
yī lǎn zi jì huà
  • a package plan
  1. 我们之所以采取一揽子计划,加大财政投入,是从根本上促进经济的发展。

    We have already introduced a package plan and we have also increased in fiscal input into the economy this is to boost the economic development at its root .

  2. 它还计划要给165名高级管理人员提供“自动离职”一揽子计划。

    It   also   plans   to   offer   " voluntary   separation "   packages   to   165   senior   executives .

  3. 此举后来被证明是正确的,因为欧盟(eu)和imf通过了援助希腊的一揽子计划,欧洲央行的资金由此得到了保障。

    The action was justified because a European Union and IMF rescue package had been agreed for the country , so ECB funds would be safe .

  4. 它们使用世卫组织制定的MPOWER技术协助一揽子计划以便帮助实现它们在这一国际条约之下的承诺。

    They use the MPOWER technical assistance package developed by WHO to help meet their commitments under this international treaty .

  5. 刚一达成拯救欧洲的一揽子计划,欧洲金融稳定基金掌门人克劳斯•雷格林(KlausRegling)就赶快奔赴北京,乞求中国投资该基金。

    Klaus Regling , head of the EFSF , went to Beijing as soon as the European rescue package was put together , begging for Chinese investment in the fund .

  6. 他即将向迪尼茨提出一项价值五亿美元的大量替换装备的一揽子计划。

    He would be offering Dinitz a large replacement package worth $ 500 million .

  7. 伊朗总统称他将推出一揽子计划。

    The Iranian president said he had prepared a " package " of proposals .

  8. 眼下就应当把这两种措施作为一揽子计划予以通过。

    Pass both now as a package .

  9. 在评估经济刺激一揽子计划的每个组成部分时,同样要小心谨慎。

    Similar caution needs to be exercised in evaluating each element of the stimulus package .

  10. 州参众两院将政治分歧暂搁一旁,通过了有关援助的一揽子计划。

    The Senate and the assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package .

  11. 世卫组织宣布了金额为550万美元的一揽子计划,作为巴基斯坦人道主义应对计划的一部分,用以

    WHO announced a US $ 5.5-million package as part of the Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan to

  12. 最近的一次攻击发生在周五,那时国会还在开会讨论一揽子计划。

    The latest attack occurred Friday as Parliament was in session for the aid package debate .

  13. 一个退税和鼓励小型企业的刺激经济的一揽子计划已经由总统签署成为法律。

    A stimulus package of tax rebates and small business incentives has been signed into law .

  14. 周二凌晨达成的这项一揽子计划,绝不会是最后一项希腊纾困计划。

    The package agreed in the early hours of Tuesday morning will not be the last .

  15. 一揽子计划要求在亚马逊领域铺设很多道路,传统上道路是破坏森林的主要引导。

    The package calls for paving several Amazonian roads , traditionally the main vectors of destruction .

  16. 作为“基本卫生”一揽子计划的一部分,马拉维已迅速推广了其艾滋病毒治疗。

    Malawi has rapidly expanded its HIV treatment as part of an " essential health " package .

  17. 我们选定了搬迁一揽子计划,资金足够了。

    Man : We decided on a generous relocation package , and that seemed to be enough .

  18. 在这种情况下,我们实施了包括四个方面内容的一揽子计划。

    It is under such tough circumstances that we adopted a stimulus package that has four key components .

  19. 这不是在浪费时间,这很有可能是你个人的一揽子计划呢!

    Its not a total waste of time . It just might be your own personal economic stimulus package .

  20. 包括在欧盟的第三能源一揽子计划面对竞争和贸易展现出的大胆举措。”

    including the bold steps toward competition and trade embodied in the European Union 's Third Energy Package . "

  21. 尽管这一揽子计划起到了预防金融崩溃的作用,然而,事实证明,它有许多方面还是失败了,这并不足为奇。

    While the package helped avoid a financial collapse , many are frustrated by the results & and rightfully so .

  22. 2004年跨国企业曾向美国国会进行过游说,希望国会批准为期一年的税收减免,以此作为促进就业的一揽子计划的一部分。

    Multinationals prevailed on Congress to approve a one-year tax holiday once before , as part of a jobs package in2004 .

  23. 今年以来我国经济运行出现一些积极变化,形势比预料的好,扩内需、保增长的一揽子计划已初见成效。

    Since the beginning of this year , China 's economy has shown positive signs and the situation is better than expected .

  24. 参议院共和党人对一个刺激经济一揽子计划持开放的态度,但是表示减少税款必须是这一计划的重要部分。

    Senate Republicans are open to a stimulus package , but say tax relief must be an essential part of the plan .

  25. 民主党人所制定日程上的首要项目是刺激经济的一揽子计划,通过这一计划可以给越来越多的美国失业者创造就业机会。

    Topping Democrats ' agenda is an economic stimulus plan that will put the growing number of jobless Americans back to work .

  26. 对大湖地区,我们迅速调动了10亿美元的追加援助一揽子计划,为该地区提供帮助。

    In the Great Lakes region , we moved quickly to amass an additional $ 1 billion assistance package to help the region .

  27. 美国官员坚持认为一揽子计划旨在加强双边关系,并帮助巴基斯坦打击塔利班武装分子的嚣张气焰。

    S.officials maintain the aid package is meant to strengthen the bilateral relations and help Pakistan fight its growing insurgency led by Taliban militants .

  28. 政府必须通过一项新的援助一揽子计划,致力改革,从而确保获得国际贷款的下一笔资金。

    The government must approve a new bailout package and commit to reforms in order to secure the next instalment of an international loan .

  29. 中国实施的一揽子计划已初见成效,经济运行出现积极变化,形势比预料的好。

    Firstly , the recent positive signs have shown that the stimulus package of China in tackling the financial crisis has achieved initial results .

  30. 只有大约30%的政府四万亿元($5850亿)基础设施一揽子计划由政府专款支持。

    Only about 30 % of the government 's 4 trillion yuan ( $ 585 billion ) infrastructure package is being funded by the government .