
  1. 第二节通遇语音和语义两方面分析研究《玉篇》方言词中的部份同源词。

    Section two analyses some cognates in dialect words of Yu Pian by two aspects , syntax and semantic .

  2. 以期让人们更多地了解《玉篇》,研究《玉篇》,从中吸取宝贵的经验和教训,以有利于今后部首的改革和字典的编纂。

    From the above we can get valuable experience and lesson which can help us reform the radicals and compile dictionary better .

  3. 《玉篇》的体例特点与重文现象对于研究音韵学、文字学、训诂学具有相当大的学术价值。

    The style characteristic and the repeated words of " Yupian " have considerable academic value on the research of Phonology , Philology and Exegetics .

  4. 《玉篇》成害于梁武帝大同九年(543年),是魏晋南北朝时期重要的文字学著作。

    Yu Pian was completed in Emperor Liang Wu Datong nine years ( AD543years ), which is one of the most important philology books in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  5. 今天我们所见到的《宋本玉篇》虽然经历了几次较大的改动,但基本上还是沿袭了原本《玉篇》的内容和体例,也因此成为汉魏六朝至宋代的文字“化石”之一。

    After a few considerable modifications , the present YuPian of Song Dynasty edition commonly used by us still follows the content and system of YuPian of the original edition ; ther .

  6. 从版本方面来看,《玉篇》在成书以后经历了多次删削修改,不同时代的本子在面貌上有很大的不同,反映了不同时代语言的发展变化。

    Being revised and abbreviated for many times after accomplished , the Yu Pian 's versions of each period have their own features . The different versions reflect the developments and changes of different times .