅馆有时在夏季雇用大学生充当旅馆房间服务员。

    Sometimes resort hotels in the mountains hire college students as desk clerks during the summer .

  12. 第五大道上的富翁们已经出去避暑,空出的宅第都已锁好了门窗,钉上了木板

    Fifth Avenue was boarded up where the rich had deserted their mansions .

  13. 北戴河以避暑胜地而著称。

    Beidaihe is noted for its summer resort .

  14. 镀金时代的一些名人如金融家J?P?摩根就是在那里避暑的。

    Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan , the financier , summered there .

  15. 避暑山庄于1994年根据文化遗产遴选标准C(II)(IV)被列入《世界遗产名录》(编号:200-011)。

    The Mountain Resort was included in the World Heritage List ( code : 200-011 ) according to Cultural Heritage selecting criteria C ( II )( IV ) in1994 .

  16. Clifford带他们去了一个可以避避暑的地方,他们喜欢这块树荫。

    Clifford gives them a place to get out of the heat . They enjoy the shade .

  17. Raymond被迫出售得克萨斯的资产,举家迁移到汉普顿家的避暑别墅。

    Boyle was forced to sell his Texas estate and moved his family into their summer home in The Hamptons .

  18. 在卡茨基尔避暑胜地与其妻子劳里(laurie)相识后,佩尔穆特就走上了经商之路,并最终收购了惊奇。

    After meeting his wife Laurie at a Catskills resort , he started on a path that would lead him to marvel .

  19. 我下榻于靠近神社的金谷酒店(KanayaHotel),一处古老的欧洲风格建筑。在空调发明之前,许多外国人和外交官都在夏天逃离湿热的东京,来此地避暑。

    I stayed close to the shrine and retired at night to the Kanaya Hotel , an old European-style place where expats and diplomats took holidays from steamy Tokyo in the days before air-conditioning .

  20. 它是中国最理想的避暑胜地之一。

    It is one of the best summer resorts in China .

  21. 大批游客涌入,使这个避暑胜地热闹起来。

    The invasion of tourists brought life to the summer resort .

  22. 是的华伦天奴上衣,避暑别墅,现金,结帐!

    Yes Valentino blouses , summer houses , cash , check !

  23. 北雁荡山建为避暑兼避寒胜地的探讨

    Study on Building North Yandang Mountain into Summer and Winter Resort

  24. 境内有驰名中外的避暑山庄和外八庙,是理想的旅游胜地。

    Territory the world-famous Mountain Resort is an ideal tourist destination .

  25. 然后你发现,他们有10处避暑别墅。

    Next thing you know , they have 10 summer places .

  26. 避暑山庄绿化现状及发展对策

    Current planting situation in summer resort mountain villa and Developmental Countermeasures

  27. 承德避暑山庄杜梨瘿螨发生规律研究

    Research on Occurrence Regularity of Eriophyes sp. in Chengde Mountain Resort

  28. 贵清山:丝绸路上的避暑胜地

    Mount Guiqing : A New Summer Resort on the Silk Road

  29. 很多人来避暑胜地滑水。

    Many people come to the summer resort to water ski .

  30. 除非他们有避暑别�

    No dates , unless they have summer houses . Relax .