
  • 网络One Body Two Wings;one body with two wings
  1. ‘一体两翼’双核团建模式下高校团学文化建设研究

    The Cultural Development of the Youth League and Student Union in Colleges and Universities : Under the Mode of "' One Body with Two Wings ' in Building the Youth League with Double-core "

  2. 一体两翼,促进湖北区域经济协调发展&对湖北省构建中心、副中心城市的思考

    One Body Two Wings , Promoting the Development Hubei Regional Economy

  3. 一体两翼的诗歌本质论

    On Poetry 's " One Main Part with Two Wings " Nature

  4. 论高校系级档案一体两翼管理模式

    Discussion on the One-body + Two-wings Archives Management Model on Department-level in University

  5. 应对当前高校共青团工作面临的诸多挑战,应积极构建一体两翼,四轮驱动的新时期高校共青团工作运作新模式。

    To deal with many challenges during the work of college communist youth league .

  6. 一体两翼模式与山东海洋产业布局调整研究

    Research on Adjust of Shandong Marine Industrial Distribution Embedded in " One Body Two Wings " Regional Development Model

  7. 当代学校体育对青少年人格塑造的路径应是一体两翼。

    Contemporary physical education to the young people personality shaped the path should be " one body two wings " .

  8. 这部分内容把农村承包地流转中相关配套制度简括为一体两翼。

    This part of the circulation of rural contracted land relative systems summarized as " a body , two wings " .

  9. 这两个三螺旋创新模型共同构成了科普产业协同创新发展生态系统的一体两翼。

    Those two triple-helix innovation models form the " One Body Two Wings " collaborative innovation ecosystem of the popular science industry .

  10. 论建立健全社会信用体系的一体两翼结构一种新型浮升一体化排式飞翼的设计与研究

    " A Body and Two Wings " Construction for the Establishment and Perfection of Social Credit System ; DESIGN AND RESEARCH FOR A NEW TYPE BUOYANCY-LIFTING ROW FLYING-WINGS

  11. 本文以定远县为研究案例,采取一体两翼的框架进行深度解剖。

    This paper takes Ding yuan County as a case and use the framework of " one body two wings " in order to do the in-depth analysis .

  12. 在成功经营的同时,安利(中国)还积极履行企业公民的社会责任,采用“一体两翼”的模式开展公益活动,积极回馈社会。

    Business aside , ACCL gives back to the society generously , and implements its corporate social responsibility with one platform of volunteer and two focuses of children and environmental protection .

  13. 选择的这些模式包括:作为一体两翼扶贫模式的整村推进模式、产业化扶贫模式、劳动力转移模式;科技扶贫模式、文化扶贫模式等。

    The selection includes poverty-relief pattern of advancing for a whole village as " a body with two wings ", industrialized pattern , labor-transferred pattern , scientific pattern , cultural pattern and rural tourism pattern .

  14. 完善阿坝州民族文化走廊工程,加快大九寨旅游区建设是深化和实现一体两翼经济发展战略的迫切需要。

    Accomplishing the project , ' the national cultural corridor ' in Aba Autonomous Prefecture , as well as speeding the building of the great Jiuzhaigou tourist areas is indispensable for deepening and realizing the economic development stratagem .

  15. 由于中国民族院校人才培养的特殊性,决定了中国民族院校人才培养模式的最佳构建应是多元化,而且应是一体两翼地构建民族院校多元化人才培养模式。

    The speciality of personnel training in Chinese colleges for nationalities determines that the best pattern for training personnel in these colleges should be one of diversity and one that trains talents with focus on one major aspect and due attention to two minor aspects .

  16. 这三个核心可以归结为一体两翼,即以中小企业为主体,以文化制度机制、社会网络为两翼的特色产业集群模式。

    This " three cores " can be summarized as " Two Wings " of the characteristics of industrial clusters model , namely " to take small and medium enterprises as the main mechanism , the culture-systems mechanisms and social network for the two wings " .

  17. 在此基础上构造了课程体系,提出了一体、两翼、三基的知识框架和环境工程的专业课主线以及专业建设的三条基本原则。

    The knowledge frame " one body , two wings , three foundations ", the direction of specialized course environmental engineering and three basic principles of the construction of the specialised course are stated .