- 名corn borer

Production of Bt transgenic maize resistant to corn borer
The sub-lethal dose of rhodojaponin - ⅲ against Asiatic corn borer adults was 0 . 02 ; μ g per adult .
Chitinase of Asian Corn Borer : 3D Modeling and Screening for Its Potent Inhibitors
Transgenic Bt maize and transgenic herbicide-resistant maize are successfully developed .
The development duration of univoltine F3 larvae by artificial rearing was about 3 days longer than that of bivoltine ones .
Primary Study on Identification of Corn-borer Resistance in Corn Inbred-lines Transferred with Bt Gene
Cloning of Ostrinia furnacalis P450 Gene cDNA and Inducible Expression of Secondary Plant Metabolite
The special antifreeze protein in the serum of the 5th instar larvae of O. furnacalis after low temperature treatment was analyzed with SDS-PAGE .
Separation of main types of hemocytes in Mythimna separata and Ostrinia furnacalis larvae by Percoll gradients
Pathological Changes after Infecting Ostrinia furnacalis ( Guen é e ) with Nosema furnacalis
Synthesis of Insect Sex Pheromone of Asian Corn Borer with Various Link Polymeric Wittig Reagents
Another example of scientific progress involves a natural bacterium known as Bt. Bt is used as a pesticide to fight cotton bollworms , corn borers and other pests .
Forecasting harm degree of the second generation of European maize borer by FGA analysis
The effects of α - terthienyl on three hydrolases , carboxylesterase ( CarE ), acid phosphatase ( AP ) and alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ) in Helicoverpa armigera and Ostrinia furnacalis , were studied in vitro .
This fact indicates that pheromone production is under the control of a PBAN-like factor .
Using degenerate primers and RT-PCR method , the middle part of the cDNA of EH gene from O. furnacalis was cloned and sequenced . The full-length cDNA of EH gene was then obtained with rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE ) method .
RT-PCR analysis showed that the EH mRNA only expressed in the brain , and was not be detected in other neural tissues , such as suboesophageal ganglion , thoracic ganglion , abdominal ganglion , and non-neural tissues , such as midgut , fat body and epidermis .
Response characteristics to light stimulation of the compound eyes in cotton bollworm ( Helicoverpa armigera ) were compared with that in corn borer ( Ostrinia furnacalis ) by recording the electroretinogram .
Furnacalis was 8 μ g / mL for protein concentration , temperature 35 ℃ and time 6 min.
The biology of laboratory colony of Asian corn borer ( ACB ), Ostrinia furnacalis Guen é e ( lepidoptera : pyralidae ), was observed during 1978-1982 for 46 generations in the laboratory .
Temperature dependent development in the Asian corn borer , Ostrinia furnacalis ( Guenee ) was determined at nine constant temperatures between 10 ℃ and 34 ℃ .
From the late stage of third instar till fifth day of fifth instar , it is interesting to note that THC increased shortly before and after ecdysis and thereafter decreased to a basal level .
The transgenic maize has been engineered to express a toxin from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) to fend off the European corn borer moth ( Ostrinia nubilalis ) .
Mature larvae in last instar of Ostrinia furnacalis were used to investigate the effects of . chilling on glycerol content in hemolymph , fat body ( FB ) and FB incubation medium .
The results showed that only a fraction of mature eggs were observed in ovaries at the early stage after emergence , however , egg load increased as the female age increased and almost corresponded to ovary storage capacity by 72 h of adult life .
The results showed that within a distance of 6 m from the release point , it flied and dispersed mainly in 2 m range , while only a few individuals had dispersed as far as 4 - 6 m. The dispersal advanced gradually and intermittently .
Taken the temperature , humidity and precipitation as input characteristic factors , the oviposition time of overwintered corn bore was forecasted , by using compositional rule of inference ( CRI ) , which is one of the methods of the multiple and complex fuzzy implication .
Seasonal development of the Asian corn borer , Ostrinia furnacalis ( Guenee ), was investigated in Yongde County in 1995 . Adult ACB moth flight was observed using blacklight and pheromone traps and immature stages were observed by field investigation .
The corrected mortality was 65.52 % and 85.72 % after day 7 and day 14 treatments respectively when SCEE at 10 mg mL - 1 for the third instar larvae of O. furnacalis by mixture pesticide method .
Preliminary studies on resistance of corn silks to Asian corn borer