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  1. 很明显,在这一点上,在郊外建长较长的隧道是有可能的,因为在郊外背景污染水平很低,几乎可以忽略不计。

    Clearly , in this context , longer tunnels are possible in rural locations where the background pollution levels are lower or even negligible .

  2. 基于政乱晋降的地方政府间阶上囚窘境博弈也非招致工业园区建建长缺的一类道亮。

    Promotion of local governments on the basis of political inter-Prisoner 's Dilemma game is to build industrial park led to an explanation of the surplus .

  3. 根据煤矿建井中长距离地层冻结的温度监测需要,提出了一线总线式的温度监测方法。

    According to the needs of temperature monitoring in depth ground freezing for well construction in coal mine , a temperature monitoring method based on1-wire bus has been proposed .

  4. 对SINS和组合导航系统进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明所建系统的长时间导航性能有一定改善。

    The SINS and integrated navigation system simulation experiment were conducted , the experimental results show that the built system long time navigation Performance is improved .

  5. 并搭建了基于VC和MATLAB的联合仿真平台,对链路建立过程进行了仿真,得到了建链时长,公平指数及从用户接入成功概率等指标,以用于指导实际链路建立过程的设计。

    We build a simulation platform which contains the VG and MATLAB tool and acquire the indicators of link setup delay , equity indices and successful ratio of access for secondary user , which can be used to guide practical design of link setup procedures .

  6. 我要建1英里长的桥梁。

    I 'm going to build a bridge a mile long .

  7. 工厂分两期建设,第一期建88米长隧道窑两条,年产外墙砖200万平方米。

    The first stage will be built with two 88m long tunnel kilns , annual output 2 million m2 of exterior wall tiles .

  8. 构成建物的长容积桶状圆拱平行于树列及等高线,且接连了外部空间的地层构造。

    The long dimension of the barrel vaults that form the building is parallel to the allees and contours , continuing the layered structure of the outdoor space .

  9. 前三个月用来建地基,长20米宽15米。

    It took me the first six months to just to get a base , which was about , that 's about 15 meters across and about 20 meters long .

  10. 川西坳陷上三叠统至侏罗系地层主要表现为岩石致密、研磨性强,钻井速度慢,建井周期长。

    From upper Triassic to Jurassic of west Sichuan Depression , the rock is dense , the grinding is strong , the speed of well drilling is slow and the cycle of building well is long .

  11. 意大利将建世界上最长的拉索桥。

    Italy 's heart set on mega-bridge to society .

  12. 那不是比南通城的建城史还要长了?

    Isn 't it much older than Nantong ?

  13. 建鲤苗种体长与体重关系数学模型的构建

    Mathematical model construction of the relation between Jian carp , s body length and body weight

  14. 所罗门王为耶和华所建的殿、长六十肘、宽二十肘、高三十肘。

    The house which Solomon made for the LORD was sixty cubits long , twenty cubits wide and thirty cubits high .

  15. 我国股市虽然建市时间不长,但讨论我国股市财富效应的问题也有非常重要的意义。

    We have created our stock market no longer before , but it is also important to know how about our stock market wealth effect .

  16. 因在建工程的工期长,交易标的有许多不确定的因素,因而购买期房面临的风险比一般购买现房的大得多。

    Because there are many uncertain factors in the transacting subject in the long period of building , the purchase of futures marketable housing is facing greater risks than the purchase of existing housing .

  17. 不能按期开工建设的,应提前30日向出让人提出延建申请,但延建时间最长不得超过一年。

    If he cannot begin the construction on time , he should propose the extension request to the assignor ahead of30 days , but the time can 't exceed a year utmost .