
hónɡ línɡ chónɡ
  • pink bollworm
  1. 连续数年的抗性监测结果表明,长江流域棉区红铃虫田间种群对Bt棉花的抗性已进入早期阶段,这将对我国Bt棉花的可持续利用构成严重威胁。

    Continuous resistance monitoring data in recent years showed that field population of pink bollworm in the Yangtze River Valley had entered the early stage of resistance , which severely threatens the sustainable use of Bt cotton .

  2. 棉花抗红铃虫的理化机制分析

    Physio - chemical Mechanisms of Cotton Resistance to Pink Bollworm

  3. 红铃虫对Bt棉花抗性治理的研究进展

    Progress of the studies on the pink bollworm , Pectinophora gossypiella ( Saunders ), resistance to Bt transgenic cotton

  4. 这种棉花接受了遗传改造,从而产生能杀死棉红铃虫的Bt毒素。棉红铃虫是一种严重的棉花害虫。

    The cotton is genetically engineered to produce Bt toxin , which kills pink bollworm , a serious cotton pest .

  5. 不同类型抗虫陆地棉对红铃虫的抗性研究部分转Bt基因棉与常规棉品种农艺性状的比较及产量通径分析

    Comparison of Agronomic Characters and Path Analysis of Lint Yield between Insect-resistant Cotton Varieties and Commercial Varieties in Upland Cotton

  6. 为了防止对Bt的耐药性在棉红铃虫中间扩散,农民必须在附近种植常规棉花的植物避难所。

    To prevent the spread of resistance to Bt among the bollworm , farmers are required to plant refuges of conventional cotton nearby .

  7. 因此,开展红铃虫对Bt棉花的抗性监测工作,及时掌握其抗性水平和抗性基因频率变化,是进行害虫抗性治理的前提和基础。

    Therefore , it is crucial for the management of pest resistance to keep working on resistance monitoring to learn the variations of resistance level and resistance allele frequency in the field .

  8. 转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因双价棉对甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾也具有抗性,弥补了转Cry1Ac基因棉花只对棉铃虫、棉红铃虫有抗性的局限性。

    Transgenic Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab cotton targets beet armyworm and Spodoptera litura , which makes up for the limitation that transgenic Bt targeting only cotton bollworm and pink bollworm .

  9. 结果表明:3个杂交组合均高抗棉红铃虫,GA5×R27和GA18×HB以及GA×HB分别抗、中抗棉铃虫;

    F_1 hybrids of all the three combinations showed high resistance to pink bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ) . F_1 hybrids of GA5 × R27 and GA18 × HB were highly resistant to bollworm ( Helicoverpa armigera ), and GA × HB had middle resistance .

  10. 棉花对红铃虫抗性及有关性状的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Cotton Resistance to Pink Bollworm and Related Traits

  11. 棉花抗红铃虫鉴定指标的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis of Evaluation Indices for Cotton Resistance to Pink Bollworm

  12. 用初孵幼虫监测棉红铃虫对杀虫剂的抗性

    Newly hatched larvae for monitoring insecticide resistance in the pink bollworm

  13. 十九个陆地棉品种(系)对棉红铃虫的田间抗性评价

    Field evaluation of nineteen Upland Cotton Genotypes for resistance to pink bollworm

  14. 棉花种质对棉红铃虫抗性的灰关联聚类分析

    Fuzzy cluster analysis on cotton variety resistant to pink bollworm

  15. 棉花抗红铃虫性对产量性状的影响研究

    Effects of Pink Bollworm Resistance on the Cotton Yield Characters

  16. 棉蚜对有机磷杀虫剂抗性的生化机理棉红铃虫对有机磷杀虫剂的抗药性

    Biochemical mechanism of resistance of cotton aphids to organophosphorus insecticides

  17. 有14个抗红铃虫,占鉴定材料总数的51.9%。

    Fourteen ones were resistant to pink bollworm ( 51.9 % ) .

  18. 棉花不同器官对红铃虫产卵习性的影响

    Effects of various tissues of cotton on oviposition habits of pink bollworm

  19. 利用红外线辐射处理越冬红铃虫的初步探讨

    Preliminary investigation on infra-red irradiation of the overwintering larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella

  20. 棉花抗红铃虫品种选育进展

    Progress of Breeding and Selection of Insect - resistant Varieties in Cotton

  21. 棉花抗红铃虫材料筛选

    Screening for cotton materials resistant to pink boll worm

  22. 棉红铃虫的若干生态特性及其发生类型

    Some ecological characteristics of the Cotton Pink Bollworm and the type of development

  23. 棉花结铃动态与红铃虫防治适期研究

    On the dynamics of cotton boll formation and optimum control time of pink bollworm

  24. 一个基于知识库的棉红铃虫种群动态预测系统

    A Prediction System for Population Dynamics of Cotton Pink Bollworm Based on Knowledge Base

  25. 逐步判别分析在棉花抗红铃虫性评价中的应用

    Application of progressively discriminating analysis in the resistance identification to pink boll worms Cotton Varieties

  26. 性信息素对红铃虫雄蛾近距离性行为的抑制效应

    Pheromone of Pectinophora gossypiella : the effects of habituation on short distance response level of males

  27. 抗红铃虫鉴定结果:3个抗虫品种对红铃虫均达到高抗水平。

    All 3 varieties in the trail of pest resistance expressed high resistibility to Pink bollworm .

  28. 红铃虫为害青铃对棉花产量和单价的影响

    The loss of yield and price of lint cotton due to boll damage by pink bollworm

  29. 鸡脚叶型对陆地棉重要农艺性状和抗红铃虫特性的影响

    Effects of okra leaf shape on some important agronomic characters and resistance to pink bollworm of cotton

  30. 应用时间序列分析法进行棉红铃虫中长期数值预报的研究

    Studies on applying the time series analyses as a means for moderately long term prediction of pink bollworm population