
kǒu tóu biǎo jué
  • acclamation;voice vote;an oral vote
  1. 该决议是经口头表决而作出的。

    The decision was taken by acclamation .

  2. 起初看起来我会以口头表决的方式获胜。

    At first it looked like I was going to win by acclamation .

  3. 城市轨道交通建设项目接口的沟通管理动议经口头表决而通过。

    Communication Management of Interfaces in Rail Transit Project The motion was carried by acclamation .

  4. 动议经口头表决而通过。

    The motion was carried by acclamation .

  5. 原先,立法是基于口头表决的,其结果只有通过或者不通过。

    Legislation was deemed either passed or not passed on the sole basis of a voice vote .

  6. 这项禁令原定于午夜时分到期,现在参议院议员以口头表决的方式将它延长了10年的时间。

    While it was said to expire at midnight extended for 10 years by Senate lawmakers , the voice vote .

  7. 马什哈达尼辞职之举为尽快口头表决批准非美国军队在2009年7月31号之前继续留在伊拉克铺平道路。

    A quick voice vote followed to approve the presence of non-U.S. forces to remain in Iraq until July 31 , 2009 .

  8. 参议院以76比22的投票结果停止了针对劳工援助法案和非洲贸易法案的争论,参议员同意用口头表决来通过这一法案。

    After the Senate voted 76 to 22 to cut off debate on the worker aid and African trade bill , senators agreed to pass it by voice vote .

  9. 一些参议员就乌克兰合并克里米亚一事达成共识,他们对此表示反对,今天参议院以口头表决的形式通过了为乌克兰提供帮助并制裁俄罗斯的法案。

    Now some senators standing together in terms of Russia 's annexation of Crimea and their opposition to it , Senate today by a voice vote approving a measure to provide help to Ukraine and impose sanctions against Russia .