
  1. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(ChinaFoodandDrugAdministration)在临床试验监管方面行动缓慢,往往被认为是另一个障碍。

    Slow-paced regulation of clinical trials by the China Food and Drug Administration is often cited as another obstacle .

  2. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局宣布,已加速审批通过了抗流感新药帕拉米韦氯化钠注射液(Peramivir),这种药是由美国上市生物技术公司BioCrystPharmaceuticals研发的。

    China 's Food and Drug Administration said it had fast-tracked approval for intravenous anti-influenza drug Peramivir , developed by US-listed biotechnology firm BioCryst Pharmaceuticals .

  3. 微芯生物科技有限公司(Chipscreen)研发的治疗淋巴瘤新药西达本胺(Chidamide)最近获得了中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)的批准。

    Meanwhile Chipscreen , recently received Chinese FDA approval for Chidamide , a novel treatment for lymphoma .

  4. 国家食品药品监督管理总局称,正在建立疫苗从生产到使用的全程追溯制度。

    The CFDA said a system was being set up to track vaccines from production to use .

  5. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局周二部署各地彻查上海福喜供货的餐厅。

    China 's Food and Drug Administration ordered nationwide checks Tuesday of restaurants that Shanghai Husi supplied .

  6. 国家食品药品监督管理总局在一份声明中表示,帕拉米韦是一种新型的抗流感病毒药物,现有临床试验数据证明其对甲型和乙型流感有效。

    Peramivir is in medical trials to prove its effectiveness against type-A and type-B influenza , the administration said in a statement .

  7. 不过,中国的国家食品药品监督管理总局称,接种涉案疫苗不会对受种者带来常规不良反应以外的安全性风险。

    The China Food and Drug Administration said , however , that the vaccines posed no greater than the normal risk to patients .

  8. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局表示,当地监管机构要担负起提高乳制品公司安全与管理的全部责任。

    The China Food and Drug Administration says local supervisory bodies must take full responsibility for helping milk firms improve their safety and management .

  9. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局本月表示,供应短缺是“暂时性的”,是“工作衔接”造成的,并表示“我国疫苗生产能力可满足市场需求”。

    The supply shortage is " temporary " and caused by " work integration issues , " the China Food and Drug Administration said this month , adding that " national production can meet market demand . "