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  1. 这是一条到达家作坊最舒适的路线,我的朋友们在那里工作和生活。

    It 's the most comfortable way to HomeShop , where my friends are working and living .

  2. 这个城市布满纵横交错的街道,我沿着其中一条向家走去。

    The city street is covered with crisscross , from which I choose one to walk along home .

  3. 2010年出现了大量用于解雇员工的新委婉说辞。最妙的一条来自一家美国银行,该行轻飘飘地说这是银行发起的离职。

    In 2010 there was a stack of new euphemisms for firing people , the best of which came from a US bank that spoke airily of bank-initiated departures .

  4. 忽然他听见有人在他耳边说:我是一条黑龙,家住在山东,人们都叫我秃尾巴老李。

    Suddenly he heard people in his ear : I am a Black Dragon , who lives in Shandong , one bald tail still asked me to Lao Li .

  5. 在服务科技人士的在线论坛黑客新闻(HackerNews)上,WrkRiot的故事被引爆,成为跟帖最多的热门话题之一,引发500多条评论。其中一条表示,这家创业公司的经历基本上是这里每家公司都要经过的成人礼。

    On Hacker News , an online forum for techies , WrkRiot 's tale has exploded into one of the most popular threads , attracting more than 500 comments , including one from a poster who said that the startup 's experience was pretty much a rite of passage here .

  6. 乔•拉波索:首先一条是找一家理解你的公司。

    First rule is just to get with a company that understands your situation .

  7. 他又叫那个男孩停下,“喂,小孩!你认识下一条街角的那家肉店吗?”

    He called down to the boy again , ' Hallo , young man ! Do you know the meat shop at the corner of the next street ? '

  8. 我要知道这世界的患难是一条进路&一条进入父家的路。

    I want to know that the shadows of this world are the shades of an avenue & the avenue to the house of my Father .

  9. 一条路通向营地,另一条通向约翰的家。

    One road went to the camp , and the other went to john 's house .