
  1. 空手道击打就像一块铁条,打出去是whack的一声;功夫击打则像拴着铁球的铁链,Wang的一声就伤到对手体内了。

    A Gung Fu punch is like an iron chain with an iron ball attached to the end and it goes Wang ! And it hurts inside .

  2. 一块铁纤维织品,用于研磨。

    A mass of woven steel fibers used as an abrasive .

  3. 它能使一块铁产生磁性吗?

    Can it induce magnetism in a piece of iron ?

  4. 放在炉子上加热的一块铁。

    An iron that was heated by placing it on a stove .

  5. 是个做刀的,你们知道用锤子在一块铁上不停敲打有多吵吧!

    By pounding the hammer on top of a piece of iron or things like that .

  6. 然而,对于郑晓琼这位来自外地的农民工和诗人来说,生活就宛如一块铁。

    For Zheng Xiaoqiong , a rural migrant worker and poet , life feels just like a piece of iron .

  7. 法国当地警方发言人表示:一块铁栅掉到了桥体内部,好在没有掉到河里。

    A local French police spokesperson said : ' A metal grille had fallen inwards , rather than into the river .

  8. 铁匠将一块铁放在他的铁砧上,然后提起锤子,然而建造者吸收了铁的光泽,铁变成了黄金。

    Didst then the smith put an ingot upon his anvil , and lift his hammer , and didst then the Builder breathe upon the ingot , that it became gold .

  9. 置于磁体附近的一块铁或一块钢,即使它没有触及该施感磁体,也会使其分子整齐地排列起来,从而本身也成了一块磁铁。

    A lump of iron or steel placed near a magnet arranges its molecules in an orderly manner and acts as a magnet itself , even though it is not touching the influencing magnet .

  10. 法国当地警方发言人表示:“一块铁栅掉到了桥体内部,好在没有掉到河里。如果不慎落到经过的船上,结果不堪设想。”

    A local French police spokesperson said : ' A metal grille had fallen inwards , rather than into the river . If it had landed on a passing boat , the results could have been disastrous .

  11. 山姆利用一块砖头代替铁鎚把两块木片钉在一起。

    Sam used a brick in place of a hammer to nail the two pieces of wood together .

  12. 他喊道,象是一块烧红的铁在烙他的心一样。

    He exclaimed , as though a redhot iron were piercing his heart .

  13. 但他的弟子懒得为一块破旧的马蹄铁弯腰,于是假装没听见,继续向前走。

    But the disciple was tired of bending down just for a shabby horseshoe , so he pretended not to hear and walked on .

  14. 因此查尔斯更深入地钻研了柬埔寨的历史和文化,并决定使用一块鱼形的铁鱼在柬埔寨代表好运。这个方法真有效!

    So Charles dug deeper into Cambodian history and culture , and decided upon a piece of iron shaped like a fish a symbol of good luck in Cambodia .

  15. 他的第二次尝试略有弄虚作假的成分,利用近期获得专利的一项提炼技术和一台微波炉在此过程中微波炉成了牺牲品提炼出一块硬币大小的铁。

    His second attempt was something of a cheat , using a recently patented smelting method and a microwave oven the microwave oven was a casualty of the process to produce a coin-size lump of iron .