
  • 网络Guo Zeng
  1. 蔡国和曾国在较长时间内为楚国的附属国,受楚文化影响较大。

    Cai state and Zeng state were subsidiary countries to Chu in a long time , they were influenced by Chu culture .

  2. 我们曾试国说服他们,但他们仍坚持他们的意见。

    We have tried to talk them around , but they adhere to their opinion .

  3. 王阿,至高的神曾将国位,大权,荣耀,威严赐与你父尼布甲尼撒。

    As for you , o king , the most high God gave to nebuchadnezzar , your father , the Kingdom and great power and glory and honour .

  4. 但是考虑到英国和伊拉克的历史联系,他对英国支持科研奖学金的程度感到难以接受&英国在伊拉克1958年革命之前曾根据国联的托管权控制伊拉克40年。

    But he is bitter about Britain 's level of support for research scholarships given its historic ties & it controlled Iraq for four decades before the1958 revolution under a League of Nations mandate .

  5. 她曾在联合国发表演讲,会见世界各国领导人,并写了一本书叫《我是马拉拉》。

    She has spoken at the United Nations , met world leaders and written a book , I Am Malala .

  6. 三星最初曾说,国行版Note7用不同的电池,是安全的。

    Samsung initially said the Chinese version of the Note 7 had a different battery and was safe .

  7. 尽管朝鲜否认自己应该对那次黑客攻击负责,但该国曾向联合国(UN)投诉这部影片,并指责美国支持恐怖主义。

    While North Korea has denied responsibility for the hack , it has complained to the UN about the film and accused the US of sponsoring terrorism .

  8. 注:本文作者为FTIConsulting国际事务董事长,曾担任联合国常务副秘书长。

    The writer is chairman of global affairs at FTI Consulting , and former UN deputy secretary-general .

  9. 近年来特别是我国加入WTO后,在贸易主体多元化和市场的竞争环境下,曾作为我国最主要的对外贸易窗口的国有外贸公司面临着严峻的挑战。

    Recently with the subject of trade being multi - dimensional and under the circumstances of competitive market , especially since China 's entering WTO , foreign trade enterprises which used to serve as the major window of national foreign trades are faced with severe challenges .

  10. 曾与联合国、北约(Nato)及美国政府合作的网络安全专家马克•古德曼(MarcGoodman)表示,从“地缘政治、战略和国家安全视角看”,这些信息对中国将是非常有用的。

    Marc Goodman , a cyber security expert who has worked with the UN , Nato and the US government , said the information would be incredibly useful to China from a " geopolitical , strategic , national security perspective . "

  11. 千叶监狱副狱长hiroyukishinkai曾作为联合国的一个研究员参观过英国监狱,他对其所见深感震惊。

    The deputy warden , Hiroyuki Shinkai , who once visited British prisons as a UN researcher , was shocked by what he found .

  12. 粘虫Mythimnaseparata(Walker)(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)是我国及亚洲其他国家粮食作物的重大害虫,曾给我国粮食生产造成了巨大的损失。

    Oriental armyworm Mythimna separata ( Walker ) ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) is serious pest of of food crops in China and other Asian countries . It has caused a huge loss of grain production .

  13. 小麦条锈病是小麦上最具毁灭性的病害之一,由小麦条锈菌(Pucciniastriiformisf.sp.tritici)引起,曾在我国多次大面积发生和流行。

    Wheat strip rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp . tritici , is a destructive disease worldwide . Epidemic from the country ` s wheat planting area in China has occured for several times .

  14. 本实验室曾以我国云南苦荞种子为原料,经分离纯化获得纯度均一的24kDa天然蛋白,命名为TBa(tartarybuckwheatallergen),通过免疫学检测发现其为苦荞中的主要过敏原。

    By separation and purification , our laboratory have obtained one natural protein with molecular weight of 24 kDa named TBa ( tartary buckwheat allergen ) from the Yunnan tartary buckwheat weeds , and it was identified as one of the major allergens in the tartary buckwheat by immunoblot .

  15. 小麦条锈病是由条锈病菌(Pucciniastriiformisf.sptritici)侵染引起的叶部真菌病害,是影响我国小麦生产安全的最重要病害,曾在我国发生多次大流行并造成严重产量损失。

    The wheat stripe rust was a fungal disease on leaves caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici , and it was the most destructive disease that affects wheat production security in China . Wheat stripe rust has historically burst several times and caused severe seed yield loss .

  16. 公司的收购曾在我国的股市上屡起风波,将证券市场特有的功能发挥得淋漓尽致。

    Acquisition exemplifies thoroughly the functions of stock market .

  17. 托马斯.杰斐逊曾写道,国人应该在任何可能的时候选择美国制造的商品

    Thomas Jefferson wrote that Americans should choose products made in America whenever possible

  18. 但目前在石油地质理论指导勘探实践方面遇到了难题,曾指导我国东部油气勘探取得成功的理论,在这里基本失效。

    Successful oil / gas exploration theories in eastern China failed in Tarim basin .

  19. 法国亦曾为他国自由做过牺牲。

    France has made sacrifices for the freedom of other lands than her own .

  20. 瑞达斯格瓦曾任联合国助理秘书长。

    Rudasingwa was an assistant UN Secretary-General .

  21. 这些例子包括了搞垮尤科斯公司,后者过去曾是该国首屈一指的石油公司。

    These have included the destruction of Yukos , once the country 's foremost oil firm .

  22. 新加坡曾被联合国评为最适合人类居住的国家之一。

    Singapore was rated one of the most suitable countries for human living by the United Nations .

  23. 苏联曾是该国的燃料和军事设备的主要供越国。

    The Soviet Union used to be the country 's main supplier of fuel and military equipment .

  24. 以往中国曾同意联合国通过三份制裁伊朗的决议。

    In the past , China has allowed the passage of three UN resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran .

  25. 约三分之二的会员国曾向联合国维持和平行动提供军事人员和民警

    Nearly two thirds of all Member States have provided military and civilian police personnel to UN peacekeeping operations

  26. 学界曾围绕我国能否实行或确立行政判例制度展开过不小的争论,争论的焦点在于我国究竟适合建立怎样的行政判例制度。

    The educational field has ever disputed that whether we could practice or establish administrative precedent system in China .

  27. 财产课税历史悠久,曾是一国财政收入的主要来源。

    Taxation on property existed thousands of years ago and was the mainstay of fiscal revenue in a country .

  28. 这种以西方严谨科学为基础的艺术形式的到来,曾一度使国人眼前一亮,极大的丰富了中国的绘画艺术市场。

    The arrival of this art form based on rigorous scientific Western , once people shines greatly enriched Chinese painting art market .

  29. 大量分布在全国各个角落的中小企业曾为我国经济的发展和腾飞做出了重要贡献。

    Medium and Small sized-enterprises ( MSEs ) all over China have already made great contributions to the economic development and take-off .

  30. 博斯腾湖地处中亚干旱区,曾是我国内陆最大的淡水湖。

    Bosten Lake was the largest freshwater lake inland China , located in the arid region of the central area of Asia .