
  • 网络Zeng Bu
  1. 曾布与北宋后期党争

    Zeng Bu and Factions at the Late Period of Northern Song Dynasty

  2. 树麻雀(Passermontanus)曾是广布于四川各地的优势鸟类。

    Tree Sparrows ( Passer montanus ) used to be a dominant bird widely distribution in Sichuan Province .

  3. 十分之四的人坦言他们会直接把厨房灶台或桌上的灰尘拂到地板上,而四分之一的人曾用洗碗布把溅到地板上的东西抹干净,然后直接把布放回去。

    Four in ten admit they have simply swept dirt from a kitchen surface or table onto the floor , while a quarter have used a dish cloth to mop up a spillage on the floor and just put it back .

  4. 但是也有人对布儿在表演中处理蛇的方式表示疑问,他们表示曾在现场看到布儿扔蛇和踢蛇。

    However , some have also called into question her handling of the snakes during her performance , which saw her throwing and kicking the snakes around .