
  • 网络modeling language;uml;SoaML
  1. 在统一建模语言和面向对象方法学中,用例是获取需求的主要工具。

    Use cases are primary tools of eliciting requirements in UML and object-oriented methodologies .

  2. 标准建模语言定义良好、易于表达、功能强大,支持从需求分析开始的软件开发的全过程。

    UML is well defined , comprehensibly , supporting the whole development process form requirement analysis to system implementation .

  3. Web服务环境中的业务过程建模语言比较框架

    A Framework for Comparing Business Process Modelling Languages in Web Services Environment

  4. 面向Web服务的工作流建模语言比较

    Comparison of Web Service-oriented Workflow Modeling Languages

  5. UP(UnifiedProcess,统一过程)是使用UML作为建模语言的软件工程过程。

    UP ( Unified Process ) is a software engineering process using UML .

  6. 基于扩展UML的Agent建模语言的设计与研究

    Design and Research of an Agent-Oriented Modeling Language Based on Extended UML

  7. UML(UnifiedModelingLanguage)是一种标准的、功能强大的建模语言。

    UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) is a standard and powerful modeling language .

  8. 目前比较流行的XML语言以其独有的优势成为中性建模语言的首选。

    Having many unique advantages , XML language has become first-selection to set up neutral model .

  9. 可视化标准建模语言UML在冲压件信息模型中的应用

    Application of Visualized Unified Modeling Language in Blanking Part Information Modeling

  10. UnifiedProcess和统一建模语言都是基于用例驱动的软件工程流程。

    Unified Process and the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) are all software engineering processes which based on uses-case driven approach .

  11. 面向对象分析与设计技术(OOA&D)及统一建模语言(UML)在产品结构管理中的应用

    Application of OOA & D and UML in the Product Structure Management

  12. 目前,UML是首选的建模语言。

    Currently , UML is the modeling language of choice .

  13. 方法:运用UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)通用的可视化建模语言这种总结了以往建模技术的经验并吸收当今优秀成果的标准建模方法来构建机票预订系统模式;

    Method : To use UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) which is visual model language to construct TAS ;

  14. UML是统一的建模语言,可用它来对软件进行描述,进行可视化处理,创建和维护软件系统的一系列文档。

    UML is a kind of general visual modeling language for describing software .

  15. 采用统一建模语言(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage,UML),对公路涵洞CAD系统进行了需求分析。

    Need analysis of highway culvert CAD system based on unified modeling language ( UML ) has been finished .

  16. SYSTEMC语言是一种建立在C++之上的可以在行为级描述系统功能的仿真建模语言。

    System C language is based on C + + language . With System C , we can describe the behaviors of a system and realize a system simulation .

  17. 统一建模语言(UML)(3)

    Unified Modeling Language ( UML )( 3 )

  18. 统一建模语言UML及其支持工具

    Unified Modeling Language and Its visual Modeling Tools

  19. UML是最适合设计和实现软件的标准建模语言。

    UML is a standard modeling language best suited for designing and implementing software .

  20. 因此,统一建模语言(UML)的技能不再是必须的。

    Therefore , Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) skills are no longer required .

  21. 同时CUP与统一建模语言(UML)集成,有多种CASE工具支持,缩短了需求到实现的距离。

    With the support of UML and CASE tool , CUP makes the distance from requirement to implementation shorten .

  22. Web服务合成首先要考虑的问题是使用一种有效的建模语言来为服务合成建模,并使用合成服务定义语言来描述它。

    The key problem of web service composition is to find an effective modeling language and to describe the web service composition with definition language .

  23. 但是,用例的统一建模语言(UnifiedModelingLanguage,UML)定义将其描述为一个完整的序列。

    However , the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) definition of a use case describes it as a complete sequence .

  24. 用例图表是标准的“统一建模语言(UML)”构件之一。

    Use case diagrams are among the standard Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) artifacts .

  25. 系统架构主要借鉴了统一建模语言UML、软件能力成熟度模型CMM。

    System structures use the techniques of UML and CMM for reference .

  26. 作者也讨论了统一建模语言(UML)概要文件对于特定领域语言的用途,比如SOA。

    In addition , we discuss the use of UML profiles for domain-specific languages like Service-Orientation .

  27. 双击${functional.area}UseCases统一建模语言(UML)图表以打开编辑器。

    Double-click the $ { functional . area } Use Cases Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) diagram to open the editor .

  28. 标准建模语言UML

    Standard Unified Modeling Language-UML G Language

  29. 实时统一建模语言(UML)和面向对象的建模技术代表着雷达软件设计的一个发展方向。

    Real-time UML and object-oriented modeling technology is one of development trends of radar software design .

  30. 然后,遵循面向对象的方法,利用UML标准建模语言建立了需求产品的模型。

    And then , we build the model of requirement product using UML following the object-oriented paradigm .