
yù xǐ
  • imperial jade seal
玉玺 [yù xǐ]
  • [imperial jade seal] 专指皇帝的玉印

玉玺[yù xǐ]
  1. 我要你确保你能找到玉玺。

    I need your assurance that you will find the seal .

  2. 穆罕默德的玉玺就是一枚银环镶边的阴雕红玉髓。

    Muhammad 's seal was an engraved Cornelian set in a silver ring .

  3. 于是大利乌王立这禁令,加盖玉玺。

    So King Darius put the decree in writing .

  4. 我知道玉玺在那小孩身上。

    I know the boy has the seal .

  5. 渭河下游地区作为玉玺之地,史料记载十分丰富。

    As the land of imperial seal , the area of the lower reaches of Weihe River was rich in historical records .

  6. 王不是在这禁令上盖了玉玺吗。王回答说,实有这事,照玛代。

    The king answered and said , The thing is true , according to the law of the Medes and Persians , which altereth not .

  7. 烧掉身分证、将象征国徽皇位的玉玺一把摔烂了,老百姓就会重归纯朴。

    ID card should be burned and the jade seal of kings and dukes should be crushed , which may enable people return to the life of simplicity and purity .

  8. 第一,研究其三层包孕之立体结构艺术,《三国志玉玺传》的整体结构规模宏大严谨,采取主线和隐线相结合的结构形式,显示出弹词艺人构思的巧妙和独具匠心。

    Its overall structure is of large-scale and rigorous , and taken the main line and the line of combining structure , showing the ingenious and originality of the storytelling artist conceived .

  9. 王阿,现在求你立这禁令,加盖玉玺,使禁令决不更改。照玛代和波斯人的例是不可更改的。

    Now , O king , establish the decree , and sign the writing , that it be not changed , according to the law of the Medes and Persians , which altereth not .