
  • 网络land finance
  1. 然后,本文对沈阳市目前土地财政的具体情况进行描述。

    Then , we described the land finance in Shenyang now .

  2. 土地财政和城市经济发展之间存在相互影响的作用机制。

    The interaction mechanism between land finance and urban economic development exists .

  3. 改革“土地财政”的呼声越来越高。

    " Land of financial " reform louder and louder appeal .

  4. 在土地财政蓬勃发展的同时,其所带来的负面效应也在蔓延。

    Land financial develop rapidly , but the negative effect is also spreading .

  5. 那么,地方政府土地财政模式的形成机理是怎样的?

    Then , what is the formation mechanism of the financial land model ?

  6. 财政幻觉下的中国土地财政&一个法经济学视角

    China Land Finance under the Financial Illusion from the Perspective of Law and Economics

  7. 近年来,土地财政问题成为社会关注的热点。

    In recent years , the land finance problem has become a hot social concern .

  8. 在土地财政刺激下,必然要求对集体土地的利用方式进行改变,走集约化利用之路。

    Use under the stimulation of land finance , collective land use patterns must be changed .

  9. 地方政府促进经济增长的重点转向城市化建设,以保证土地财政和地方主体税种的优先增长,同时以城市化带动工业化,实现经济增长目标。

    Local government to promote economic growth point to urbanization construction to ensure fiscal and tax increase .

  10. 因此,本人认为,如果我们仅是为了讨论土地财政的利与弊而对其进行研究,是没有多大意义的。

    There is not much point in researching land finance only to discuss its pros and cons .

  11. 在某些地方土地财政收入甚至超过了预算内财政收入。

    The land revenue in some places even more than the Fiscal revenue in budget . 2 .

  12. 针对我国土地财政的不可持续问题,我国已经在试点地区进行了房地产税收政策改革。

    China has collected real estate tax in pilot areas to solve the problem of land finance .

  13. 以上这些研究工作为从新的视角研究土地财政打下了基础。

    These studies lay the foundation for the new study perspective of land . finance . 3 .

  14. 二十一世纪以来,土地财政逐渐受到普遍关注,并成为热点话题。

    Since twenty-one century , the land finance was gradually concerned by people and became a hot topic .

  15. 再次,在第三部分中对地方政府在土地财政中的的经济行为进行具体分析。

    Again , in the third part of the economic behavior of local governments in land finance specific analysis .

  16. 地方政府对土地财政的依赖、对经济增长的偏执,增加地方债务风险。

    The dependence on land finance of local government and stubbornness for economic growth would grow local debt risk .

  17. 在估算结果基础之上,对土地财政进行成因分析,影响土地财政主要因素包括:财政缺口、城市化以及政府间的竞争。

    There are mainly three factors affecting land finance : the fiscal gap , urbanization and competition between local governments .

  18. 构建适合和谐社会发展需要的科学合理的土地财政体系应当是我们的选择。

    Building a harmonious society for scientific and reasonable development of the land financial system needed should be our choice .

  19. 其次,在论文的第二部分中分析土地财政中地方政府的角色。

    Secondly , in the second part of the paper to analyze the role of local government in land finance .

  20. 土地财政的成因在于分税制和土地征收制度等的缺陷。

    The causes of land fiscal can be attributed to the separate tax system and the deficiency of land condemnation institution .

  21. 第四部分是基于房产税视角下的地方政府土地财政的破解思考,目的在于寻找土地财政的出口。

    The fourth part is the idea of property tax replacement land grand fee , aimed at finding land finance exports .

  22. 财政体制与地方政府财政行为探讨&基于治理土地财政的视角我国地方政府土地财政问题研究

    Study of the Fiscal System and Local Governments ' Fiscal Behavior : Based on the Governance of " Land Finance "

  23. 可持续地方财政收入结构的建立将意味着地方政府会逐渐失去土地财政。

    The establishment of sustainable local revenue structure will mean that the local government will gradually lose its " land finance " .

  24. 因此,不少学者开始反思土地财政的利与弊,并掀起了一场评判土地财政功与过的论战。

    Therefore , many scholars have begun to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of land finance and set off a debate .

  25. 第三部分,揭示土地财政存在的问题,分析土地财政蕴含的巨大风险以及土地财政不可持续的原因。

    Chapter three reveals the existed problems of land finance and analyze the great risk as well as unsustainable reason of land finance .

  26. 土地财政抬高了房价,损害了公民的合法权益,而且从长远来看实际上对财政的健康发展是负面的影响。

    Land revenue not only raises the house price but also has negative effects on the healthy development of finance in the long run .

  27. 当下,土地财政综合症和资产泡沫风起云涌,激发拜金主义在过度商品化的中国社会甚嚣尘上。

    Currently , the storm of real estate property syndrome and asset bubble has stimulated the increasing materialism in the highly commercialized Chinese society .

  28. 第三,调整各类土地财政收入的支出方向,促进社会公平和谐发展。

    Third , it should adjust the expenditure direction of land finance income in each kind and promotes the society to develop fairly and harmoniously .

  29. 利用理论分析和实证检验相结合的方式,探究土地财政和房地产价格的相关性。

    The paper uses a combination method of theoretical analysis and empirical test to explore the relevance of " land finance " and real estate prices .

  30. 第二,土地财政通过地价和土地供应量对房地产业的发展有着直接和间接的影响。

    Secondly , through the land price and land supply land finance has a direct and indirect effects on the development of the real estate industry .