
  1. 几年来,人减肥的尽力老是毫无结果,我也曾省绝口力来寻觅一类合适我的减肥方式。

    My weight-loss efforts these last couple of years have been hit-and-miss , as I 've struggled to find something that works for me .

  2. 据报道,在颇具争议的斯瓦特山谷和平协议磋商的过程中,当地领导人曾请求省政府增派警力和准军事部队,但这个要求遭遇忽视。

    Local leaders had reportedly asked the provincial government earlier for extra police and paramilitary troops when the controversial peace agreement in Swat was being negotiated but the request was ignored .

  3. 清代曾为直隶省第一省会。

    Chihli Qing Dynasty was the first capital of the province .

  4. 邢台市是河北省南部的地级市,曾是河北省重要的工业生产基地。

    Xingtai city is an important city in Hebei Province .

  5. 刘慈欣曾担任山西省某发电厂的软件工程师。

    He worked as a software engineer at a power plant in Shanxi .

  6. 曾在湖南省军区司令部工作8年。

    He worked for the headquarters of Hunan Military Area Command for8 years .

  7. 中国广东省肇庆人。曾在广东省城市信用合作社担任财务管理三年。

    Was financial management in Urban Credit Cooperative of Guangdong Province for3 years .

  8. 记者上周五曾致电广东省公安厅寻求置评,但电话未被接听。

    Calls for comment to the Guangdong public security department rang unanswered Friday .

  9. 这些分析结果曾在我省地震预报实践中发挥过较好的作用。

    The analysis has played an important role in earthquake prediction practice of Zhejiang Province .

  10. 费新我:著名书法家,曾任江苏省书协顾问,中国书协理事。

    Feixinwo : famous calligrapher , a former consultant Shuxie Jiangsu province , China Shuxie governing .

  11. 曾获广东省新人新作奖、特区文学奖等。

    Yin has once awarded with Guangdong new book award and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Literature Award .

  12. 现居香港的杨国强曾是广东省的一名贫苦农民。

    Mr Yeung , a Hong Kong resident , was once a poor farmer from the southern province of Guangdong .

  13. 由于产业结构单一,红旗村曾是吉林省延边自治州最穷的村庄。

    It used to be the most impoverished village within the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin due to the simplex industrial structure .

  14. 来自河南的宁泽涛曾是河南省游泳队的一员,2007年,他加入了中国人民解放军海军游泳队。

    From Henan province , he moved to the swimming team of the People 's Liberation Navy from his provincial swimming team in 2007 .

  15. 来自克伦邦通恩乡村。他还曾担任勃固省及克钦邦教育官员。还任过上缅甸基础教育处处长。

    He has also held the posts of education officer for Pegu Division and Kachin State , and director of the Upper Burma Basic Education Department .

  16. 世界旅游组织曾为黑龙江省的旅游资源定位为“冬季冰雪”和“夏季清凉”两大世界。

    The world Tourist Organization had defined the tourist resources of Heilongjiang province as " ice and snow winter " and " cool and refreshing summer " .

  17. 转产扶持金曾在浙江省地矿厅产业结构调整和产业经济发展中发挥了积极作用,同时在使用中也存在着一些问题。

    Support fund of changing the line of production played positive role in structural adjustment and industrial economic development Meanwhile , there are some problems on applying .

  18. 曾任福建省作家协会秘书长、中国音乐文学学会理事,福建省音乐文学学会会长。

    He was elected as the secretary of Chinese Writers'Association , director of Chinese Musical Literature Institute , and president of Fujian Society of Music & Letters .

  19. 曾获江西省自然科学奖二等奖、江西省高等学校科技成果奖二等奖各一项。

    He have won a second prize of natural science award of Jiangxi province and a second prize of college science and technology progress of Jiangxi 's universities .

  20. 考古学者曾在黑龙江省依兰县第三纪的地层中发现莲叶化石。

    The archaeological scholar once had found the lotus leaf fossils in tertiary period stratum in Yilan County of Heilongjiang Province ( middle reach of Songhua River ) .

  21. 曾任山西省中医药研究院妇科负责人、产科主任、不孕症科主任等职。

    Traditional Chinese medicine research institute in Shanxi Province served as a director , obstetrics , gynecology , director of infertility of director of division of duty and so on .

  22. 曾在多省从事贸易经营,为同乡联谊、商业议事、祭祀神灵等目的,在各地修建了珍贵的艺术文化建筑&晋商会馆。

    Shanxi Province has engaged in multi-trade business , for fellow recreational , business discussions , worship the gods and other purposes , built around the precious arts and cultural buildings-Center .

  23. 曾在河南省观摩交流会上获一等奖,多次在温县国际太极拳年会中担任裁判员工作。

    In Henan Province won the first prize at the meeting to observe the exchange , the International Tai Chi Chuan Wen County in many years , as will referee the work .

  24. 黑河地区曾是黑龙江省乃至全国满语使用较好的地区之一,也是研究满语、满族文化的重要基地。

    Heihe had been a place where Manchu was spoken well as an intercommunicative language , and thus it has been considered as an important base for Manchu language and culture study .

  25. 薮中现年64岁,曾任外务省亚洲大洋洲局局长、外务审议官,最高官至事务次官,相当于副外长,是外务省级别最高的“官僚”,即公务员。

    Yabu-naka served as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ' Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Director-General . He has been a diplomat for nearly forty years . Sato joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974 .

  26. 供职央行之前,黑田东彦曾是财务省的官员。日本国债的规模与经济总量的比例为全球第一。他认为,消费税是应对这一问题的关键所在。

    A finance ministry official before he became a central banker , he views the tax as essential to addressing the debt , which relative to the size of the economy is the largest in the world .

  27. 2004年,作者曾在云南省地方税务局组织开发应用了基于C/S架构的社会保险费征缴系统,一定程度上减轻了工作量,提高了费款征缴效率,方便了缴费人。

    In 2004 , the writer had organized to develop and apply the social insurance collection system based on C / S structure at Yunnan Local Taxation bureau , to a certain extent it reduce the workload , increase the efficiency of fee collection , and convenient the payers .

  28. 从政之前,松下忠洋曾在日本建设省工作。

    Before entering politics , he worked within the Construction Ministry .

  29. 本科期间,曾参与湖北省教育厅资助项目“大学生创新能力”的研究。

    During undergraduate studies , I took part in the itemUndergraduates Innovation Ability Research , which was subsidized by Hubei Ministry of Education .

  30. 同月,王杰还曾另外致信河北省政府官员,指出河北融投未能履行5家公司贷款的违约担保责任,涉及2.27亿元人民币贷款,影响环球巨富660位投资者。

    Mr Wang also wrote separately to Hebei officials that same month , noting that Hebei Financing had failed to honour guarantees on loan defaults by five companies worth Rmb227m and affecting 660 investors in Global Wealth products .