
jiàn zhì zhèn
  • organic town
  1. 专业镇就是生产高度专业化形成产业集群的建制镇,具有产品品牌化、主导产业优势化、产业规模化、产业链体系化、民营经济主导化、发展的阶段性等特征。

    The professional town produces the organic town where high specialization forms industry 's cluster . It has such characteristics as products brand , leading industry s advantage , industry 's scale , industry 's chain system , leading factor of private economic , the stage of growth , etc.

  2. 论中国建制镇发展、地域差异及空间演化&兼与中国反城市化论者商榷

    Development , regional disparity and spatial evolution of Chinese towns

  3. 建制镇人口规模的演变

    Evolvement of Population Scale in Organizational System Town

  4. 推进建制镇规模等级结构优化升级

    Promoting Optimization and Upgrading of the Grade Structure of the Organizational System Town Scale

  5. 小城市和建制镇土地集约利用面临的挑战与对策

    Challenge and Measures of Intensive Land Use in Small Cities and Towns in China

  6. 据预测,到2010年,全国建制镇达到2.5万~3万个。

    It is predicted that the national towns will reach 25,000 to 30,000 by 2010 .

  7. 建制镇规模普遍较小,集聚能力弱。

    The scale of the towns is generally small , so the gathering ability is weak .

  8. 试论建制镇总体规划系列图的编制&以甘肃清水镇为例

    Compilation on series maps of designated town overall planning Take Qingshui town , Gansu province for example

  9. 专业镇是生产高度专业化形成产业集群的建制镇。

    The town is the industrial clusters Jianzhi Zhen of the professional production of highly specialized form .

  10. 专业镇是构建主导产业群体系的建制镇,是一个最基层的行政区域。

    The specialized town is a type of designated town that owns a set of leading industries .

  11. 关于城市、县城、建制镇、工矿区的解释。

    On the Interpretation about the Cities , Counties , Administrative Towns , and Industrial and Mining Areas .

  12. 到1999年,全国所有城市和有建制镇的县城均建立了最低生活保障制度。

    In1999 , this security system was established in all cities and organic county towns throughout the country .

  13. 发展小城镇要以现有的县城和有条件的建制镇为基础。

    We should develop small towns on the Basis of existing county seats and of organic towns where conditions permit .

  14. 通过多因素分析表明四平城市化非经济拉动,而是建制镇数量增加和其规模扩大所致;

    The urbanization is not caused by the economic development , but the increasing of the number and scale of cities ;

  15. 根据现行法律的规定,建制镇人民政府不具备完整的城市规划管理权。

    According to the stipulations of laws in effect , the People Government of designate town has no complete power to administer city planning .

  16. 县域以县城为中心、建制镇和集镇为纽带、乡村为腹地,具有城乡一体化发展的最佳机遇。

    County territory take county towns as centre , townships as tie and villages as hinterland , that has strategic advantage in urban-rural development .

  17. 设市城市和建制镇数分别从1978年的3个和167个增加到2007年的33个和750个。

    The number of the planned city and the designated town increased separately from 3 and 167 in 1978 to 33 and 750 in 2007 .

  18. 调查了苏锡常地区建制镇水厂出厂水中的总硬度及微量元素的含量。

    This is a finding report on the trace element content and total hardness of drinking water produced by the waterworks of towns in south Jiangsu area .

  19. 至2000年末,全省共有建制镇340个,仅占全部乡镇总数的23.27%,远低于全国平均水平。

    By the end of 2000 , It is 340 national towns in the Yunnan Province , for only 23.27 percent of the total number of townships .

  20. 全面放开建制镇和小城市落户限制,有序放开中等城市落户限制。

    The country will relax overall control of farmers settling in towns and small cities , and relax restrictions on settling in medium-sized cities in an orderly manner .

  21. 1998年,湖南建制镇总数已达1001个,建制镇非农业人口占全省非农业人口比重已上升到45.04%。

    In 1998 , the number of towns in the province was 1001 , with non-agricultural population accounting for more than 45 % of the total provincial non-agricultural population .

  22. 区域城镇用地扩展在1980年代以中心城市扩展为主,1990年代以后则以县(市)城和建制镇用地扩展为主;

    In the 1980s , the growth of urbanization areas was dominated by central city expansion , but since the 1990s by county ( city ) seat and the administrative towns ;

  23. 截至2008年10月,全国设市城市、县及部分重点建制镇共建成污水处理厂1459座,日处理能力8553万吨,全国城市污水处理率增加到的63%。

    On last year October , 1459 sewage treatment plants were built , and the treatment capacity was 85.53 million tons daily . The efficiency of the sewage treatment increased 63 percent .

  24. 城市、县城、建制镇、工矿区范围内土地,是指在这些区域范围内属于国家所有和集体所有的土地。

    The " land within the scope of cities , counties , administrative towns , and industrial and mining areas " refers to the state-owned and collectively-owned land within the aforesaid areas .

  25. 在对安徽省某一建制镇进行政治参与状况调查的基础上,本文得出了几点结论,并且据此对扩大民众的政治参与提出了有针对性的政策建议。

    According to a survey of political participation of a town in Anhui Province , this paper reaches a few conclusions , and puts forward some suggestions to enlarge people 's political participation .

  26. 城域经济板块中存在大量传统型区域和非正规部门,而县域经济板块中存在众多发育不充分的建制镇。

    There exist a large numbers of traditional industries and informal departments in the economy of cities and a lot of undeveloped towns which need to construct their own systems in the economy of counties .

  27. 前款规定以外的其他建制镇的总体规划,报县级人民政府审批。

    The comprehensive plan for a town with an administrative status other than that defined in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the people 's government of the relevant county for examination and approval .

  28. 1983年以前建制镇的平均人口规模呈逐渐扩大的趋势,但这是在建制镇的数量减少和停滞的情况下发生的,是建制镇平均人口规模演变的非正常状态。

    The average population of designated towns had an increasing trend as the number of designated towns decreased and stagnated before 1983 , the evolvement of the average population of designated towns was not in normal state .

  29. 乡村聚落也称乡村居民点或者乡村住区,指的是乡村地区的人类各种形式居住的场所(即村落),其中包括没有到建制镇标准的村集镇。

    Rural settlement also known as rural settlements or rural settlements , rural area of every form of human living space ( i.e. , Village ), including has not reached the standard of rural market towns towns .

  30. 1984年以后建制镇的平均人口规模逐渐减小,同时建制镇的数量迅速增加,说明建制镇正处于以数量增长为主要特征的粗放型发展阶段。

    After 1984 , the average population of designated towns decreased gradually as designated towns increased in number rapidly , so it is an extensive development pattern , the main characteristic of which is the increase in quantity .